Natural Health Remedies
For Your Body and Mind

Margie Garrison
"The Arthritis Lady"
The information contained on this site is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only.  The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.  Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.  Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read.

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The Odoriferous Herb - Garlic Is Mother Nature's Pungent Cure-All

I don't know about you, but one of my very favorite aromas is garlic wafting through a kitchen, especially when it's in a great tomato sauce or stir fried with some vegetables. Whether it's in a pan with olive oil or roasting in the oven, the smell of garlic sets my appetite on overdrive!

While not everyone shares my predilection for this odoriferous herb, there can be no denying that its appeal extends far beyond its smell or taste.

Time and again, garlic has come through as one of the most versatile healing herbs known to humans.

The value of garlic (Allium sativum) has been recognized since ancient Egypt, when slaves went on strike to increase their garlic rations. In the 1950s, the great Albert Schweitzer, M.D., used garlic in his African clinic to treat dysentery, typhus and cholera.

During the Second World War, garlic was used as a disinfectant for wounds and as protection against gangrene in injured soldiers.

Now, research is showing that it protects against two of the most dreaded diseases of our time: heart disease and cancer.

Some have even argued that since our ancestors ate a diet rich in a variety of plants and herbs now missing in modern diets, we should consider phytonutrient-rich plants such as garlic to be essential nutrients!

I think this is a great idea, and you can easily incorporate into your own personal diet plan just by taking aged garlic supplements.

Garlic Basics

Garlic is a member of the lily family. Its genus (Allium) also includes onions. When a clove of garlic is crushed or chewed, an odorless sulfur-containing compound, alliin, is transformed to allicin, which gives garlic its characteristic odor. Allicin is the element of garlic that has been most intensively studied and which appears to have the most medicinal value. Allicin naturally breaks down to other compounds, including daily sulfide and ajoene, which are thought to have unique healing effects on the body.

Garlic Keeps Your Blood Vessels Clear

While early studies on the heart-protective effects of garlic showed that garlic supplementation tended to decrease "bad" LDL cholesterol and raise "good" HDL, more recent research has conflicted with those results.

Whether garlic affects blood cholesterol levels or not, it still dramatically reduces the buildup of plaque (the fatty deposits that clog blood vessels) in the arteries.

In one study from the journal Atherosclerosis, 152 subjects had the amount of plaque in two major arteries measured, and then took garlic powder for 48 months. The results showed that the growth of the plaques was slowed by five to 18 percent, and that in some subjects the plaques actually became smaller.

Several studies on non-human subjects show the same trend. It appears that garlic protects the heart by way of its potent antioxidant effects. Oxidized LDL, not just LDL, is what causes plaques to grow. In study after study garlic has shown itself to be a superior preventative against LDL oxidation. Garlic also protects against clogged blood vessels by decreasing the tendency of blood to clump or clot.

Garlic Protects Against Infections Of All Kinds

Whether you want to stave off bacterial, viral, fungal, or parasitic infections, garlic is good protection. Garlic has been shown in test-tube studies and animal studies to be deadly to Helicobacter pylori, the bacteria that causes ulcers, and to the dreaded food-borne bacteria Salmonella, E. coli, Staphylococcus and Listeria.

Bacteria do not develop resistance to garlic-a good reason to favor garlic over antibiotics!

Phytochemicals in garlic are also effective at stopping cold, flu and herpes viruses in their tracks. The growth of Candida albicans, the fungal yeast that causes vaginal yeast infections and intestinal candidiasis, is slowed by garlic. Garlic kills parasites such as Giardia and Entamoeba, both common causes of chronic diarrhea.

Cancer Prevention With Garlic

Studies on gastrointestinal, colon, and breast cancer show that in populations that consume more garlic, cancer risk is significantly lower. It appears that phytochemicals in garlic interfere with the growth of several kinds of cancer cells.

Garlic is also rich in selenium, the cancer-fighting mineral, and in sulfur, which supports the detoxification process. Several studies have shown that carcinogenic chemicals are detoxified more efficiently throughout the body when garlic is added to the mix. It also helps control the production of free radicals, which have been strongly implicated as a cause of cancer.

Can Garlic Prevent "Senior Moments?"

One interesting study in the journal Experimental Gerontology described the effects of garlic extract on learning and memory impairment in aging mice. Mice specially bred to age more rapidly than their normal counterparts were used.

About half of the mice were fed a 2 percent garlic diet for eight to nine months. It was found that the garlic-supplemented mice better retained their ability to learn and remember than their counterparts who didn't consume garlic.

I believe that everyone can benefit from adding garlic to their diets. Cook with it whenever you can. Fresh and powdered are both beneficial. I also recommend you take supplemental garlic. The aged garlic extracts, containing at least 0.6 percent allium, have been the most thoroughly studied.

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Common Causes of Indigestion

The almost universal state of the digestive tract of man is septic. Like septic tank. It putrefies in our digestive track and intestines.

Bloating, gas, rumbling in the abdomen, discomfort, foul stools, a foul breath and coated tongue. And constipation.

On a personal note. My husband, Warren, had all those symptoms. He ate breath mints and roll aids by the barrel because of his breath. He would not eat raw fruit. As most of you know, he finally got stomach cancer and died. His oncologist said it was due to all those ant- acids he was taking and the ulcer medications he was eating and drinking.

I miss him, even after 11 years and am still angry that he did not take better care of himself. He robbed us of many good years.

Indigestion may be due to a variety of causes. Eating when emotionally upset, when fatigued, when out of sorts, when in pain and fever. When there is severe inflammation, immediately before engaging in physical work or intense mental activity, when cold, etc., may result in a failure to efficiently digest the food eaten.

Overeating is also a frequent cause of indigestion. Anything that lowers the powers of life or that places too great a burden upon the digestive organs may result in delayed digestion and fermentation and putrefaction of the food eaten.

Simply put... eat wrong and your health and your body suffer. It leads to all kinds of diseases, including cancer of the stomach and colon cancer.

There is the long told story of the rich and powerful king who was ill. He ate and ate. He drank and drank. He ate huge meals of 7 to 12 courses. He died in his 30's. His subjects, who did not have access to his food and drink, but ate simple foods and not much of that, were in great health.

Get it?

No really healthy people result from wrong eating.

Do not eat starches and proteins at the same time. Physicians will deny this. Ask them about their health. And their eating habits. Doctors die young.

Digestion should not be an uncomfortable process, this is not natural.

A large vegetable salad, composed of uncooked vegetables, lettuce, cucumber, celery, tomatoes, etc two non-starchy vegetable and a protein, eaten together will digest easily and without the production of discomfort.

If bread or potatoes or mil or sugar or fruit is added to this meal, there will be retarded digestion and discomfort.

The makers of Alka seltzer and Roll-ads will laugh all the way to the bank while you eat like the rich king.

Acids interfere with starch digestion. It is that simple. Correct overeating and make your digestion tract weep for joy.

Fruits are best eaten alone. And one fruit per meal.

Proper food combining does not cause digestive problems. Vinegar retards digestion. The so called wonder drug, "Apple cider vinegar" contains both acetic acid and alcohol and is unfit for use, not alone because it impairs digestion, but because it contains these two virulent poisons

All acids destroy salivary amylase, the starch splitting enzyme in the saliva, and thus arrest starch digestion in the mouth and stomach.

Acids inhibit the secretion of gastric juice; hence they suspend or retard protein digestion in the stomach. These fruits should not be eaten with protein foods, such as eggs, flesh, cheese, nuts, etc. Pineapples, grapefruit, oranges, tangerines, lemons, limes, tomatoes, grapes, apples, peaches, cherries etc.

Nuts and cheese combine better with green vegetables. You can get lovely place mats with the right combination on them from some health food stores. One of my readers sent me a lovely set. Thanks again.

Baking soda destroys pepsin and retards gastric digestion. Many drugs both acids and alkaline, have been used with which to reduce weight because they retard digestion. Bad idea.

Tea, coffee and condiments cause indigestion. Nature doe not mix foods. Man does. Who is in better shape? Animals who eat what nature gives them or man who eats what he wants, when he wants it?

Since the advent of sugar becoming easy to get our health has deteriorated.

Mono meals are best. Be content with one dish at a meal. It is hard to do. But, do the best you can.

Note: Sherry Brescia new book, Great Taste No Pain, shows how you can eliminate the pain from stomach problems almost instantly by removing the real cause instead of just treating symptoms!  For detailed information about Sherry's book Click Here

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Billion Dollar Hoax - Part IV - The Real Facts About Your Pills & Tablets

If your home is like most, your cupboard is filled with mineral and vitamin pills or tablets.  Unfortunately, the majority of these products were made in the exact opposite fashion appropriate for the body.  In fact, their engineering is specifically designed for bottom dollar profit, not better health!

To understand this dilemma, let’s you and I do a quick exercise.  Let’s suppose we decide to go into business together.  In fact, we decide to go into the traditional supplement business to sell tablets and pills.

Well, let’s get at it!

First off, let’s pick a product how about a calcium supplement?  Next we need raw materials to make the product with.  Since we are in business our goal is to turn a profit, right? So we want to buy low cost raw materials. How about the number 1 used ingredient in most calcium supplements and fortunately it’s one of the cheapest you can find too, calcium carbonate, the blackboard chalk we talked about earlier!

Second, we need machines to put the product together.  The traditional machine used to make supplement tablets is called, appropriately, a “tablet press.”  These machines use intense pressure and heat to form the tablet.  A very dense packed tablet is now formed think about the last time you tried to cut one in half it’s packed so tight you can barely break it.  Just maybe this wasn’t the form nature had in mind for our body to liberate nutrients from, but never mind, we’re in business!

Now, we also need materials to help the machine run smoothly and substances to help GLUE the tablet together so it keeps its shape.  In fact, as we learn our new business, we now know that on average, 50% of the tablet isn’t even nutrient! It’s filled with glues (like povidone or some type of sugar) and other substances called flow agents.  These flow agents are substances used to help the powders run smoothly through the machinethings like magnesium stearate or calcium stearate.

In addition, we learn that the majority of pill, tablet, and capsule manufacturers have standardized molds for their supplements with specific size requirements.  Simply put, in order to have a standard size tablet, other things beside nutrients will need to be added to fill up the space.

These other things, known as excipients, act as insoluble binders, lubricants, colorants, preservatives, and flavoring agents, which are mainly intended to help the machinery last a long time and run better.  These also aid in the preservation of the tablet.

Now, these fillers may help the machines run more smoothly and help to keep water out of the product, but are not designed to benefit human cells and tissues.

In fact, they can actually be harmful to the body since the majority of these fillers are derived from sugars, starches, yeast, or powders that the consumer is unaware of.  The result, as recent studies have shown, is these substances are used so frequently so many products, that people are actually developing allergies and food intolerances to these components.

And if that wasn’t enough, many of these ingredients interfere with digestion because they are not watersoluble they actually bind and help glue the product together making it nearly impossible for the body to use.  Substances like magnesium stearate, calcium stearate, and stearic acid, are all wax like substance that coat nutrients, making them virtually insoluble in water.  What’s worse, these substances actually interfere with the normal digestive process.  To see it for yourself, crush a tablet of empty a capsule with a stearate ingredient into a glass of water, stir vigorously, and watch the nutrients float to the top, undissolved.

Now let’s get back to business.  We have another issue to address in the making of our product, it’s the shelf life.  Now, do we want our products to last a little or along time on the store shelf?  As long as possible, right?  One of the things in food science to ensure this happens is to keep water out.  That’s why candy bars are wrapped and cereals are sealed to keep moisture out.  Tablet manufacturers often coat the outside of their tablets with shellac or waxsubstances like hydroxypropyl methycellulose and that’s why so many tablets or pills have a shiny look to them when you pull them out!

And so finally we’re finished.  We’ve created a product with a cheap raw material, we’ve run it through a pressing machine with glue and other substances, and then coated it with wax to further keep water out! Congratulations!  Our potential customers can now buy a cheap, halfnutrient, condensed, pressed, glued, and waxed over tablet with a three to five year shelf life.  Get this, our customers might even believe it’s going to help them because we also put some great commercials on TV and wrapped the product in a pretty pink label.

Don’t believe it. Well let’s go through the label of one of America’s bestselling supplements to drive the point home... if you’ve got one at home, grab it right now off your shelf and look for yourself.

What’s in my Calcium Supplement?

  1. First ingredient, Calcium carbonate, well we know that’s blackboard chalk or bathtub scum, insoluble in water.

  1. Second ingredient, Maltodextrina type of sugar that gets sticky when wet and helps GLUE the product together.

  1. Third ingredient: Cellulosethis is a common, NONnutritive filler to help take up space.

  1. Fourth Ingredient: Soy Polysaccharides—another sticky substance to help hold it all together.

  1. My favorite ingredient, number five: Hydroxymethyl proppyl cellulosea waxy coating agent to keep water out.

  1. Number six: corn starchanother filler/binder.

  1. Number seven: Vitamin Dthat’s all it saysVitamin D – technically by law they need to tell you what type of vitamin D it is because there are different forms to pick form. I hope they picked a good one.

  1. Anyway, ingredient number eight: Polyethylene glycol. WOW! Isn’t ethylene glycol in antifreeze? What is its related compound doing in my supplement?

Polyethylene glycol (PEG) is a, waxy solid that is used extensively in the cosmetic and toiletry industry!  Did you know that it is used to stabilize types of wood to keep it from cracking, splitting or shrinking?

Here they are, one of the top selling calcium products in the countrypromising hope to every consumer who’s seen their ad on TV, in the magazines or in the newspapers. And unfortunately the same product Grandma Ray has been WASTING her money on for the last 30 years, because she simply didn’t know.

Other common ingredients you may find are povidone, magnesium stearate, stearic acid, triacetin, calcium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose, or titanium dioxide!

And don’t forget your FD&C artificial colorants!  And these are just the top of the list!

Now, this information is not meant to describe ALL pills or tablets as not of value.  Some manufacturers and tablets designs are better than others; the challenge is finding those of value.  However, and this is important, no matter the form of the pill or tablet, no matter who makes it, DIGESTION is absolutely required to start the nutrients on their way to being used.

Ionic Minerals and a Cell-Ready Design

A key component to minerals being bio available to the body requires cells and tissues to recognize them as nutrients.  When you go to your brother or sister’s house and ring the doorbell, most likely they go to the door and look out the window first to see who it is.  Then, by seeing you and recognizing you, the door quickly swings open for you to enter. This same principle applies inside the body.  The key phrase to remember is “recognizable physical characteristics” or a cellready design.

If it can, digestion is the process that helps our bodies recognizes what we put into it as nutrients.  Realize that the digestive process is complicated, with literally thousands of functions and requirements to run smoothly.  And one of the main goals of digestion is liberate minerals.  During this process, mineral particles, which are polar substances, are then activated to an ionic form.  This ionization process is essential, not only for absorption, but for the assimilation of minerals into the cells. It is that absorption, but for the assimilation of minerals into the cells. It is that ionic or polar charge on the particle that helps our cells recognize things as nutrients.

Without this ionization process occurring, there is no way a mineral particle will ever be efficiently allowed into the cells of the body.  Simply put, it is not cell-ready!

As Professors Rosenberg and Solomons of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, known as MIT, concluded, after numerous studies on mineral absorption in humans:

“The mechanical process of mastication, dissolution, dispersion and often digestion are important preparative steps to absorption.  At the conclusion of this process, minerals generally emerge as charged ions.”

Unfortunately, the majority of tablets, pills and chelated products are not designed to be easily digested.  Remember talking about the ingredients and how these products are made?  And even colloidal products, despite having mineral particles suspended in liquid, are simply putting ROCKS into our bodies.  Remember what happens to the swallowed copper penny?

The single biggest challenge in ionizing either tablet, pill, chelated or colloidal mineral products, is the fact their mineral ingredients, again, crushed up rocks, are not soluble.  They human body cannot efficiently ionize things that are not soluble it is impossible!  And rocks are not soluble as we discussed earlier. In short, tablets, pills, chelated and colloidal mineral products, no matter how hard the body may work on them, are not in a cell-ready design.

Don’t Be Fooled By Products Labeled As Ionic

Many powders, chelated and colloidal products parade themselves as ionic, but as we’ve learned, are not.  The crushed rock used as ingredients in these products cannot be digested nor ionized by the body.  That too, is worth repeating Insoluble rocks cannot be digested nor ionized by the body. Ironically, the term ionic has been so heavily manipulated, misused and cleverly exploited by nutritional marketers, that most people consuming products labeled as ionic are simply consuming advertising pixie dust.

Unfortunately, the challenge of ionization not only depends on what we put into our bodies, it also depends on our body’s digestive ability.  Remember, the digestive process helps to ionize the products we put into our bodies.  How many of you have ever run across a good organic supplement that worked will for you, only to find after introducing it to a friend, that it didn’t work for them?”  You give it to another friend to try, and the same thing happens. What’s another friend to try, and the same thing happens.  What’s going on?  Why did it work for you, but not for them?

Even if we have a terrific organic supplement, most people’s bodies and specifically their delicate digestive systems, are not in the best condition for ionization to take place.  Just look at what we put into our bodies, a couple cups of coffee and a jelly doughnut for breakfast, preservativeladen and hormone induced fast foods for lunch.  A twinkie for an afternoon snack so full of preservatives it has a shelf life of three years!

Now don’t forget the colas, dews, and other soft drinks and the microwave dinner, and it’s no wonder the “soldiers” in our digestive system are under so much stress.  They’re working overtime, all the time becoming exhausted, and eventually breaking down.  Add to that the natural process of aging and genetics even if we were getting nutrient rich food or appropriate supplements, those tattered soldiers in our digestive system are having an awful time trying to ionize those nutrients and make them cell-ready.  It is much easier for the body to just send them “right on out.”

What’s worse, many times we introduce a product to someone when they’re feeling ill, or have some preexisting health condition a signal that their body is already not working properly.  How about people taking medications or going through therapy?

As a matter of fact, the more medications a person consumes, the more likely their body is out of balance.

When it comes to mineral supplementation, unless what you put into your body is already in the correct particle size, already water soluble, and immediately cell-ready - requiring no work from your digestive system - chances are you will never achieve the degree of health you are looking for!

A Breakthrough in Technology

But what if there was an alternative?  A breakthrough!  A mineral supplement having the correct particle size, already watersoluble, and immediately cell-ready.

What if it had such a powerful ionic charge before it entered your body… that it required no digestion?

Then the full potential of the minerals and their positive effects could be experienced within the body.  For example:

  • Magnesium is the body’s work horse mineral. It is critical for ease of joint movement, steady functioning of the cardiovascular system, proper sugar balance, healthy bones, longterm mental clarity and is involved in 300 plus enzyme systems in the body. And most importantly, without proper concentrations of magnesium in the body, calcium supplementation is virtually useless.

  • Copper is the handyman because it is needed by all tissues for many reasons. It plays a central role in promoting normal cardiovascular health and circulation, and formation and maintenance of strong bones.

  • Chromium is the body’s balancer. It helps promote healthy sugar levels in the body.

  • Zinc is the potency mineral. It is critical to the formation and activity of enzymes in the cells that support the maintenance of a healthy immune system. It is critical to the formation and activity of enzymes in the cells that support the maintenance of a healthy immune system. It is also involved in many chemical reactions in the brain and central nervous system and helps support hormone production and sex drive. Zinc also promotes healthy prostate function and is important for the proper maintenance of the male reproductive system.

  • Manganese is the quiet helper. It is an essential part of enzymes necessary for the metabolism of proteins and fat.

Remember, when it comes to minerals, the benefits are many.  But when it comes to mineral supplementation, it needs to be in the right design for use by our bodies. It must be in the correct particle size, it must be water soluble, and must be immediately cell-ready, requiring no work form your digestive system.

What if all this potential could be harnessed?  How would your health be different?

How would living your life be different?  What if you could take the preexisting condition of your body out of the wellness equation?

Just as John F. Kennedy believed America’s future could be astonishingly different, and led our country to a new frontier in space, a different kind of company is leading our nation to a new frontier in wellness.

That company is the Eniva Corporation.  You may not have heard of them before, but most certainly will.  Because in its Class 10,000 research and development facility along with an in-house team of biochemist’s engineers, and award-winning scientists, breakthroughs in nutritional wellness are everyday occurrences.

There is an astonishing wellness alternative. It’s happening right now.  Things other said couldn’t be done are being done, while changing lives by the thousand.

I hope you have found this information both helpful and informative.  In closing, remember that proper nutrition for your body is not like taking antibiotics something that you do for two weeks and then stop.  It is a lifelong, daily commitment to achieve better health and a vibrant lifestyle.  So go through your shelves and countertops and see what you’ve got.

  • Are they in the correct particle size?
  • Are they water soluble?
  • Are they ionic?
  • Are they cell-ready?

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Drug Delusion - Part 2 - How the organisms treat drugs in the body?

Drugs, or medicines if you will, are said to be laxative, antibiotic, tranquilizer, stimulant, steroid, emetic, cathartic, or have other special properties.

Let it be distinctly understood that these describe body reactions to drugs and are not the properties of drugs.

Drugs do not act. They only have capability of making chemical combinations that interfere with or destroy vital body processes.

All the actions are those of the living organisms. If drugs acted in the human body they would act in dead bodies as well as living ones.

By changing the general name of drug substances and calling them medicines, victim’s qualms are put at rest. And the pharmacological and treating professions imagine they are scientific.

Many, many years ago all large bottles of drugs were taken to the drug stores and had the skull and crossbow on them Marked poison. Today you don’t see that but the drugs have not changed.

By this hocus pocus it changes its nature from a death-dealing agent to that of a life- restoring agent. It has become a healing substance.

Was ever any superstition more absurd?

The whole practice of giving poisons under the guise of medicines to cure disease is an outrage upon the human body. It deserves to be roundly and emphatically condemned.

Of course if you do not question the physicians they patronize, they you will never get off the cycle of drugs. And for heavens sake, read the long paper that by law has to come with every drug. You might just take the drug back and say no and start taking charge of our health yourself. Then with the doctors guidance you have a team.

It does not matter that taking a poison called medicine may feel better for it. Opium and marijuana users among other drug takers feel better. They really just don’t feel pain.

The tobacco smoker feels better after a cigarette, the coffee drinker feels better.

The headache sufferer feels better after aspire. The disturbed person feels better after a tranquilizer etc.

All this is illusory. What is true is that the strength and energy exhibited upon taking tonics and stimulants represents a draft upon the reserves of the body, that, rather than giving energy and strength, the substances cause the body to summon its remaining resources to expel the offenders.

Do drugs save lives? The common view is that deadly drugs serve a life-saving end. It would seem apparent that lives have been saved by the drug penicillin. Blood transfusions are credited with countless lives saved. Intravenous feeding is credited with life-saving virtues.

Complied statistics by the defenders of these practices would seem to bear out the contentions. But, if their reasoning is followed to the logical end - if their premises are examined and the alternatives considered, their argument land in a quaking bog that quickly swallows them up.

A simple truth that over the last hundred years or so at any time around the world that doctors go on strike, the hospitals have less patients and the death rate goes down.

Years and years ago a doctor friend told me if you want to stay well stay out of the hospital.

Over 400,000 die each year from either the wrong drug given or by misdiagnosing the problem.

I am 81 Due to an accident I had two spinal operations and a hip replacement and let me tell you I wish I had never stepped foot in the place. These were spread over 6 years and today although in great health I have limited motion in my back due to the two operations that ultimately fused 4 vertebra in my lower spine, muscles were cut and I have constant pain across my lower back from one side to the under and a constant feeling of numbness.
I can only stand for 8 minutes at a time and can only walk about 50 feet before having to stop. And then I pay the price later.

I know the doctors did the best they could with what they know but I should have passed.

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Natural Health Experts

Meet the experts and read eye-opening articles that will help you become and stay healthy.

Acid Reflux


Alternative Medicine


Back Pain

Blood Pressure


Dance & Movement Therapist

Feng Shui


Heart Health


Holistic Health

Ingredient Safety




Weight Loss

More To Come!!!

How to Save You Own Life  During A Heart Attack

What you do during the early moments of a heart attack can mean the difference between life and death.

If you're having a heart attack and there's no one around to perform CPR on you, do the following:

Immediately take a deep breath and cough twice, as hard as you can.

Wait a couple of second, take another deep breath, and again cough twice.  This will contract your diaphragm, compressing the heart and causing it to pump.

It's a simple form of self-CPR.

Keep re[eating the process until you heart begins to beat normally (or help arrives).

Once your heart has stabilized, chew and swallow one aspirin.

Then take two cayenne pepper capsules or a tablespoon to Tabasco sauce.  The aspirin will thin the blood and prevent platelets from sticking...  While the Tabasco or cayenne will dilate your blood vessels so that blood can flow freely.

This simple technique can dramatically increase your chances of survival.

Please share this life-saving procedure with your friend and loved one.  It can save their lives!

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For those of us that have bathing suits, perfume, saddles, or neck ties older than most people, I heartily recommend this piece - if you have already read it - enjoy it again.  As a dear friend told me, "Life is not a dress rehearsal - you do not get do overs".  Enjoy, and may blue skies grace your travels. - Janie Blue

George Carlin's View on Aging

Do you realize that the only time in our lives when we like to get old is when we're kids? If you're less than 10 years old, you're so excited about aging that you think in fractions.

"How old are you?" "I'm four and a half!" You're never thirty-six and a half. You're four and a half, going on five! That's the key.

You get into your teens, now they can't hold you back. You jump to the next number, or even a few ahead. "How old are you?" "I'm gonna be 16!" You could be 13, but hey, you're gonna be 16!

And then the greatest day of your life... You become 21. Even the words sound like a ceremony . . . YOU BECOME 21. YESSSS!!!

But then you turn 30. Oooohh, what happened there? Makes you sound like bad milk. He TURNED; we had to throw him out. There's no fun now, you're just a sour-dumpling. What's wrong? What's changed?

You BECOME 21, you TURN 30, then you're PUSHING 40. Whoa! Put on the brakes, it's all slipping away. Before you know it, you REACH 50 ... and your dreams are gone.

But wait!!! You MAKE it to 60. You didn't think you would! So you BECOME 21, TURN 30, PUSH 40, REACH 50 and MAKE it to 60.

You've built up so much speed that you HIT 70! After that it's a day-by-day thing; you HIT Wednesday!

You get into your 80s and every day is a complete cycle; you HIT lunch; you TURN 4:30; you REACH bedtime. And it doesn't end there.

Into the 90s, you start going backwards; "I Was JUST 92."

Then a strange thing happens. If you make it over 100, you become a little kid again. "I'm 100 and a half!"

May you all make it to a healthy 100 and a half!!


  1. Throw out nonessential numbers. This includes age, weight and height. Let the doctors worry about them. That is why you pay them.

  1. Keep only cheerful friends. The grouches pull you down.

  1. Keep learning. Learn more about the computer, crafts, gardening, whatever. Never let the brain idle. "An idle mind is the devil's workshop." And the devil's name is Alzheimer's.

  1. Enjoy the simple things.

  1. Laugh often, long and loud. Laugh until you gasp for breath.

  1. The tears happen. Endure, grieve, and move on. The only person who is with us our entire life, is ourselves. Be ALIVE while you are alive.

  1. Surround yourself with what you love, Whether it's family, pets, keepsakes, music, plants, hobbies, whatever. Your home is your refuge.

  1. Cherish your health: If it is good, preserve it. If it is unstable, improve it. If it is beyond what you can improve, get help.

  1. Don't take guilt trips. Take a trip to the mall, even to the next county; to a foreign country but NOT to where the guilt is.

  1. Tell the people you love that you love them, at every opportunity.


Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

Do share this with someone. We all need to live life to its fullest each day.

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The Drug Delusion - Part 1 - Are the benefits what the medical world claims?

Drugs are credited with benefits that are spurious and wholly the figment of unthinking acceptance of appearances.

Because the drug delusion is so easily demonstrated and proven to be poor and flimsy fiction, the practice off drug medication would seem an easy target to destroy.

But those looking for the Magic of “Cure” sustain it.

Because humans insist on indulging perverted practices and refuse to recognize their sufferings to be the results of their own flaunting the laws of life-because they believe that the human body, like mechanical contrivances, can be “fixed up”.

Because they believe that they have been invaded by devils of some sort, germs, viruses, they believe in drugs.

Americans are pitifully exploited for sticking with these beliefs. There is BILLIONS AND BILLIONS OF DOLLARS at stake in keeping us believing that drugs cure. So we not only pay economically but more tragically, physically.

We are led to be unconcerned about our way of life. The television urges us to overeat and don’t worry the gas and side effects can be over come with this drug or that drug. Go ahead and indulge all the causes of disease and suffering. These “NEW” drugs will five you relief.

They keep telling us they are on the verge of a cure for cancer. So why should you worry about this now. The medical profession hasn’t cured anything. They don’t even have a cure for the common cold.

They hide the side effects of the drugs way back in the last pages of their literature that tells you what these side effects are. Some are much worse than what you are taking the drug for.

Have you even read the literature that the pharmacist has to give you? Most have not or they did not read far. The print is too small. They just take the drug and when they have side effects the doctor assures them that they have a drug to overcome the side effects. Sound familiar?

I was led down that path for 43 years.

Then a few years after a new miracle drug hits the market they “discover ? “ that there are more deaths from taking the drug than they factored in. They pay off some law suits and continue on.

Your health issues come from the lack of care you have given to your body. To the way you eat and live. To the fact that you are not giving your immune system the minerals and nutrients needed to keep your cells healthy so they can destroy unhealthy cells.

We do not want to admit that they way we have treated our own bodies is wrong.

It is known that giving a healthy person drugs you can make them quite sick. We are fed the allusion that if we give a drug that makes a well person sick, will, if given to a person who is sick, that they will be restored to health.

Dr. James Jackson observed: Is it not monstrous in the sphere of physical life to tell a an in health that what will make him sick when well, will make him well when sick, as it is in the sphere of moral life of meant to say that what will make a holy man unholy, will make a depraved man pure?

There is a deadly and irrepressible antagonism between vital instincts of the living body and poisons. The antagonism of the living organism to the presence of poisons is absolute and not relative.

That is, it makes no difference by whom or how poisons are given, nor at what time of day or night they are administered, to whom they are given, or the condition of the person taking them – the poisonous character of medicines is not affected by circumstances.

As soon as a drug is taken the powers of life, such as they may be, devote themselves to the task of expelling the poisons.

There is too much more to say on this subject for this week so I will continue in next week’s newsletter.

Am I too vehement? To judgmental? Too naïve? I think not. I have studied this for 27 years. The conclusion is irrefutable. Give the body what it needs and your body will repair itself.

Is this 100%? No, some people wait too long and make it too hard for the body to respond. We are all different.

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The Billion Dollar Hoax - Part I - What Really Causes Disease?

Everywhere you turn you hear or see the evidence of disease in our society.  Heart disease, autoimmune disease, bone disease, gum disease. What is with this word “disease”? It’s actually become a common phrase, a normal word in our everyday vocabulary.  As common as it is, there’s seems to be a lack of understanding on what disease really means what actually causes it.

Is it stress? Is our environment making us sick?  If someone could just develop the right immunizations, would we be disease free?  Can we blame disease on lack of sleep, a virus, or something we’ve inherited?

The information on this book is intended to explain some simple concepts that seem to be overlooked, forgotten, or intentionally neglected in today’s world of health awareness.  This information may shock, or even anger you. But it is a message that must be heard.

What I am now about to share with you, will forever change your understanding of what causes disease.

So let’s begin… but first, the following information is not intended to treat, diagnose, or cure any disease. In addition, its foundation is not based upon clever advertising phrases or incomplete truths, but rather is based upon fact, award winning scientific principles, and years of scientific research.

What if someone were to tell you that the vitamin and mineral supplements that you’ve so faithfully purchased and depended on for over the last 10 years to support the health of your body, have not been helping you, and in fact, may actually be harming you?

Would you feel, disappointed, betrayed, and even outraged?

I wouldn’t blame you.  The truth is many of the vitamin and mineral supplements sitting in your cupboards or gym bag most likely ARE NOT doing to your body what you indeed believe them to be doing. In reality, you may have been neglecting your body’s very needs for decades, even though persuasive advertising may have convinced you otherwise.

Dr. Linus Pauling, one of the most decorated and applauded scientists of this century, and two time winner of The Nobel Prize, repeatedly stated in his works,  “Every ailment, every sickness, and every disease can be traced... to a MINERAL DEFICIENCY”.

America: The Country of Abundance

America has long been known as t the nation of abundance.  We are fortunate to live in a country where food is readily available and plentiful and of course, able to provide the essential nutrition to keep our bodies healthy. Now, if this were not the case, we would’ve certainly heard about it, right?

If I were to read you the following quote, when would you say it was written?

“The alarming fact is the foods, fruits, vegetables, and grains now being raised on millions of acres of land in this country no longer contain enough certain needed minerals and are starving us, no matter how much of them we eat.”

Would you say 1992? 1983? 1976? The answer is shockingly, 1936! And who would you say compiled this information? Would you say local FFA members, a county extension agent, or environmental activists?  Actually, these findings were presented to Congress in a study called US Senate Document 264, at the 74th congress. In other words, we’ve been consuming foods unable to meet the nutritional needs of our bodies for over 6 decades!

Do Fertilizers Help?

Don’t fertilizers add to the nutritive value of our food? Actually, fertilizers make matters worse.  At the end of WWII, there was a surplus of bomb making materials including nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorous.  Since it was known these components were the main ingredients needed for growing large and plentiful crops, this surplus of chemicals made its way into the agricultural fertilizing realm for the first time.

And this continues today, unfortunately fertilizers being applied in record high quantities are not fortified with the other micronutrients needed by the soil. Yields may look great on the outside, but are nutrient poor on the inside.

Even recently, the results of the 1992 Earth Summit confirm this startling information:

Its statistics revealed that the farmland in North America were 85% nutrient deplete.  And to make matters worse, the farmlands specifically in America showed the worst mineral depletion in all categories.

The net effect is a nation where people are fed, but nourished. T he net affect is you must eat 70 bowls of spinach today to get the same nutrient content of one bowl in 1968. The net effect is America is the most overeaten nation in the world, leading all countries in rates of obesity, yet is nutritionally starved.  The net effect is America leads the world in osteoporosis, new autoimmune disease, heart disease, and many forms of cancer. In fact, money spent in America on health care exceeds that of the National Defense.

Why is it that Americans eat and eat, yet continue to make midnight trips to the refrigerator? Simply put, we are starved for nutrition.  And our bodies, and quality of life, suffer because of it.  The old cliché: “It only takes 3 square meals a day” is just that, an old cliché.

Does The Government Know?

US Senate Document 264, written and published in 1936, also stated in it: “99% of the American people are deficient in minerals and a marked deficiency in any one of the more important minerals actually results in…disease.”

Even recently, the highly respected Journal of the American Medical Association, or JAMA, in its June 2002 issue, published research from two Harvard Medical doctors, Dr. Robert H. Fletcher MD and Kathleen M. Fairfield, MD PhD of the Harvard Medical School and Harvard School of Public Health, who cite in their research, “Most people do not get an optimal amount of nutrients by diet alone… and suboptimal intakes of nutrients are associated with increased risks of chronic disease including cardiovascular disease, cancer, and osteoporosis.”

These highly regarded individuals and their respected research findings definitively confirm that all diseases find their roots in nutritive poor, and specifically, mineral poor, nutrition.  And this lack of minerals in the body manifests itself in disease.

  • Lack of iron can contribute toward blood deficiencies.
  • Lack of calcium contributes to bone disease.
  • Lack of magnesium contributes to heart abnormalities.
  • Lack of copper contributes to anemia.

In short, minerals are critically essential to maintain and promote health.

The Human Body Cannot Make Minerals

Yet even with the knowledge of this information, the most alarming fact not readily known, shared, or understood by the majority of people, is the human body CANNOT make minerals.  This fact can’t be emphasized enough.  The human body cannot make minerals!

We are completely dependent upon external sources for our mineral nutrition.

From the day we are born, our mineral stores begin to deplete.  And if we’re not replenishing them with what we put into our bodies, in the correct form and design, a form that is water soluble, ionic, and the proper particle size, significant health challenges result.  Ironically, the average American suffers from over 14 different mineral deficiencies, and doesn’t even know it.

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The Billion Dollar Hoax - Part II - The Billion Dollar Hoax

Now, the nutrition industry has known for years that the body could not make minerals on its own, and it came to realize that nature was not being given the chance to produce mineral rich foods.  This, combined with knowledge of Americas’ bad eating habits, set the stage for our next topic... The Billion Dollar Hoax.

Over the last several decades, the nutrition industry has developed a real fast ball.

They knew nutrient deficient foods were coming to us from our crop land.  They realized processing was robbing us of any trace minerals that could be found and finally, they knew we were cooking any remaining nutrients right out of our food.

Now, go ahead and add aging baby boomers, and you’ve set the stage for the creation of a multibillion dollar industry Mineral Supplements.

Unfortunately, the majority of these supplements are not doing to your body what you believe or hoped and in fact, can result in toxic accumulation while having devastating defects on your health.

To understand the ineffectiveness of the majority of currently mineral supplements and to learn what our bodies are really looking for in terms of supplementation, all we need to do is look to nature.  For years it has provided us with a perfect blue print for the form and design of our nutrition.  When this blue print is not followed, supplements have very little or no impact upon improving health, and even worse, can actually contribute to harmful toxicity conditions.

The presence of nutrients in plants has been known for centuries. As simple as it sounds, minerals are rocks.  The natural process is for minerals and other nutrients to be absorbed from the soil by plants.  Humans, then, consume the plants – after the plant has changed the metallic compound into a design that is usable by the body. In this way, through the miracle of Mother Nature, we receive our mineral nutrition.

Three Basic Requirements for Proper Absorption

Now there are three basic requirements for mineral particles to be effectively absorbed and used by the cells of our bodies.

  1. Correct Particle Size
  2. A Water-Soluble Form
  3. An Ionic Charge.

The first requirement to address is particle size.  In simple terms, minerals are rocks. And each tablet you take, or colloidal mineral you drink, has minerals that are crushed-up into a certain sized particle.  The size of the particles in your supplements may actually be prohibiting you from receiving positive benefit.  And if they re not in the correct particle size, they may actually be contributing to a whole host of conditions or diseases you’re not even aware of.  So what impact does the size of these mineral particles have on their usefulness to the body?  How well can these mineral particles be absorbed? And if they are absorbed, where, and what effect, are they having on your body?

Let me ask you a question, if I gave you a watermelon and asked you to squeeze it through a hole the size of a bb, what would you say? Impossible, right!  Well, when it comes to minerals, all minerals used by the body are angstrom sized or smaller.

That’s worth repeating, all minerals used by the body are angstrom sized or smaller.

It seems to reason then, that larger sized particle, micron sized particles for example, are not properly used by the body.  For the sake of comparison, it would take 10,000 angstrom on a horizontal plane to cover the distance of just one micron.  For those of you who are wondering, if you split a human hair, the tip would be about one micron in size.  Remember, mineral particles usable by the body are angstrom sized.

We’ve evaluated mineral supplements on the market including metallic minerals, which are things like oyster shell, dolomite, calcium carbonate, limestone, and seabed minerals, which often come in tablet form.  We evaluated chelated minerals, which often come in tablet form but have an amino protein or enzyme chain wrapped around them and we even evaluated minerals labeled as colloidal, and found they all have mineral particle sizes of a micron size or larger.

They were not soluble, not ionic, and not effectively used by the body. T herefore, they would be thousand of times too large to be absorbed by the cells of the body!

Can The Body Absorb Micron Size Minerals?

Your body can absorb mineral particles a micron in size or larger into the blood stream, bit it won’t allow them into the cells . Once in the blood stream, these mineral particles, too large to enter into the cells float around until deposited into the soft tissues of the body, many times encouraging toxic conditions which can result in debilitating health challenges.

Everybody knows too much of a good thing is a bad thing at the same time, too much of a good thing, in the wrong form, can be even worse.

One of the key contributors to toxicity in the body is incorrect particle size. Too much of any mineral is unhealthy.  A lack of it is just as unhealthy. But in the wrong form, can be even worse. One of the key contributors to toxicity is the body is incorrect particle size.  Too much of any mineral is unhealthy. A lack of it is just as unhealthy.

But in the wrong form and size, toxicity is inevitable.

Incorrect Particle Size = Health Conditions

The unnecessary accumulation of minerals in your body due to incorrect particle size increases the likelihood of devastating health conditions:

  • Calcification of joints, kidney stones and combined with cholesterol, it hardens the arteries one of the leading causes of heart disease.
  • Iron particles that are a micron size or larger, also build up in your body causing a disease called hematomachrosis.  Where individual often need to be bled ever couple of weeks to remove the iron particles accumulating in their bloodstream through a procedure called a flabodomy.

If the particles cannot get into the cells, they stay in the bloodstream.  Iron toxicity is very dangerous, especially for men, where it directly contributes to cardiovascular disease! Ironically many foods fortified with iron contain iron particles in the incorrect size and design.  Just finely crush a cereal fortified with iron, run a magnet over it, and you’ll see for yourself the iron particles and remember minerals are ROCKS.

They are indigestible by the body. They do not breakdown.

Supplements must be presented to the body in a form that is water-soluble, ionized, and in the correct particle size for maximum effectiveness. These requirements are also necessary for excretion form the body as well.

What about Colloidal Minerals?

Right now, sitting in stores across America, are colloidal multi-mineral drinks that are toxifying people’s bodies.

Chromium, a common ingredient in these drinks, in its colloidal form causes hearing loss and liver failure.  Selenium in its colloidal can be fatal.

Copper in its colloidal form causes mental disorders and violent rages, vascular collapse, and induces coma.

Taking colloidal products is like drinking dirt! Just because a supplement is in liquid form, doesn’t men its minerals particles are in solution!

What’s worse?  Mineral particle sizes in mineral tablets and pills are generally even larger than the particle sizes in colloidal products! Right now, millions of Americans are taking tablets, pills, chelated, and colloidal products that are having devastating effects on their body, while absolutely throwing their hard-earned dollars away!

Folks, watermelons will never fit through a hole that the size of bb.  It just doesn’t work!  Remember, one of the required characteristics in order for your body to maximize the potential of mineral supplements is correct particle size.

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The Billion Dollar Hoax – Part III - Chickens Have Gizzards, Not You!

Now let’s address Solubility.

If you think about visiting the physician in an emergency situation, the drugs and medicines used are started immediately, or intravenously.  When injecting medicine into the blood, it is delivered in an aqueous or water-soluble form.  This is done because it meets the body’s requirement for proper delivery to all organs, tissues, and cells. As stated from the textbook Pharmaceutical Dosage:  “Drugs or nutrients administered in solution are absorbed much more rapidly than those administered in solid form, since the process of (digestion) is not required. ” In applying this to nutritional supplements, the same logical thought process can be used. As further stated in Pharmaceutical Dosage: “… water-soluble solutions are in a form most conducive for absorption into the bloodstream…”

When applying this specifically to mineral supplements it is especially important, since minerals are found naturally as metallic compounds or simply put ROCKS.

Rocks by nature are not soluble, put one into a glass of water, or acid, and it will still be there, undissolved, 100 years later. Minerals, or rocks, are insoluble.

We know that the human body cannot use rocks even if they’re in small pieces.

That’s why when a child swallows a penny, even though it’s made of a mineral - copper - it comes out shiny. We were not designed to ingest, digest, or utilize rocks, no matter how small they may be crushed up.

But please don’t take my word for it.  Graphic evidence of this is seen in wastewater treatment plants and outdoor portable toilets across America.

Thousands of pounds of undigested pills and tablets, many with name brands still readable, regularly pose a challenge for facility operators.  And if you know someone who has a colostomy sack, ask them what’s one of the most irritating aspects of their condition, and they’ll most likely tell you it’s cleaning the undigested tables and pills out their bag.

One of the most amazing aspects of plants is their ability to take metallic compounds, or minerals, and transform them into a design that is water-soluble, and thus usable, by the human body.

Unfortunately, tables, pill, chelated, and colloidal mineral supplements skip this step and do not contain minerals that are water-soluble and the net effect is shocking!

As stated in the Physicians Desk Reference, of PDR found in every doctor’s office and medical school in the country:

“Supplements in tablet of pill form are on 10% absorbed by the body.”

That means if you’ve been spending $100.00 per month on nutritional mineral supplements, a minimum of $90.00 is literally going straight down the drain.

Many people notice that when they take nutritional supplements, their urine becomes discolored and cloudy.  This “cloud” in the urine is the unusable mineral particles being excreted.  If you want to literally see this for yourself, swallow a traditional tablet or pill, wait a coupe of hours, and then retain some of your urine in a clear cup and place in the refrigerator.

Wait an hour and then look at the solution. You will be able to see sediment at the bottom of the cup. There’s your $90.00

And what about the $10.00 that did get into your bloodstream?  Just because it got in, doesn’t meant it’s usable.  Let’s take a traditional 1000mg calcium tablet, where 100mg may get absorbed into the bloodstream.  The number one ingredient in 70% of calcium supplements on the market is something called calcium carbonate.

What is Calcium Carbonate?

Calcium carbonate is a natural metallic compound. It is found naturally in our soils, as rock, but before ever making it into our bodies, it was intended to go through the “plant process” which breaks the bonds that compound to free up the calcium.

When the plant process is skipped, and calcium carbonate is used as the straight source of calcium, we are in trouble.  There is no plant on earth that delivers calcium as calcium carbonate to our bodies.  Likewise, there is no plant that delivers chromium as chromium picolinate, magnesium’s magnesium stearate, or zinc as zinc picolinate.

Would you eat blackboard chalk on a daily basis? Sounds crazy, doesn’t it?

Well, calcium carbonate is nothing more than blackboard chalk! It’s the scum around your faucets and the ring around your bathtub.  Calcium carbonate is the same as that 15 lb bag of limestone they sell at the he local feed store for $5! It was never intended to be used as nutrition for our bodies!

And when ingested and absorbed into the bloodstream, this “chalk” floats around, gumming us up, until it is deposited in the soft tissues, again, making us susceptible to:

  • bone spurs
  • calcification of joints
  • kidney stones
  • hardening of arteries
  • gall stones

And its not just ingredients used for calcium supplements, but the majority of ingredients used in most tablets, pills, and colloidal products.  Think of it this way, the friend you invited over to help clean your house, once he got inside, just sat around, and actually, instead of cleaning, made his own mess.  That friend, whom you hoped would be useful, became “useless” and you soon want to kick him out as soon as possible, before he creates more problems for you.  In the same way, despite the pretty labels and clever commercials, the majority of products you invite into your home or body, just like that friend, are useless if not in the correct design - a design that is the correct particle size, is water-soluble, and what we’ll talk about in a moment, ionic.

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Dark Side Of Soy Bean

Infants are most vulnerable to damage from soy phytoestrogens Soy has been promoted as a miracle food that can prevent heart disease, fight cancer, and build strong bodies. Sales were in the $4 BILLIONS in 2004.

Respected scientists warn that its benefits should be weighed against proven risks. Even researchers working for the soy industry admit that the “marketing is way ahead of the science."

Yet the FDA approved a health claim for the soy and heart disease in 1999. I disregarded warnings from independent and government scientist and ignored hundreds of peer-reviewed studies link soy to malnutrition, digestive distress, thyroid disorders, allergies, ADD/ADHD, reproductive problems, infertility, cognitive decline, cancer, and heart disease.

The FDA ruling proved such a financial boon that sales increased 200% between 2000 and 2004. The truth is now starting to appear. Late July, The Israeli Health Ministry warned that children under 16 should eat soy foods no more that once per day and a maximum of 3 times a week, that babies never receive soy formula, and that adults exercise caution when consuming soy products...

The Ministry took its advice from a 23 member committee of nutritionists, oncologists, pediatricians who spent a year examining the evidence.

July of 2005 the Cornell University’s Program of breast Cancer and Environmental Risk factors warned that soy food consumption can increase breast cell multiplication, increasing risk for breast cancer.

In 2002, the British Committee on Toxicity of Chemicals in food, Consumer Products and Environment" which found no merit in most of the health claims of soy. They identified infants on soy formula, vegetarians who use soy as a primary source of protein, and adults trying to prevent disease with soy foods and soy supplements as all being at risk for thyroid damage.

This can be confusing since Asian peoples have used soy for centuries and many people believe this keeps them free of most Western diseases. But while Asians show lower rates of breast, prostate and colon cancers, they suffer higher rates of thyroid, pancreatic, liver, stomach and esophageal cancers.

Asians also eat different soy foods from the ones now appearing on American tables…miso, natto, temped, tofu, tamari and shoyu…instead of energy bars, soy shakes, soymik, veggie burgers, TVP chili and other meat or dairy substitutes.

These quintessentially Western products are manufactured using high-tech industrialized processes that destroy protein quality, reduce vitamin levels, and leave toxic residues and carcinogens...

Making matters worse, much of today’s soybean crop is genetically modified. GM beans carry higher levels of anti-nutrients, toxins and allergens that regular soybeans and have caused vast damage to the environment.

Indeed, most of the Amazon Rain Forest has been lost to GM soybean farming than to beef grown for fast-food franchises.

Most dangerous of all, soybeans naturally contain high levels of phytoestrogens. Promotes as safe hormone replacement therapy, these plant estrogens can cause significant endocrine disruption, leading to weight gain, fatigue, brain fog and depression.

Soy foods also have a “contraceptive effect" a fact known to scientists since the 1940"s. For women, it alters menstrual cycles, causing hormonal changes indicative of infertility.

For men it lowers testosterone levels, quantity and quality of sperm and sex drive. Couples who desire to have children are wise to cut out soy. Because of their small size and stage of development, infants remain most vulnerable to damage from soy phytoestrogens. Soy formula now represents 25% of the bottle-fed market in America and yet it’s been linked to thyroid damage, premature puberty in girls, delayed or arrested puberty in boys, and other disorders, Soy formula also contains toxic levels of manganese…50 to 80 times the amount found in diary formula or breast milk.

The bottom line is the safety of soy has yet to be proven. Unanswered questions have let the Israeli Health Ministry, the Swiss Federal Health Service, the British Dietetic association and others to warn parents and pediatricians that soy infant formula should only be used as a last resort.

If this isn’t enough reason not to eat soy, I give up. We are putting so much toxic materials in our bodies and then wondering why we are so sick so soon and have so many diseases.

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Splenda Is Not Splendid

Please accept my personal apology for ever recommending Splenda (the artificial sweetener) in the past. I take it back... Do not use SPLENDA.

I came across the following article written by James Bowen M.D.

Splenda Is Not Splendid !

By James Bowen, M.D. (c) 2003

In a simple word you would just as soon have DDT in your food as Splenda, because sucralose is a chlorocarbon. The chlorocarbons have long been famous for causing organ, genetic, and reproductive damage. It should be no surprise, therefore, that the testing of sucralose, even at less than the level demanded by FDA rules, reveals that it has been shown to cause up to 40%shrinkage of the thymus: A gland that is the very foundation of our immune system. It also causes swelling of the liver and kidneys, and CALCIFICATION of the kidney.

Lying and deceit on the artificial sweetener issue has been the FDA's Modus Operandi ever since Donald Rummsfeld broke everything decent in the US government to put Aspartame on the market as a "contract on humanity". It has no commercial purpose other than a contract on humanity. Either they have done but little testing of sucralose, or they are so afraid of what the public would think of sucralose, and the government if the public but knew what was going on, that they will not tell us! BECAUSE: we have been told nothing about the extensive studies which would have to have been done if very reasonable, and scientifically sound FDA rules had been followed.

Such study results as have been made known, catches the company in great big whopper lies! When questioned about the Thymus shrinkage which would disqualify sucralose forever, by the FDA's own rules, the company merely said. "Well the rats wouldn't eat the food with sucralose in it, so the thymus lost weight from starvation." The FDA allowed that explanation even though it was an admission that the rats hadn't ingested the required amount of sucralose, but had demonstrated immense damage anyway! In fact, if research animals won't voluntarily eat the required dose of experimental substance it can be given by gastric gavage, which is a common and well-known research method. Moreover, the rats so fed were only 7-20% underweight Vs the average for the control group. Rats who are severely starved to create a 30% weight loss, only shrink their thymus by an average of 7%. The net conclusion from all this is, that both the thymus shrinkage and the growth retardation caused by sucralose were enough to in each case disqualify sucralose from the marketplace.

All of these KNOWN findings only pointed out that the testing was so flawed that it could never be used as a basis for approval on one hand, and that the effects which were detected anyway were so severe that sucralose should never be allowed into the human body. It should be classified right along with DDT, and dioxin as illegal to even release into the environment much less put into your body!

The company blandly and heinously denied that sucralose is a chlorocarbon. They stated that it was merely a salt, like sodium chloride! That whopper wouldn't even get past a sophomore chemistry student. Facts, and concern for human welfare are obviously irrelevant in our Bush dominated government, and the Rummsfeld dominated media. What their incredulously lying statements about what sucralose is, did bring to mind though, is that it flies in the face of what its known breakdown product , 1, 6, dichloro, fructose, is: Another highly toxic chlorocarbon. They admittedly did not do toxicity studies on it, as FDA rules require, or perhaps the findings were so dangerous that they felt it better to confess to the "minor omission", of not even complying with the law and doing the required studies! They further tried to side step the toxicity issue by saying "Sucralose is not even absorbed from the digestive tract anyway, because it is after all, a chlorocarbon."

Another bold faced lie. Chlorocarbons are significantly absorbed from the digestive tract and sucralose is no exception! It is significantly absorbed from the GI tract. Of course, at that point their lies had compounded and contradicted themselves.

What you need to know about sucralose is that it is of a class of compounds which places it amongst some of the most dangerous chemicals on earth. The known studies, and science verify this fact. Lies and dissimulations, which have been totally and inexcusably left unchecked by the FDA, point to gross governmental/corporate corruption, and massive cover up and peril. They say "Oh, It's just made from sugar, what could be more natural and harmless."


Dr. Jim Bowen

My thanks go out to Dr. Bowen for this much needed information.

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Why Water Creates Great Health

From My Friend Toni,

Water Facts:

  1. 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated.
  2. In 37% of Americans, the thirst mechanism is so weak that it is often mistaken for hunger.
  3. Even MILD dehydration will slow down one's metabolism as much as 3%.
  4. One glass of water will shut down midnight hunger pangs for almost 100% of the dieters studied in a University of Washington study.
  5. Lack of water, the #1 trigger of daytime fatigue.
  6. Preliminary research indicates that 8-10 glasses of water a day could significantly ease back and joint pain for up to 80% of sufferers.
  7. A mere 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzy short-term memory, trouble with basic math, and difficulty focusing on the computer screen or on a printed page.
  8. 8.  Drinking 5 glasses of water daily decreases the risk of colon cancer by 45%, plus it can slash the risk of breast cancer by 79%, and one is 50% less likely to develop bladder cancer.
And now for the properties of Coca-Cola:

  1. In many states (in the USA) the highway patrol carries two gallons of coke in the truck to remove blood from the highway after a car accident.
  2. You can put a T-bone steak in a bowl of coke and it will be gone in two days.
  3. To clean a toilet: Pour a can of Coca-Cola into the toilet bowl and let the "real thing" sit for one hour, then flush clean. The citric acid in Coke removes stains from vitreous China.
  4. To remove rust spots from chrome car bumpers: Rub the bumper with a rumpled-up piece of Reynolds Wrap aluminum foil dipped in Coca-Cola.
  5. To clean corrosion from car battery terminals:  Pour a can of Coca-Cola over the terminals to bubble away the corrosion.
  6. To loosen a rusted bolt: Applying a cloth soaked in Coca-Cola to the rusted bolt for several minutes.
  7. To bake a moist ham: Empty a can of Coca-Cola into the baking pan, wrap the ham in aluminum foil, and bake. Thirty minutes before the ham is finished, remove the foil, allowing the drippings to mix with the Coke for sumptuous brown gravy.
  8. To remove grease from clothes: Empty a can of coke into a load of greasy clothes, add detergent, and run through a regular cycle. The Coca-Cola will help loosen grease stains.
  9. It will also clean road haze from your windshield.

For Your Info:

  1. The active ingredient in Coke is phosphoric acid.  Its PH is 2.8. It will dissolve a nail in about 4 days. Phosphoric acid also leaches calcium from bones and is a major contributor to the rising increase in osteoporosis.
  2. To carry Coca-Cola syrup (the concentrate) the commercial truck must use the Hazardous material place cards reserved for highly corrosive materials.
  3. The distributors of coke have been using it to clean the engines of their trucks for about 20 years!

Now the question is, would you like a coca-cola or a glass of water?

Have A Great Day and Share This With Others.

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High Blood Pressure? Don't be fooled by the new "guidelines"

You have probably seen in the news the new "guidelines" for determining a healthy level of blood pressure. It used to be that 120/80 was considered optimal, 120 - 129/80-84 was normal and 130 - 139/85-89 was high normal. If your readings were over 140/90 you were considered to be at Stage 1 which was referred to as mild hypertension. Stages 2, 3 and 4 went up in various increments and they reflected increasing degrees of severity of hypertension.  

But, this is no longer the case! Based on new USA guidelines if your blood pressure is in the "normal" range with a systolic pressure anything above 120 you are now considered to be prehypertensive and should according to the new guidelines be taking "two or more hypertensive medications to achieve goal pressure".  

So if you were previously healthy before this recent announcement   with a systolic blood pressure between 120 and 140 I am sorry to say that you along with 45 million other Americans are no longer considered to be healthy! In fact you will be pressured to take a   drug to "restore your health". 

(On a personal note)  My last mandated visit to my doctor, I have to go every 3 months whether I want to or not…. My blood pressure was 120 over 80.  A little high for me.  It is usually 110 over 80.  In fact my doctor said to me on my first visit that he has patients who would die to have your blood pressure… This same doctor on this visit said your pressure is getting a little high.  I will give you a prescription to help that.

I said no, you know I don't take ANY medication.  He just gave me a funny look.  Last time he tried to give me some drugs for a urinary infection he said I had and I did not have.  Wouldn't take that either. 

My daughter keeps telling me to get another doctor.  I have found them all in the past 6 years to be like this so what is the point.
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Frankly, I think that the new recommendations are nothing short of   scandalous! Hypertension is NOT a disease to be treated by drugs... it is a SYMPTOM of an underlying problem. Treating it without determining the cause is dangerous and is akin to giving drugs to reduce a high temperature whilst ignoring the cause of the high temperature.  

In fact just like treating the symptoms of high temperatures which can be fatal in some people so can the potential flow on effects from treating high blood pressure! If you have high blood pressure   you have it for a reason. That reason is because parts of your body are lacking in blood and the extra pressure is needed to get it there. If you artificially suppress that pressure with drugs whilst ignoring the underlying cause of it you are on the start of a slippery slide down to permanent ill health.  

You may be thinking "But, if these recommendations for blood pressure are supported by the government then it must be desirable to keep within them. After all the government independently reviews all the information before endorsing new health guidelines... doesn't it?"  

The short answer is yes it should, but no, it doesn't… at least not in this case! I'll explain.  

This will make you furious! 

The new guidelines for hypertension are referred to as JCN-7. JCN   stands for the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection,   Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure. The report that   they issued was their seventh, thus the reference number JCN 7.

All sounds pretty official and impressive, and given that the report was presented by government spokespersons at government   press conferences as the latest government guidelines then it must   have been well reviewed and debated... at least that is what you   would think!  

In fact that is what you should reasonably expect and indeed the law provides for this to safeguard the interests of the public! I   quote the following excerpt from a paper by Paul Rosch, MD, FACP   who is a clinical professor of medicine and psychiatry at New York   Medical College.  

"The law requires that all important Federal rules, including   guidelines that affect the public must be written and promulgated   according to the Government Code. This code mandates formal   selection of a committee, pre-announcement of all meetings, open  meetings that encourage testimony from all interested parties as   well as written records, all of which must be preserved in a special docket. Everything is then reviewed in order to provide a written discussion of all the relevant evidence leading to the final rules or guidelines that must be published in the Federal Register. In addition, if the published guidelines are not consonant with a logical review of the evidence presented, the recommendations may be overturned by legal action."  

Rosch researched the JNC-7 report which is now the "official"   government guideline for hypertension and which has been issued to physicians and found that it is NOT on the Federal register and   that in essence the legal system has been bypassed. Officials at   the NIH (National Institute of Health) have admitted that the new   guidelines were written by a non-government committee of "experts" that they had selected and were therefore not subject to the Federal Register regulations!  

The guide lines were published in JAMA the Journal of the American   Medical Association, NOT the Federal Register. The committee established these new guidelines with NO public meetings, NO meetings were open to the public, NO public input was solicited and NO detailed records of committee meetings were kept!  

I am sure you get the picture! Now, back to the issue of hypertension!  

As I mentioned earlier, hypertension is a symptom not an ailment.  By treating the symptom it is likely to exacerbate the cause.  There are currently over 100 drugs being used to "treat" hypertension and most of them are given to patients on a trial and error basis. How many people do you know that have been given multiple drugs to reduce their blood pressure... and how many have had adverse side effects?  

If you have been diagnosed with "high" blood pressure you owe it to yourself to learn as much as you can about it and also to TRULY determine if you do have high blood pressure. Most people are not   aware just how much their blood pressure can vary. Temporary   increases of 50% are not uncommon. These increases can come about just from a bit of tension combined with talking. It has been clearly documented that people who are considered to be hypertensive are really not although their readings are high.  

When you go into a doctor's waiting room and you know your blood   pressure is going to be taken and you are concerned about it that in it self can be sufficient to raise it enough to be considered hypertensive. Then when you start taking medication and go back for another check you will be even more concerned and the reading will be even less accurate often resulting in a higher dose rate... and so on it goes.  

So, be careful out there and question all recommendations when it comes to blood pressure medication AND do not ignore the CAUSE of the symptoms.  

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A Dreadful Superstition Grips America

A terrible superstition holds people around the world in its grip.  Ministers of religion, lawyers, architects, men renowned as brilliant scientists, physicians (particularly, physicians), University professors, middle class people, working class people, people of all nationalities, are its victims.

I was one for 43 years.  I really and truly thought that what my doctor said was gospel and never questioned him.

What is this superstition?  It is that health may be obtained and maintained and diseases "cured" by drugs, medicines and remedies.  They have not taken the pains to investigate, in an unprejudiced manner, this absurd and dreadful belief.

So what we have is physician, nurses and drug stores (by the way we do not have "drug stores" any more.  They call themselves "Pharmacies" I just checked the phone book.)  Other medical specialists all engaging in these false hopes.

Frightful suffering and bereavement are the common lot of mankind, except for the few who have released themselves from this superstition.

I consider myself lined up with Natural Hygienists and Naturopathic doctors and we feel it is simply amazing that the simple facts of which we have can be ignored so generally. And that people offer themselves as sacrifices to this great superstition.

When a theory of health is presented of the ways and means to "Cure" something or they are going to "find a cure, so give us more money" these stories are heralded as a great triumph of "science"

Yet the first principles of science are violated right in the beginning and in the entirety of such a theory.

If an articles is written which lays down in simple words the rules of health, means by which diseases can be obviated and recovery from diseases can take place, very few orthodox journals of high circulation will print it.

An example is in 1980 when after suffering for 43 years with arthritis and in weeks I was free of the debilitating disease; I took my book to the Regional meeting of the Arthritis Foundation.   I was so thrilled to think that with this book they could fulfill their promise that if we send them more money they will find a cure.

What a disaster.  My husband dropped me off at the hotel entrance and went to park the car.  When he got to the entrance he found two uniformed guards walking me out.  Bodily.

We were stunned.  They told me they did not want that sort of book at their meeting.

Since then I have over 310,000 copies around the world and get calls and emails daily thanking me for changing their lives.

So it is mainly to people, like myself, who believe as natural hygienists believe, to spread the word.  In 1980 there were about 6500 hundred doctors who were telling their patients that what I am saying here is true.  Two of them are named in my book, "I Cured My Arthritis You Can Too" Today in 2007 there are thousands more.

To us it is amazingly simple.

Eat the truly good food, breathe good air, drink pure water, exercise, maintain optimistic and pleasant thoughts, and therefore enjoy fantastic health.  Give our cells the proper nutrition and our immune systems will become as God gave us in the first place.  Our immune system will then rebuild our body and we will enjoy the freedom of no illnesses.

There are now millions who are beginning to rebel against what we might almost call the atrocities suffered as a consequence of this superstition.

Many who are ill and are being subjected to the remedies and poisons that are administered to them.  Drugs in large containers have the skull and crossbones on them but when we get the little bottles as "prescriptions it is not there.

My mother was told in the 30's to use an aluminum type product as a cheap deodorant.  She did and I believe it was a contributing factor in the way she changed in later years.   Aluminum is causing Alzheimer's.

While drugs may get immediate temporary relief, you will feel and know that the disease is becoming more and more serious.

I do not have final figures but look around.  In the early years of 1900 it was almost unknown to have heart troubles.  They did not spend time on it in medical schools.  All the major diseases of today, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, asthma, the list goes on and none were minor.   In 1960 one in 20 had arthritis.  Now it is 1 in 3

Same with cancer.  Now children are commonly getting it.  Heart troubles are killing us faster than ever.   I will try to find these figures. 

The Untied States is way down in the world as a healthy nation.   Have you ever known of so many people with so many health issues?  Baby boomers are filling our hospitals with more sickness.

I take my son to the VA hospital due to his Vietnam days and see people his age in terrible condition.   Amputees from diabetes, overweight everywhere.

I have felt since 1980 that I have a duty to tell people the other side.  I have done lectures and TV and radio.   I now do a health newsletter.  I get people asking me to unsubscribe them due to my teachings.

My phone rings daily with people calling, crying, telling me of the 5, 6, 8 different drugs they are taking.   Although they call them prescriptions.  I ask each and every one of them to get the hand out from their "Pharmacy" of every drug they are taking and read them to the last page.

Then have a good talk with their doctors. 

What do I preach in just one paragraph?

Give your body what it needs in minerals, vitamins and enzymes and exercise, drink pure water, let no negative thoughts or people into their lives and feed our cells to let our immune system take over the job that God meant it to do. 

Which is to be in a state of health.    

If our immune system is not getting the proper nutrition we are in trouble.

Will this happen overnight?  No, You cannot stop taking the drugs you are on without the consent and help of your doctor.  Too many side effects can occur.

You did not get in the condition you are in overnight.  You will not get into a state of health over night.  But start now and by summer or sooner you will not know yourself.

Start promoting healthy cellular replication, get strong muscles, have clear breathing, increased energy levels and have body fitness.

Get supplements that are advanced Nutraceutical supplements.  Make an impact on your health today.  Feel the results and get VIBRANT HEALTH.

Take heed of what the Bible teaches of food.  Mainly moderation in all things.

Stop this insane habit of all cooked foods and foods pre-made.  We have gotten into the habit of fast is better.  Fast is not better.  It costs more in dollars when you buy it and cost thousands in medical bills later on.

Print this in your subconscious mind. "I am the one responsible for what I eat and drink and do.  I am the one who can make changes so I may live, play and have a happy, illness free life".

If you help yourself to this attitude you will be doing your doctor a big favor.  He is overworked and struggling to help.

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