Vitamin / Supplement Articles

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We Need Vitamins and Minerals

America leads the field in nutritionally depleted soil.  At the Earth Summit Statistics meeting in 1992, experts revealed information conclusively showing that farmlands in North America were 85% micro-nutrient depleted.

In 2002 the Journal of the American Medical Assoc, June 2002, reported that leading medical researchers and clinicians recommended that every person use a daily multi-nutrient supplement.

Here is a list of vitamins and minerals and why they are needed.


Vitamin A is fat-soluble.  It is found in green and yellow fruits and vegetables, milk, milk products, fish liver oil, apricots (dried), liver, spinach and carrots.  The bones, eyes, hair, skin, soft tissue, and teeth are all affected by the lack of this vitamin.

It aids body tissue reparation and maintenance (resists infection), visual purple production (necessary for night vision).  The symptoms, if you are deficient, are allergies, appetite loss, blemishes, dry hair, fatigue, itching burning eyes, loss of smell, night blindness, rough dry skin, sinus trouble, soft tooth enamel, susceptibility to infections…

Vitamin A will help acne, alcoholism, allergies, arthritis, asthma, athlete's foot bronchitis, colds, cystitis, diabetes, heart disease, hepatitis, migraine headaches, psoriasis, sinusitis, stress, tooth and gum disorders.


Vitamin BI is water-soluble.  It is found in black strap, brewer's yeast, brown rice, fish, meat, nuts, organ meats, poultry, and wheat germ.  Also in peanuts, sunflower seeds and Brazil nuts.

Our appetites, blood building, carbohydrate metabolism, circulation, digestion (hydrochloric acid production), energy, growth, learning capacity, muscle tone, maintenance of intestines, stomach and heart, are all affected by this vitamin.  The symptoms, if you are deficient, are lose of appetite, digestive disturbances, fatigue, irritability, nervousness, numbness of hands and feet, pain and noise sensitivity, pains around your heart and shortness of breathe.


Vitamin B2 is water-soluble.  It is found in black strap molasses, brewer's yeast, nuts, organ meats, whole grains, almonds, Brussels sprouts and liver.

It affects our eyes, hair, nails, skin, and soft body tissue.  It aids in antibody and red blood cell formation, cell respiration, metabolism (carbohydrate, fat and protein).  The symptoms, if you are deficient, are cataracts, corner of mouth cracks and sores, dizziness, itching, burning eyes, poor digestion, retarded growth, red, sore tongue.

Vitamin B2 will help if you have acne, alcoholism, arthritis, baldness, cataracts, diabetes, diarrhea, indigestion and stress.


Vitamin B6 is water-soluble.  It is found in black strap molasses, brewer's yeast, green, leafy vegetables, meat, organ meats, wheat germ, whole grains, desiccated liver, prunes, brown rice and peas…

It aids in antibody formation, digestion (hydrochloric acid production), fat and protein utilization (weight control), maintains sodium/potassium balance (nerves).  The symptoms, if you are deficient, are acne, anemia, arthritis, convulsions in babies, depression, dizziness, hair loss, irritability, learning disabilities, and weakness.

Vitamin B6 will help arteriosclerosis, baldness, cholesterol (high), cystitis, facial oiliness, hypoglycemia, mental retardation, muscular disorders, nervous disorders, nausea in pregnancy, overweight, post-operative nausea, stress and sun sensitivity.


Vitamin B12 is water-soluble.  It is found in cheese, fish, milk, milk products, organ meats, cottage cheese, liver, tuna fish, and eggs.

It aids in appetite, blood cell longevity, and healthy nervous system, metabolism (carbohydrate, fat and protein).

The symptoms, if you are deficient, weakness, nervousness, pernicious anemia, walking and speaking difficulties.

Vitamin B12 will help alcoholism, allergies, anemia, arthritis, bronchial asthma, bursitis, epilepsy, fatigue, hypoglycemia, insomnia, overweight, shingles, and stress.


Biotin is water-soluble.  It is found in legumes, whole grains, organ meats, brewer's yeast, lentils, mungbeans, sprouts, egg yolk and liver.  It aids cell growth, fatty acid production, metabolism (carbohydrate, fat, protein), and vitamin B utilization.

The symptoms, if you are deficient, are depression, dry skin, and poor appetite.  Biotin will help baldness, dermatitis, eczema and leg cramps.


Choline is water-soluble.  It is found in brewer's yeast, fish, legume, organ meats, soybeans, wheat germ, lecithin, liver, egg yolks and peanuts.

It aids in lecithin formation, liver and gall bladder regulation, metabolism, (fats, cholesterol) and nerve transmission.

The symptoms, if you are deficient, are bleeding stomach ulcers, growth problems, heart problems, heart trouble, high blood pressure, impaired liver and kidney function and intolerance to fats.

Choline will help alcoholism, arteriosclerosis, baldness, cholesterol (high), constipation, dizziness, ear noises, hardening of the arteries, headaches, heart trouble, high blood pressure, hypoglycemia and insomnia.


Folic acid is water-soluble.  It is found in green, leaf vegetables, mild, milk products, organ meats, oysters, salmon, whole grains, brewer's yeast, dates, spinach and tuna fish.  It aids in appetite, body growth, and reproduction, hydrochloric acid, protein metabolism, and red blood cell formation.

The symptoms, if you are deficient, are anemia, digestive disturbances, graying hair, and growth problems.  Folic acid will help alcoholism, anemia, arteriosclerosis, baldness, diarrhea, fatigue, menstrual problems, mental illness, stomach ulcers, and stress.


Inositol is water-soluble.  It is found in black strap molasses, citrus fruits, brewer's yeast, meat, milk, nuts, vegetables, whole grains, lecithin, oranges, and peanuts.  It aids in artery hardening retardation, cholesterol reduction, hair growth, lecithin formation, and metabolism (fat and cholesterol).

The symptoms, if you are deficient, are cholesterol (high), constipation, eczema, eye abnormalities, and hair loss.

Inositol will help arteriosclerosis, baldness, cholesterol (high), constipation, heart disease, and overweight.


Niacin is water-soluble It is found in brewer's yeast, seafood, lean meats, milk, milk products, poultry, desiccated liver, rhubarb, and peanuts.

It aids in circulation, cholesterol level reduction, growth, hydrochloric acid production, metabolism (protein, fat, carbohydrates), and sex hormone production.

The symptoms, if you are deficient, are appetite loss, canker sores, depression, fatigue, halitosis, headaches, indigestion, insomnia, muscular weakness, nausea, nervous disorders, and skin eruptions.

Niacin will help acne, baldness, diarrhea, halitosis, high blood pressure, leg cramps, migraine headaches, poor circulation, stress, and tooth decay.


Pantothenic acid is water-soluble.  It is found in brewer's yeast, legumes, organ meats, salmon, wheat germ, whole grains, mushrooms, elderberries, and orange juice.

It aids in antibody formation, carbohydrate, fat, protein conversion (energy), growth stimulation, and vitamin utilization.

The symptoms, if you are deficient, are diarrhea, duodenal ulcers, eczema, hypo-glycemia, intestinal disorders, kidney trouble, loss of hair, muscle cramps, premature aging, respiratory infections, restlessness, nerve problems, sore feet, and vomiting.

Pantothenic acid will help allergies, arthritis, baldness, cystitis, digestive disorders, hypoglycemia, tooth decay, and stress…


PABA is water-soluble.  It is found in black strap molasses, brewer's yeast, liver, organ meats and wheat germ.  It aids in antibody formation, carbohydrate, fat, protein conversion (energy), intestinal bacteria activity, and protein metabolism.

The symptoms, if you are deficient, are constipation, depression, digestive disorders, fatigue, gray hair, headaches, and irritability.

PABA will help baldness, graying hair, overactive thyroid gland, parasitic diseases, rheumatic fever, stress, and infertility.  It shows externally by burns, dark skin spots, dry skin, sunburn, and wrinkles.


Pangramic acid is water-soluble.  It is found in brewer's yeast, brown rice, meat (rare), seeds (sunflower, sesame, pumpkin), whole grains, and organ meats.

The symptoms, if you are deficient, are heart disease, nervous and glandular disorders.

Pangramic acid helps alcoholism, asthma, arteriosclerosis, cholesterol (high), emphysema, heart disease, headaches, insomnia, poor circulation, premature aging, rheumatism, and shortness of breath.


Vitamin C is water-soluble.  It is found in citrus fruits, cantaloupes, green peppers, and strawberries.

The symptoms, if you are deficient, are anemia, bleeding gums, capillary wall ruptures, bruise easily, dental cavities, low infection resistance (colds), nosebleeds, and poor digestion.

Vitamin C helps alcoholism, allergies, artheroscienrosis, arthritis, baldness, cholesterol (high), colds, insect bites, overweight, prickly heat, sinusitis, stress, and tooth decay.


Vitamin D is fat-soluble.  It is found in egg yolks, organ meats, bone meal, sunlight, milk, salmon, and tuna.

The symptoms, if you are deficient, are burning sensation (mouth and throat), diarrhea, myopia, nervousness, poor metabolism, softening bones and teeth.

Vitamin D helps acne, alcoholism, allergies, arthritis, cystitis, eczema, psoriasis, and stress.


Vitamin E is fat-soluble.  It is found vegetables, eggs, liver, organ meats, vegetable oils, desiccated liver, oatmeal, peanuts, tomatoes, and wheat germ oil.

The symptoms, if you are deficient, falling hair, enlarged prostate gland, disease, heart disease, Impotency, muscular wasting, and sterility.

Vitamin E helps allergies, arthritis, arteriosclerosis, baldness, cholesterol (high), crossed eyes, cystitis, diabetes, heart disease (coronary thrombosis, angina pectoris, rheumatic heart disease), menstrual problems, overweight, phlebitis, sinusitis, stress, thrombosis, and varicose veins.  Externally, helps burns, scars, warts, wrinkles and wounds.


Vitamin F is found in vegetable oils, safflower, soy, corn, wheat germ and sunflower seeds.

The symptoms, if you are deficient, are acne, allergies, diarrhea, dry skin, dry brittle hair, eczema, gallstones, nail problems, under weight, and varicose veins.

Vitamin F helps allergies, baldness, bronchial asthma, cholesterol (high), eczema, gallbladder problems or removal, heart disease, leg ulcers, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, overweight and underweight…


Vitamin P is water-soluble.  It is found in fruits (skin and pulp), apricots, cherries, grapes, grapefruit, lemons, and plums.

The symptoms, if you are deficient, are anemia, bleeding gums, capillary wall ruptures, bruise easily, dental cavities, low infection resistance (colds), nosebleeds, and poor digestion.

Vitamin P helps asthma, bleeding gums, colds, eczema, dizziness (caused by inner ear), hemorrhoids, high blood pressure, miscarriages, rheumatic fever, rheumatism, and ulcers.



Calcium is found in milk, cheese, molasses, yogurt, bone meal, dolomite, almonds, and beef liver.

The symptoms, if you are deficient, are heart palpitations, insomnia, muscle cramps, nervousness, arm and leg numbness, and tooth decay.

Calcium helps arthritis, aging symptoms (backache, bone pain, finger tremors), foot and leg cramps, insomnia, menstrual cramps, menopause problems, nervousness, overweight, premenstrual tension, and rheumatism.


Chromium is found in brewers yeast corn oil, whole grain cereals.

The symptoms, if you are deficient, are arteriosclerosis, and glucose intolerance in diabetics.

Chromium helps diabetes and hypoglycemia...


Copper is found in seafood, kelp tablets, and iodized salt.  The symptoms, if you are deficient, are general weakness, impaired respiration, and skin sores.

Copper helps anemia and baldness.


Iodine is found in seafood, kelp tablets and iodized salt.

The symptoms, if you are deficient, are cold hands and feet, dry hair, irritability, nervousness, and obesity.  Iodine helps arteriosclerosis, hair problems, goiter, and hyperthyroidism.


Iron is found in black strap molasses, eggs, fish, organ meats, poultry, wheat germ, desiccated liver, and shredded wheat.

The symptoms, if you are deficient, are breathing difficulties, brittle nails iron deficiency anemia (pale skin, fatigue), and constipation,

Iron will help alcoholism, anemia, colitis, and menstrual problems.


Magnesium is found in bran, honey green leafy vegetables, nuts, seafood, spinach, bone meal, kelp tablets, peanuts and tuna.

The symptoms, if you are deficient, are confusion, easily aroused anger, nervousness, rapid pulse, and tremors.

Magnesium helps alcoholism, cholesterol, depression, heart conditions, kidney stones, nervousness, prostate troubles, sensitivity to noise, stomach acidity, tooth decay and overweight...


Phosphorus is found in eggs, fish, grains, glandular meats, yellow cheese, and milk.

The symptoms, if you are deficient, are appetite loss, fatigue, irregular breathing, nervous disorders, overweight, and weight loss.

Phosphorus will help arthritis, stunted growth in children, stress, tooth and gum disorders.


Manganese is found in bran cereals, celery, bananas, egg yolks, green, leafy vegetables, legumes, liver, nuts, pineapples, and whole grains.

The symptoms, if you are deficient, are ataxia (muscle coordination failure), dizziness, ear noises, and loss of hearing.

Manganese will help allergies, asthma, diabetes, and fatigue.


Potassium is found in dates, figs, peaches, tomato juice, black strap molasses, peanuts, raisins, seafood, apricots, bananas, flounder, potatoes and sunflower seeds.

The symptoms, if you are deficient, are acne, continuous thirst, dry skin, constipation, general weakness, insomnia, muscle damage, nervousness, slow irregular heartbeat, and weak reflexes.

Potassium helps acne, alcoholism, allergies, burns, colic in infants, diabetes, high blood, heart disease (angina pectoris, congestive myocardial infarction).


Sodium is found in salt, milk, cheese, and seafood.

The symptoms, if you are deficient, are appetite loss, intestinal gas, muscle shrink-age, vomiting, and weight loss...

Sodium helps dehydration, fever, and heat stroke.


Sulphur is found in bran, cheese, clams, eggs, nuts, fish, and wheat germ.

The symptoms, if you are deficient, are not known.

Sulphur helps arthritis.  Externally, helps skin disorders (eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis).


Zinc is found in brewer's yeast, liver, seafood, soybeans, WHICH I RECOMMEND THAT NO ONE EVER, EVER EAT, spinach, sunflower seeds, and mushrooms.

The symptoms, if you are deficient, are delayed sexual maturity, fatigue, loss of taste, poor appetite, prolonged wound healing, retarded growth, and sterility.

Zinc helps alcoholism, arteriosclerosis, baldness, cirrhosis, diabetes, internal and external wounds, and injury healing, high cholesterol (eliminates deposits), and infertility.

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The Importance of Enzymes

Even vitamins, minerals, and hormones cannot do their jobs without enzymes.  They are the catalysts, the dynamic power that gives us our ability to function at the highest level of good health.

Our bodies cannot exist without enzymes.

I will be talking about digestive plant enzymes.  For proper digestion to happen, 4 major enzymes are required.


Amylase aids the digestion of carbohydrates and starches. (Fruit, vegetables, pasta, and bread)


Protease enzymes digest proteins (red meats, fowl, fish, and nuts. If improperly digested, protein putrefies in the system, causing indigestion and toxicity.


Lipase breaks down fats and assists in balancing fatty acids.  Fats not thoroughly digested turn rancid and create pungent odors and poor cholesterol balance.


Cellulase breaks down cellulose (the fiber found in vegetables and other plant materials) however; the body does not produce cellulase. Undigested fiber leaves a wax like residue in the small intestine and adds to absorption ills.

Enzymes are destroyed by the heat produced when we boil, microwave, or pressure cook food. When the temperature rises above 118 degrees Fahrenheit while steaming, even that process can destroy enzymes.

80% of our body’s energy is used by the digestive process.  If you run down, are under stress, living in a very hot or very cold climate, pregnant, or a frequent air traveler, enormous quantities of extra enzymes are required by your body.

You must supplement your enzymes. The medical profession tells us that all disease is due to a lack or imbalance of enzymes.

Our very lives depend on enzymes particularly when you have any sort of inflammation in your body.

Research has known for years that enzymes are effective in aiding the body to properly use the nutrients provided in food and other supplements.

This is particularly helpful with regard to proper digestion.  Equally as important, but not nearly as well know, is the fact that enzymes play a critical role in promoting healthy joints and a healthy response to body inflammation such as all forms of the over 100 types of arthritis.

Research shows that, in addition to other factors, joint pain stems from undigested proteins and fats which form uric acid crystals that get “caught” in joints. 

Enzymes stimulate the healthy production of cytokines that stop inflammation.  They also aid the body in cleaning up undigested food, debris, swollen joints and tissues.

By helping keep the body free from inflammation, natural healing and normal joint health can be achieved.

A body of physical labor can really take it toll on a body.  Any of the NAIDS harm the body.  Joint challenges that drugs can cover up, can be aided with the proper enzymes. 

TRILLIONS of cells work constantly to maintain an acceptable balance of enzymes to keep the body working.  Then something happens…could be a virus, strenuous exercise, an emotional crisis, breathing unclean air, staging a temper tantrum or eating a fat-laden meal.

Then the balance of enzymes is depleted.  The solution is to make a daily intake of enzymes.

Plant enzymes in liquid form will save your digestive process, fortify your tissues, and fuel the metabolic enzyme activity that keeps you alive and functional.

Unfortunately seating some raw fruits and vegetables will not provide an adequate amount as they only contain enough enzymes to digest their own particles. 


Did you know that in the time it takes you to read this sentence over 10 MILLION cells just died!

There are at least 1 HUNDRED TRILLION cells at work in your body right now!  It takes 13 hundred enzymes to make one cell.

It takes 28 hundred enzymes for the life process to take place. And this all comes from our food.  Are you eating foodless foods?  Most of us are.  I was.  I am not now.

There are 45 nutrients in their proper amounts derived from the food we eat are needed nourish each and every cell. 

These are:

19 minerals, in prescribed amounts
13 vitamins
9 amino acids
1 fat
1 water
1 carbohydrate

But getting those everyday you have just made billions of red blood cells.  With the liquid supplement I take I get over 200 vitamins, minerals and enzymes.

Two time  of the Nobel Peace prize winner - Linus Pauling said,  ”Every ailment, every disease, every sickness can be traced to a mineral deficiency...”

And the JAMA, the Journal of American Association, in its June 2002 issue said…

“Most people do not get an optimal amount of nutrients by diet alone… and sub-optimal intakes of nutrients are associated with increased risks of chronic diseases including but not limited to cardiovascular disease… cancer and osteoporosis.”

Does the body really need to have its immune system strengthened or rebuilt?  Absolutely and done as soon as possible.

First steps to take would be to avoid food and water containing agricultural chemicals, as well as limit sugar which stress our pancreas, kidneys and liver.

We can add regular exercise… three times a week… for at least 20 to 30 minutes.  And make sure you only think positive thoughts.

Everyone can improve their health by getting the proper enzymes.

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Natural Health Remedies
For Your Body and Mind
Chlorophyll is AMAZING!

We know how important the health of our red blood cells are to our well-being, so we need to give our body the tools to ensure our red blood cells are clean, healthy and plentiful.

What is the most essential substance that our body uses to build and transport red blood cells?  It's Hemoglobin.

So it makes sense that we should, somehow, give our body hemoglobin! But how?

The Benefits and Wonders of Liquid Chlorophyll

Chlorophyll has SO MANY health benefits it makes it a true wonder-food. However, the most marvelous and amazing benefit it gives comes from the fact that its molecular structure is almost identical to hemoglobin except for the center atom. In hemoglobin this is iron, whereas in chlorophyll it is magnesium. This means that when ingested, liquid chlorophyll can actually help to do the job of hemoglobin (hemoglobin is so vital to the health of our blood - in fact, blood is approx 75% hemoglobin). It helps to rebuild and replenish our red blood cells, boosting our energy and increasing our well-being almost instantly.

I know this sounds a bit like the old ancient Japanese legend that eating brains makes you smarter - BUT - eating/drinking liquid chlorophyll can increase the quality AND quantity of your red blood cells.

Chlorophyll has the power to regenerate our bodies at the molecular and cellular level. Why do I feel so sure that it's helpful to our body? Because it's indisputable that GREEN FOODS are incredible for our health and all green foods contain an abundance of chlorophyll!

Other Benefits of Liquid Chlorophyll

So in addition to helping to rebuild and replenish our red blood cells, liquid chlorophyll benefits include not only being highly alkaline, but also the following:

  • Anti Carcinogenic: Chlorophyll protects against a whole host of carcinogens found in fungus-laden foods such as nuts and grains, the toxins from cooked meats, and air-borne carcinogens (from pollution). It blocks the metabolism in the body of harmful chemicals known as pro-carcinogens that damage DNA. Studies published in the journals Carcinogenesis and Food and Chemical Toxicology clearly display that chlorophyll inhibits carcinogenesis - and further research showing chlorophyll as being cancer-preventative. Researchers at Oregon State University also concluded: "At…cancer rates relevant to humans, chlorophyll was strongly protective". Great stuff.

  • Antioxidant & Anti-inflammatory: containing high levels of the vitamins A, C and E, liquid chlorophyll has strong antioxidant capacity and has also been found to help reduce inflammation [Reference]. This study from the Journal of Inflammation states: "Chlorophylls and pheophytins showed in vitro anti-oxidant activity. The study shows that chlorophyll a and its degradation products are valuable and abundantly available anti-inflammatory agents and promising for the development of phytomedicine or conventional medicine to treat inflammation and related diseases." And in the Journal of Food Science, this study found that: "These results demonstrate that dietary chlorophyll derivatives prevalent in both fresh and processed foods and dietary supplements have antioxidant and antimutagenic activities."

  • Rapid Delivery of Magnesium: chlorophyll is rich in magnesium, which is a highly alkaline mineral and so consuming chlorophyll rich foods has a highly alkalising effect on the body. Magnesium is super-important as it helps to deliver much needed oxygen to cells and tissues, bone formation, nerve and muscle function - PLUS - magnesium is critical for our cardiovascular system, digestive system, nervous system, muscles, kidneys, liver, hormone-secreting glands, and brain all rely on magnesium for their metabolic function (source:

  • Chelation of Heavy Metals: chlorophyll is one of the most important chelates in nature. It's ability to bind to and remove toxic heavy metals such as mercury makes it an extremely powerful healer. I'm about to have four mercury fillings removed, and you can bet that I will be getting PLENTY of chlorophyll into my body after the procedure!

  • Anti-Candida: recent research has also shown that chlorophyll is effective in fighting candida albicans - which does not surprise me. The alkaline approach has always shown itself to be great for candida and the alkaline diet is of course super-high in chlorophyll-rich foods!

  • Treats Bad Breath: This one is a real bonus and really works! Chlorophyll has a double-action remedy for bad breath. Firstly, as a deodorizer, it will eliminate odors in the mouth and throat, but secondly (and more importantly) it promotes a healthy digestive tract - which is the primary reason for bad breath. And if you need more - here is another blog post on foods for bad breath!  According to Dr Phyllis A. Balch, author of "Prescription for Nutritional Healing, 4th Edition: A Practical A-to-Z Reference to Drug-Free Remedies Using Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs & Food Supplements", Alfalfa supplies chlorophyll, which cleanses the bloodstream and colon, where bad breath often begins". This research summary from Oregon State University also sites a collection of studies showing chlorophyll to be a powerful internal deodorant.

  • Wound Healing & Antiseptic: while liquid chlorophyll doesn't actually have antiseptic properties of its own, it, quite remarkably, DOES have the ability to aid our body's tissue in destroying germs. By strengthening tissue, it increases the disease resistance of cells and, at the same time, prevents the growth of bacteria! Research also suggests that chlorophyll greatly assists in wound healing and prevention of reinfection.

  • Contains Vitamins: K, C, folic acid, iron, calcium, protein: which are all also essential in building and repairing red blood cells and boosting our immune system.

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