Should You Seek Relief From Your Ailments?
Medicine, I have frequently reminded my readers, is a system of spectacular palliation. Physicians prescribe and surgeon cut with not the slightest idea of cause in their minds.
If a physician advises an aspirin for a headache, he does it with the idea the he is providing temporary palliation (relief) of a symptom. And not with any idea that aspirin will have the slightest effect in removing or correcting the cause of the headache.
When a surgeon removes an affected organ, he does not even pretend that this removes the cause of the affection.
He removes Causes, Not Effects
Now it will be readily granted that if the head is removed from one who suffers with chronic headaches, he or she will have no more headaches, but it is not granted that removing the head removes the cause of the headache...
If a toe is cut off there can never be another corn on that toe, but the removal of the toe is not the removal of the cause of corns and there is every likelihood that corns will develop on other toes.
There is no recovery where cause is not removed.
He, who putters with palliatives, treats effects and ignores causes, is a pretender, a charlatan.
The man who cuts out affected parts and organs and permits cause to continue until it destroys the patient is a criminal. Any fool can take an aspirin for a headache, but it requires intelligence to ferret out the cause of the headache and remove it.
Any person can trim a corn, it requires more intelligence than most people seem to use to get a properly fitting shoe. The land is overflowing with people who take antacids after every meal, but few try to find and remove the cause of their almost perpetual gastric distress. How few correct their mode of eating so that they may enjoy gastric comfort.
PAIN is a Messenger To Be Heeded
Drugs and manipulations, heat and cold, electricity and super-sound, prayer and psychological soothing syrups may be a reliever for a time, but there must inevitably come a time when these fail.
What a depressing prospect lies before the sick who devote most of their time to palliating and suppressing their symptoms! They finally end within the ever-narrowing confines of the vicious circle of symptoms grown to complexity from very simple beginnings.
When a drug is taken to silence pain, (and that is all it can do) we but defy the warnings of nature. Instead of obeying the admonition that is "pain", we ignore the messenger and pretend that no warning has been given.
To remove an organ and ignore the cause of its impairment is to fly in the face of nature.
There is but one genuine road back to good health and this is a radical about face in the way of life. If disease is the result of gluttony, there is no restoration of health until the overeating is given up.
If tobacco is the cause of suffering, nothing short of giving up tobacco will enable the body to return to a state of health.
If alcohol is the cause of discomfort, only sobriety will enable the sufferer to evolve into a state of good health.
Whatever the habit or habits responsible for the impairment of health, these must be discontinued and their places taken by constructive habits of life.
A mode of care that seeks merely to palliate or reliever symptoms does not make sense, just as taking the proper liquid supplements for a week or two and expecting to have good health does not make sense.
You cannot undo bad health that has been building for years in just weeks. You must make it a major issue in your everyday life. Do not be the person who continues to do the same thing and who now expects different results. He or she is fooling themselves. To get different results you have to start doing different things. Change some habits. And in so doing change to Vibrant Health.
Medical "Science" A Fraud Upon Mankind"
A woman writes that she developed a stone in one of her kidneys. The stone was removed. The wound healed. She was "Cured". A few months passed and she developed another stone, in the same kidney. This time the kidney was removed.
Certainly she was now "cured"! Her organ had been removed and her stone with it. How could she ever be sick again! Was she not now sounder that sound?
Nope. The most approved medical and surgical measures provide only a little temporary palliation. But a few months passed and she developed a stone in the other kidney. Now what to do? Removing the last kidney is speedy death. Even to remove the stone is to endanger life. If it is not removed, it may ultimately block the kidney and this kills.
Medical science is at the end of its rope. Of course now we have dialysis machines and transplants, which though they may prolong life somewhat, succeed only in producing physiological cripples, since they remove no causes of kidney impairment.
Either remove causes of pathology or continue to suffer its effects.
What was wrong with the treatment she received? It was all wrong. There was nothing about it that was right. Like all medical and surgical care it was a removal of EFFECTS: cause was ignored. Pathological products, in this case, stones, and affected organs were removed instead of cause.
Cause continuing to exist continued to produce effects. She could have been put on a truly healthy diet and gotten rid of them that way.
It is ever so. A gallbladder full of stones is removed and more stones form in the liver or in the gall ducts.
A breast is removed because of a tumor and a tumor forms in the other breast.
A cancer is removed and cancer evolves elsewhere. Recently a young man had a cancer removed from his foot, the leg was amputated. In a very short time he was dead of cancer of the lungs.
All that was done in his case was to amputate his leg and send him home to the same modes of life and plan of eating that he had pursued before evolving cancer.
Cut and drug and talk learnedly about germs and viruses and ignore the mode of life and its cumulative effects may be good science but it is not good advice.
The medical profession will never learn the necessity to remove cause. How much longer will it take the much abused and long-suffering public to learn that the first and most essential requisites of the restoration of good health are removal of all causes responsible for its impairment?
As the medical industry has no vested interest in disease and suffering and have nothing to gain by perpetuating it, they should be willing to at least consider a way of life that builds and maintains good health.