Natural Health Remedies
For Your Body and Mind

Margie Garrison
"The Arthritis Lady"
The information contained on this site is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only.  The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.  Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.  Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read.

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Get Vitamin Rich

Due to the worst soil conditions this country has ever had it is more important than ever to find the best foods with the most vitamins.

Here are some helpful hints.

  • Canned pumpkin has as much as twice the vitamin A as fresh cooked.  Due to the fact that the water has been taken out of it.

  • Tomato sauce contains more lycopine than raw tomatoes.

  • Canned salmon can have more than ten times as much calcium as fresh, since small bones in the fish are incorporated during processing.

  • Because pasteurization breaks down the vitamins in food, if you squeeze your own oranges for juice you get all the vitamins.  Or better yet, eat them after peeling them.  You will be getting the pulp and that is important.

  • Frozen vegetables often end up with more vitamins than fresh, since they're frozen within hours of picking.

  • Green beans can lose 40% of their vitamin C in the first three days after harvest!

  • Look for frozen foods you can boil in the bag as that prevents the nutrients from leaking into the water.

  • Don't just eat the inside of foods, skins and the area just below contain phytonnutrients, compounds that may help prevent certain cancers, and heart disease.   Wash them well, but don't skip the outer leaves of lettuce, the greener the leaves the more nutrients such as higher levels of calcium, iron and vitamin A are in them.

  • Total organic are best.  Are they more expensive?  Yes, when you buy them, but due to the fact that after Oct. 2006 the USDA's standards of organic farming ban most synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, and prohibited substances must not have been used on field for 3 years before harvest.  Real organic food contain about 1/3 the pesticide residue found in conventionally grown food.

Because of the low vitamin and mineral content of our food source, I use and highly recommend Vibe a quality liquid vitamin/mineral supplement.

Why a liquid?  

Vitamins and minerals in TABLET or PILL FORM are poorly absorbed and used by the body.

Graphic evidence of this is seen in wastewater treatment plants and outdoor portable toilets across America.

Thousands of pounds of undigested pills and tablets, many with name brands still readable, regularly pose a challenge for facility operators. These forms of supplements are ineffectively used by the body – containing nutrient designs made of crushed up rocks, fillers, and binders.

Looking to nature, we see the perfect design for the ideal nutrient delivery system. Minerals, vitamins, and nutrients are consumed from the soil by plants, then transformed into a water-soluble design that is usable by the human body. No matter what we put into our bodies, the goal is always the same... To make it water-soluble.

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Emotional Eating: When Diets Don’t Work
By Healthhabits

Emotional eating is the practice of consuming large quantities of food in response to feelings instead of hunger.

Experts estimate that 75% of overeating is caused by emotions.
And believe it or not, 100% of experts believe that obesity is caused by overeating.

And with researchers forecasting that by 2030, 86.3% of American adults will be overweight or obese, maybe, just maybe we should take a closer look at Emotional Eating and it’s cousin Binge Eating.

A Closer Look

Over the centuries, human beings have evolved to thrive on certain types of food. Sure, we can survive on lesser quality food, but our health will suffer for it.

The Good Stuff:

Vegetables, Fruit, unprocessed Animal Protein, and smaller quantities of Seeds, Nuts, Grains and Dairy.

Keep in mind that there is a wide variety of human dietary practices based upon geography and food availability. But this list encompasses pretty much all of the good stuff.

The Bad Stuff:

Processed foods - The more processed they are, the worse they are for our health. e.g. Trans Fats, High Fructose Corn Syrup and just about any kid’s meal at a fast-food restaurant.

So, how come “when you’re happy, your food of choice could be steak or pizza, when you’re sad it could be ice cream or cookies and when you’re bored it could be potato chips.

Food does more than fill our stomachs. It also satisfies feelings, and when you quench those feelings with comfort food when your stomach isn’t growling, that’s emotional eating.

And emotional eating seldom involves the good stuff. Our bad moods drive use towards the processed foods that satisfy our taste buds, defective insulin receptors and most importantly our serotonin receptors.

Ahhh serotonin. Wonderful stuff. Powerful stuff.

So what’s the big deal?

What’s wrong with treating myself after a hard day?

Well, this tendency to use certain foods as though they were drugs is a frequent cause of weight gain, and can also be seen in patients who become fat when exposed to stress

So, How Can I Tell The Difference Between Real Hunger And Emotional Hunger?

There are several differences between emotional hunger and physical hunger:

  1. Emotional hunger comes on suddenly; physical hunger occurs gradually.

  1. When you are eating to fill a void that isn’t related to an empty stomach, you crave a specific food, usually something creamy or sweet or salty or crunchy or all of the above. And only that particular food will meet your need. Actual hunger usually doesn’t involve such specific cravings.

  1. Emotional hunger feels like it needs to be satisfied instantly with the food you crave; physical hunger can wait.

  1. Even when you are full, if you’re eating to satisfy an emotional need, you’re more likely to keep eating. When you’re eating because you’re hungry, you’re more likely to stop when you’re full.

  1. Emotional eating can leave behind feelings of guilt; eating when you are physically hungry does not.

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My Soap-Box

After receiving an email from a friend with the below article I was driven by the need to find more information regarding Melamine and spread the word.

What I found was frightening to say the least....  What is happening to our world where companies are using cheaper ways to make their products that put peoples lives at risk for the sake of the "Mighty Dollar"?

Who decides the acceptable levels of "toxins" and "poisons" that can and are being used?

As far a I'm concerned any levels of toxins and poisons are not "acceptable" in any of the foods or products that we consume or use in our homes.

These products, with "acceptable" levels of toxins and poisons, are getting into our bodies day after day, being absorbed and accumulating in our  tissues and organs.  The accumulations of these "acceptable" levels, after years or in some cases sooner, are causing irreversible damage, illness and death. 

For example:  A toxic chemical is used to make fertilizers (cheaper) the chemicals are passed on to the crops.  The chemicals, through the crops,  are then passed on to Livestock by the way of feed.  The livestock and/or produce is distributed for consumption.  We consume these "acceptable" amounts of toxins and poisons that are causing illnesses, irreversible and life threatening damage to us, the consumer.

How far has this problem gone and what do we as consumers do to protect ourselves, our loved ones and our Earth?

This is just one chemical being used that is finding it's way into our lives and bodies.   There are thousands, upon thousands of different chemicals that have been used in the past, that are being used now and will be used in the future for the sake of the "Mighty Dollar".

When and how does it stop?  What point does it have to reach before we the people of the world stand up and tell the "Powers in Charge" that, we're mad as....  and we're not going to take it anymore.

It's a "Buyers Beware" kind of world we live in today...  Please read the labels, beware of the additives being used at "acceptable" levels that could cause you and your loved ones harm.

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What Really Is Poisoned Milk?
by Arthur Cristian

What Really Is Poisoned Milk? It Is Milk Powder Mixed With 'MELAMINE' An Industrial Chemical For Producing Melawares (Plastics)
Please make sure you read to the very end. Very interesting.

Perhaps the best way to tell where things are made.......

China milk poisoning incidents make everyone afraid to look at the daily news report. Everyday, the reports are changing. No one can clearly tell us what to eat and what not to eat.

1. What really is poisoned milk?

It is milk powder mixed with 'MELAMINE'

What is Melamine used for?

It is an industrial chemical used in the production of melawares.

It is also used in home decor - i.e. kitchens.

We all MUST understand that Melamine is used in INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION

- - - - - - It CANNOT Be Eaten - - - - - - -

2. Why is Melamine added to milk powder?

The most important nutrient in milk is protein.

And, Melamine has this same protein that contains 'NITROGEN'

Adding Melamine into milk reduces the actual milk content required, and therefore it is cheaper than all milk. So it lowers the capital required in the production of milk products. Therefore it earns the business man more profit!

Below is Melamine; doesn't it look like milk / milk powder?  It doesn't have any smell, so cannot be detected.
3. When was it discovered that it had been added to milk products?

In 2007, US cats and dogs died suddenly. It was found that their pet food from China contained Melamine.

Early in 2008 in China, an abnormal increase in infant cases of kidney stones was reported.

In August 2008, China Sanlu Milk Powder tested positive for Melamine.

Sept. 2008, the New Zealand government asked China to investigate this problem.

Sept. 21, 2008, they found that many food products in Taiwan tested for Melamine

4. What happens when Melamine ingested and digested?

Melamine remains inside the kidneys. It forms into stones blocking the tubes. Pain will be imminent and the person cannot urinate. Kidney(s) will then swell.

Although surgery can remove the stones, it may cause irreversible kidney damage. It can lead to the loss of kidney function, which will require on-going kidney dialysis; or lead to death because of uremia.

What is dialysis?  In fact, it should be called 'blood washing'; it is filtering all of the body's blood into a machine and then returning the blood back to the body.

A dialysis machine

The whole process takes 4 hours; and it is necessary to have dialysis once every 3 days for the rest of your life.

Why is the contamination much more serious in babies?

A baby's kidneys are so very small and they drink a lot of milk powder.

China currently has 13,000 infants hospitalised.

It does not matter how much Melamine a human being ingested (ate) (took).   The important point is: 'MELAMINE CANNOT BE EATEN!'

5. What foods are to be avoided?

Foods from China that contain dairy products should be avoided.

Cadbury Australia was forced to recall their Chocolate Eclairs when it was realised that this Chinese made candy contained melamine contaminated milk.

Remember: Anything Chinese-looking and milky/creamy (as above)


6. Which companies are affected ?

Hereunder are the companies affected with Melamine.

7. What do we do next ?

Avoid the above foods for at least six months.

If you own or operate a snack bar, a restaurant, or a coffee shops, etc., stop selling dairy products for the meantime.

If you have infants at home, change to mother's milk or find other substitutes.

Finally, share this information with friends so they will understand the risk of milk poisoning.

The whole world needs to know of "Made In China" 'black-hearted' goods.

Do you know how to tell which products are made in the USA, or in the Philippines, in Taiwan, or in China?

Here's How:

The first 3 digits of the barcode identify the country code wherein the product was made.

For Example:  ALL barcodes that start with 690, 691, 692, etc. up to and including 695 are all MADE IN CHINA. Barcodes starting with 471 are on products Made in Taiwan.

Taiwanese barcode:

You have a right to know.  But government and related departments never inform or educate the public. Therefore we must educate ourselves, be vigilant and RESCUE ourselves.

Today, Chinese businessmen know that consumers will not select products 'Made in China'.  So, they make every effort not to show or state the country of origin on their products.  However, you can now refer to the barcode.

DO remember if the first 3 digits are one of those between 690 and 695 inclusive then it is a product Made in China.



00 ~ 13 USA & CANADA

30 ~ 37 FRANCE

40 ~ 44 GERMANY

49 ~ JAPAN

50 ~ UK

57 ~ Denmark

64 ~ Finland

76 ~ Switzerland and Liechtenstein

628 ~ Saudi-Arabia

629 ~ United Arab Emirates

740 ~ 745 - Central America

All 480 Codes are Made in the Philippines.

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Our Home-Grown Melamine Problem
By James E. McWilliams

CHINA’S food supply appears to be awash in the industrial chemical melamine.  Dangerous levels have been detected not only in milk and eggs, but also in chicken feed and wheat gluten, meaning that melamine is almost impossible to avoid in processed foods. Melamine in baby formula has killed at least four infants in China and sickened tens of thousands more.

In response, the United States has blasted lax Chinese regulations, while the Food and Drug Administration, in a rare move, announced last week that Chinese food products containing milk would be detained at the border until they were proved safe.

For all the outrage about Chinese melamine, what American consumers and government agencies have studiously failed to scrutinize is how much melamine has pervaded our own food system. In casting stones, we’ve forgotten that our own house has more than its share of exposed glass.

To be sure, in China some food manufacturers deliberately added melamine to products to increase profits.  Makers of baby formula, for example, watered down their product, lowering the amount of protein and nutrients, then added melamine, which is cheap and fools tests measuring protein levels.

But melamine is also integral to the material life of any industrialized society.  It’s a common ingredient in cleaning products, waterproof plywood, plastic compounds, cement, ink and fire-retardant paint. Chemical plants throughout the United States produce millions of pounds of melamine a year.

Given the pervasiveness of melamine, it’s always possible that trace elements will end up in food.  The F.D.A. thus sets the legal limit for melamine in food at 2.5 parts per million.  This amount is indeed minuscule, a couple of sand grains in an expanse of desert that pose no real threat to public health. Moreover, the 2.5 p.p.m. figure is calculated for a person weighing 132 pounds - a cautious benchmark given that the average adult weighs 150 to 180 pounds.

But these figures obscure more than they reveal.  First, while adults eat about one-fortieth of their weight every day, toddlers consume closer to one-tenth. Although scientists haven’t measured the differential impact of melamine on infants versus adults, it’s likely that this intensified ratio would at least double (if not quadruple) the impact of legal levels of melamine on toddlers.

This doubled exposure might not land a child in the hospital, but it could certainly contribute to the long-term kidney and liver problems that we know are caused by chronic exposure to melamine.

On a more concrete note, melamine not only has widespread industrial applications, but is also used to buttress the foundation of American agriculture.

Fertilizer companies commonly add melamine to their products because it helps control the rate at which nitrogen seeps into soil, thereby allowing the farmer to get more nutrient bang for the fertilizer buck.  But the government doesn’t regulate how much melamine is applied to the soil. This melamine accumulates as salt crystals in the ground, tainting the soil through which American food sucks up American nutrients.

A related area of agricultural concern is animal feed.  Chinese eggs seized last month in Hong Kong, for instance, contained elevated levels of melamine because of the melamine-laden wheat gluten used in the feed for the chickens that produced the eggs.

To think American consumers are immune to this unscrupulous behavior is to ignore the Byzantine reality of the global gluten trade.  Tracking the flow of wheat gluten around the world, much less evaluating its quality, is like trying to contain a drop of dye in a churning whirlpool.

More ominous, the United States imports most of its wheat gluten. Last year, for instance, the F.D.A. reported that millions of Americans had eaten chicken fattened on feed with melamine-tainted gluten imported from China.  Around the same time, Tyson Foods slaughtered and processed hogs that had eaten melamine-contaminated feed.  The government decided not to recall the meat.

Only a week earlier, however, the F.D.A. had announced that thousands of cats and dogs had died from melamine-laden pet food.  This high-profile pet scandal did not prove to be a spur to reform so much as a red herring. Our attention was diverted to Fido and away from the animals we happen to kill and eat rather than spoil.

Frightening as this all sounds, the concerned consumer is not completely helpless.  We can seek out organic foods, which are grown with fertilizer without melamine - unless that fertilizer was composted with manure from animals fed melamine-laden feed (always possible, as the Tyson example suggests).

We could further protect ourselves by choosing meat from grass-fed or truly free-range animals, assuming the grass was not fertilized with a conventional product (something that’s also very hard to know).

But as all the caveats above indicate, these precautions will only go so far.  Melamine, after all, points to the much larger relationship between industrial waste and American food production.  Regulations might be lax when it comes to animal feed and fertilizer in China, but take a closer look at similar regulations in the United States and it becomes clear that they’re vague enough to allow industries to “recycle” much of their waste into fertilizer and other products that form the basis of our domestic food supply.

As a result, toxic chemicals routinely enter our agricultural system through the back channels of this under-explored but insidious relationship.

So, sure, let’s keep the heat on China.  And, yes, let’s take with a big dose of skepticism the Chinese government’s assurances that they’re improving the food supply.

At the same time, though, instead of delivering righteous condemnation, the United States should seize upon the melamine scandal as an opportunity to pass federal fertilizer standards backed by consistent testing for this compound, which could very well be hidden in plain sight.

James E. McWilliams, a history professor at Texas State University at San Marcos, is the author of “American Pests: The Losing War on Insects From Colonial Times to DDT.”

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Do Bar Codes Really Tell You The True Source of Origin?

It's really not that cut and dry as show in the above articles bar codes list.  I wish it was that simple to feel safer about where a product or the fertilizer that was used to grow the grain that feeds the populations livestock comes from.  But it just isn't that simple.

Here's the thing...

  • The first three digits of a bar code does indicate the country for which the bar code was assigned to

  • However.... The first three digits of a bar code does not always indicate the country of a product's origin.

What?  Does not always indicate the country of a product's origin? 

Not only that But...  The United States uses a different product code type than other countries do. 

I guess it's like what my Grandpa always said,  "Look for the "Made in the U.S.A." on the label or package".  Or Now-A-Days, It would be... Look for the "Made in, the Country you Trust" on the label or package.

Please read this article I found, it opened my eyes even wider than before I started this weeks newsletter, it's a very interesting and informative MUST READ article.   Click Here

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Cholesterol Medications and Statin Drugs - Their Benefits and Side Effects

You can hardly make it through a news program without being bombarded by an advertisement for prescription cholesterol drugs. Does this sound familiar? "When diet and exercise are not enough to lower your cholesterol, ask your doctor if (brand name statin) is right for you."
All Prescription Cholesterol Medications are based on one of two approaches.

Cholesterol Drugs Fall Into Two Categories:

1.  The first category of cholesterol drugs includes cholesterol binders-medications that block the absorption of cholesterol in your stomach.

These cholesterol medications absorb cholesterol which is either produced in your liver or is the result of cholesterol from the foods that you eat. This class of cholesterol drugs attaches itself to cholesterol and moves it through your system until it is excreted with a bowel movement. The idea here is, if the cholesterol is eliminated from the body by excretion, it cannot get into the bloodstream. Two commonly used cholesterol drugs are Questran and Welchol.

2.  The second category of cholesterol drugs includes the large group of highly advertised "statin" cholesterol medications that block cholesterol synthesis in your liver. These statin drugs include recognized medications such as Lipitor, Pravachol, Zocor and Lescol.

When statins were first introduced, they were prescribed primarily to people with heart disease. In time, advertising to the public and heavy marketing to medical professionals have led us to believe that statins are appropriate for all people.

All together, statin drugs drive a $20 billion a year world-wide market, with Lipitor No. 1, far ahead of any other prescription statin drug sold in the U.S. No head-to-head comparison or testing has ever been conducted to determine whether one is superior to the others.
Although statins are commonly used interchangeably to reduce LDL cholesterol, studies have shown differences in the degree of effectiveness and the possible side effects associated with various statins.

Statin Drugs Work, but for Many Users Statin Drug Side Effects are Intolerable and Dangerous

When certain side effects are experienced you must stop taking these drugs and contact a physician immediately.
The acknowledged side effects of statins include muscle pain and weakness, which most people think is arthritis,  the suppression of the body's formation of Co-enzyme Q10 and a potentially fatal muscle-wasting disorder called rhabdomyolysis. One statin, Baycol, has been withdrawn from the market because it was linked to 31 deaths from rhabdomyolysis.

Rhabdomyolysis a serious side effect which involves distruction of the sketal muscle.  Large amounts of musle protein into the blood stream.
The T.V. ads say "liver problems can be detected by a simple liver test." Simple for whom? Do you really want to take a liver enzyme test every six months? And what about the cost and time that it takes to visit a lab? Does that sound simple to you?

While these side effects are reported to affect only about 2% of all statin users, many physicians report a much higher incidence. Some practitioners are seeing so many problems they are beginning to question the long-term effects of continued use.

Here are Common Side Effects Associated with Statin Drugs:

  • Allergic reaction (new onset of wheezing, respiratory congestion, itching or skin rashes)
  • Muscle pain and aches
  • Decreased sexual interest or ability
  • Muscle weakness
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Dizziness or lightheadedness
  • Excessive gas or belching
  • Headache
  • Heartburn or indigestion
  • Abdominal pain
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Skin rash

Because of these side effects and adverse reactions, the FDA recommends prescribing cholesterol medications and statins only when cholesterol levels are markedly elevated or to those who have significant other risks of developing or already have coronary heart disease.
If statin drug side effects are a concern, you may want to consider alternatives to prescription cholesterol drugs such as natural supplements.  Natural supplements are free from side effects and work to lower cholesterol levels naturally.

New studies are being undertaken by researchers that are not on the payroll of the drug companies. Many researchers question statin drug safety and feel that further study is warranted. Here is one example:

ORLANDO, Fla. (Ivanhoe News wire) -- Those "miracle" pills that lower your cholesterol may, in fact, do more harm than good. At least one researcher is out to determine if statins pose more risks than benefits.
Beatrice Golomb, M.D., Ph.D., from the University of California, San Diego, is involved in an NIH-funded study of 1,000 subjects who have been randomized to receive statins or placebos.

"From the reports that come into us, people are experiencing severe muscle weakness, which is also linked to cognitive problems. Those cognitive problems include everything from the inability to recall names or balance a checkbook, to forgetting entire episodes."
The concern, says Dr. Golomb, is that statins haven't been adequately studied for their harmful effects. She tells Ivanhoe: "We're really interested in the balance of risks and benefits of these drugs. There are lots and lots of people looking at the benefit side. There are so few people evaluating the risk side."

Are Prescription Cholesterol Drugs Really Right for You?

Every day thousands of patients are placed on prescription drugs of some sort by their physicians who believe this is the correct action or are among the many who are simply following the recommended protocol. Whose protocol? Well first, the amazing answer is the pharmaceutical company's protocol. The same companies who promote their products by paying for the golf outings and Caribbean trips for physicians and sponsoring seminars held on cruise ships or luxurious hotels located in places like Maui and Acapulco.

While most physicians have their patients' interests in mind, the fact is they are overloaded with cases and have little time to learn about nutrition, herbs or alternatives to prescription drugs. Another concern is medical liability, and doctors have little interest in anything that is not 100% approved by the FDA and their insurance carriers. So do not look to physicians for impartial answers to your prescription drug questions.

Become well Informed and involved of your health and treatment options.

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Agave Nectar, The High Fructose Health Food Fraud

Here is an incredible article by Ramiel Nagel.

Remi has done an enormous service to us all via his deep researches in the field of nutrition. Much of his work is revealed in a great book "Cure Tooth Decay" which contrary to the prevailing, self serving dogma, teaches you how to heal and prevent cavities with organic foods. Following on the heals of this book is "Healing Our Children" His web sites are a veritable gold mine of info. One can even read a chapter from his books there.

This post contains not only High Fructose sugar but touches on all sweeteners and is a must read by all, especially to the seasoned readers of this list/blog.

"The reason why refined fructose is used so commonly as a sweetener is simple: it's extremely cheap in cost.....

....What I want people to understand is that mislabeling a sweetener like agave syrup is about money and profit, to the real determent of your health."

"In an average supermarket, at least 2/3 of all items contain some form of highly refined fructose, because it is one of the cheapest ingredients and fillers for foods, next to water, air, and salt. In health food stores, some foods contain a sweetener called crystalline fructose or other sweeteners labeled as fructose. Essentially, these are all refined corn fructose, labeled in a way to trick people that it is something more natural. Mr. Bianchi concludes:"

"This adulterated agave syrup (refined fructose) was also labeled as certified organic (8) to fool consumers into thinking they were getting a pure product. This shows you how unverified organic labels were used in the USA, and continue being used even now."

Exposed, yet again, are the smoke and mirrors shenanigans of food marketing especially organic foods much like:

"The cost of the margarine is based on denatured vegetable oil which only costs a few cents, while good butter may cost a few dollars. This provides considerable room for easy profits. It does not take rocket science to market margarine just slightly less than butter and pocket the resulting huge profit."

Extracted from: Butter Versus Margarine

"In a stunning report released in October 2008, the U.S. government's own accountability office reported that of the thousands of food products imported into the US each year from 150 countries, just 96 total food items were inspected by the FDA to insure label accuracy and food safety. (7) The FDA doesn't usually protect consumers regarding food safety or food labeling, nor does it usually take action against many misleading labels. This was seen with the processed infant formula scandal from China, where infant milk powder was tainted with toxic melamine."

"Refined fructose (or anything) lacks amino acids, vitamins, minerals, pectin, and fiber. As a result, the body doesn't recognize refined fructose. Levulose, on the other hand, is naturally occurring in fruits, and is not isolated but bound to other naturally occurring sugars. Unlike man-made fructose, levulose contains enzymes, vitamins, minerals, fiber, and fruit pectin. Refined fructose is processed in the body through the liver, rather than digested in the intestine.(5) Levulose is digested in the intestine. Refined fructose robs the body of many micronutrient treasures in order to assimilate itself for physiological use. While naturally occurring fruit sugars contain levulose bound to other sugars, high fructose corn syrup contains "free" (unbound), chemically refined fructose. Research indicates that free refined fructose interferes with the heart's use of key minerals like magnesium, copper and chromium. (6)

"High fructose from agave or corn will kill a diabetic or hypoglycemic much faster than refined white sugar," says Mr. Bianchi. "By eating high fructose syrups, you are clogging the veins, creating inflammation, and increasing body fat, while stressing your heart. This is in part because refined fructose is foreign to the body, and is not recognized by it."

"Without the FDA making efforts to enforce food-labeling laws, consumers cannot be certain that what they are eating is even what the label says it is. New sweeteners like agave syrup (refined fructose) were made to coin a profit, and not to help or assist vital health. Due to the lies from many companies who sell agave syrup (refined fructose), you have been led to believe that it is a safe and a natural sweetener. The retail refined agave syrup label does not explain that it goes through a complicated chemical refining process of enzymatic digestion, which converts the starch into the free, man-made chemical fructose that has a direct link to serious the degenerative disease conditions so prevalent in our culture. While high fructose agave syrup won't spike your blood sugar levels, the fructose in it will cause: mineral depletion, liver inflammation, hardening of the arteries, insulin resistance leading to diabetes, cardio-vascular disease, obesity, and may be toxic for use during pregnancy.

If you want to buy something sweet, get a piece of fruit, not a candy bar labeled as a "health food." If you want to create something sweet, use sweeteners that are known to be safer. For uncooked dishes, unheated raw honey* or dates work well. For cooked dishes or sweet drinks, a good organic maple syrup, or even freshly juiced apple juice or orange juice can provide delicious and relatively safe sweetness. In general, to be healthy, we cannot eat sugar all day, no matter how natural the form of sugar is, or is claimed to be. One should limit total sweetener consumption to approximately 10% of daily calories. Or one sweet side dish per day, (like a bowl of fruit with yogurt.)"

*Please note: "...In point of fact, there is a very widespread and significant volume practice of feeding bees refined sucrose and/or refined crystallized or liquid high fructose corn syrup to merely flavor, partially convert and call 'honey', because it past through the bee's digestive tract. The result of such a product (essentially bee barf) labeled as honey, but is closer in saccharide break down to the refined sweetener sources used..."

As I always stress knowing the source on one's food is paramount. Try to buy from a local bee keeper who you know. This goes for produce etc. where and when possible.

"While it may be depressing news to hear about the lack of standards in the health food world, let this news help encourage you to seek access to more pure and unrefined foods and sweetener sources, so that you can be healthier."

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15 Tips for Holiday Eating Without Weight Gain
By Michelle May, M.D.

Are you one of those people who anticipate the holidays, but dread the "inevitable" holiday weight gain? Do your holidays revolve around eating even more than the presents, decorations, travel and company? Avoiding holiday weight gain and eating healthy during the holidays can be a real challenge unless you have a great strategy.  These 15 holiday eating tips will help you avoid holiday weight gain and enjoy the season more while eating less.

  1. It is easier to get distracted from signals of physical hunger and satiety at social gatherings, especially if food is the main event. Make an effort to pay close attention to your body's signals.

  1. Be a food snob. Skip the store-bought goodies, the dried-out fudge and the so-so stuffing. If the food you select doesn't taste as good as you expected, stop eating it and choose something else. Think of how much less you'd eat if you only ate things that tasted fabulous!

  1. Think of your appetite as an expense account. How much do you want to spend on appetizers or the entrée? Do you want to save some room for dessert? Go through this process mentally to avoid eating too much food and feeling uncomfortable for the rest of the evening.

  1. Pace your eating prior to the event so you will be hungry but not famished at mealtime. But ignore the old diet advice of "eat before you go to a party so you won't be tempted." That is absurd! You want to be hungry enough to enjoy your favorites.

  1. Socialize away from the sight of the food. People who tend to overeat are "food suggestible" so just hanging around food causes them to eat more than they need.

  1. Survey all of the food at a buffet before making your choices. Choose the foods that you really want most at that time and remind yourself that you can have the other foods at a later time.

  1. If the food is so special, give it your full attention rather than eating on autopilot. Eat mindfully by reducing distractions and sitting down to eat - even if it's just a cookie. Appreciate the appearance and aroma of your food and savor one small bite at a time by putting your fork down. You'll eat less food but enjoy it more.

  1. If the food doesn't taste as good as you expected, stop eating it and choose something else.

  1. Since the duration of the meal tends to be extended at social events, you may need to have your plate taken away (or put your napkin on it) once you are satisfied to avoid nibbling unconsciously.

  1. Be aware of the effects of alcohol on your food intake. And don't forget that many beverages contain calories too.

  1. Be cautious of "obligatory eating" - avoid eating just because it is on the table, on your plate, because you paid for it, or because someone made it. Deal with Food Pushers with a polite but firm, "No thank you." If you're concerned about hurting their feelings, ask for the recipe or a small portion to take home with you for another meal.

  1. It's common to have candy and snacks lying all over the place this time of year. Avoid indulging in food just because it's there. Grazing unconsciously will lead to many extra calories that you probably won't even remember enjoying.

  1. Before having a cookie, a piece of fudge or other holiday treat that was laid in the break room, check your hunger scale. If you are hungry and you wish to choose a particular food to satisfy you, remember to sit down and eat it mindfully.

  1. At restaurants, the portion sizes are usually huge - almost always "two for the price of one." Request appetizer portions, co-order and co-eat with your dining partner, or have the server package up your meal to go as soon as you feel satisfied. Remember, "super-size" is no bargain if you didn't need that much food in the first place!

  1. Look for opportunities for physical activity - take a walk after dinner to enjoy the lights, take a few laps around the mall before it opens to do some window shopping or take guests to local attractions.

Most importantly, delight all of your senses. Enjoy the company, the atmosphere, the entertainment, and the traditions as much, if not more, than the food.

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Fatty Rubbish and Filth in Flour

Doug Kaufmann is author of the book, The Germ that Causes Cancer. In it, he explains the much understated problem of the contamination of our industrially stored grains by potent moulds, fungi and their associated mycotoxin discharges and why they should be strictly avoided.

Most governments only scan for the most dangerous of these, like aflatoxin, thought to be one of the most carcinogenic substances on earth. One study showed that, via a typically grain-predominant diet, a citizen could expect to ingest from 0.15 g to 0.5 g of aflatoxin per day.

Antibiotics are often made from mycotoxins (viz. penicillin) and are well known for disrupting the delicate gut flora balance, creating dysbiosis. For many patients with cancer, the fungal problems will be obvious, many of these sufferers with a history of antibiotic use prior to being diagnosed with cancer. Dr Joseph Mercola states:

"Mycotoxins cause a wide range of health problems in humans when we are exposed to small amounts over an extended period of time, and can even be lethal if taken in large quantities over a short period of time. Given the large number of diseases linked to mycotoxins, and our tendency to eat a large amount of grains in our typical [Western] diet, this is a very concerning problem. As Dr Holland states, grains are sources of carbohydrates, or sugars, and as such, they risk contamination by certain fungi. These fungi produce secondary metabolites, or mycotoxins."

Historically, grains have produced some quite wild reactions, such as in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692, when 13 women and six men were executed for witchcraft after some citizens in the town went 'barking mad', probably due to poisoning by the rye fungus, ergot (St Anthony's Fire). LSD was first synthesized by Swiss chemist Albert Hoffman of Sandoz Laboratories in 1938, who was studying the hallucinogenic properties of ergot. Hoffman's revolutionary new kaleidoscopic trip was to skew the perceptions of an entire generation to come in the swinging sixties and beyond.

To illustrate the difficulties grains are causing humans, Dr David Holland elaborates on the top ten mycotoxin foods society routinely munches with alacrity with little or no appreciation for the cumulative downside:

1. Alcoholic beverages

Alcohol is the mycotoxin of the Saccharomyces yeast - brewer's yeast. Other mycotoxins besides alcohol can also be introduced into these beverages through the use of mold-contaminated grains and fruits. Producers often use grains that are too contaminated with fungi and mycotoxins to be used for table foods, so the risk is higher that you are consuming more than just alcohol in your beverage (Council for Agricultural Science and technology. Mycotoxins: Economic and Health Risks. Task Force Report Number 116. CAST. Ames, IA. Nov 1989). Before you drink for the health of your heart, consider the other possible risks of drinking. There are safer ways of consuming antioxidants.

2. Corn

Corn is "universally contaminated" with fumonisin and other fungal toxins such as aflatoxin, zearalenone and ochratoxin (Council for Agricultural Science and Technology. Mycotoxins: Risks in Plant, Animal and Human Systems. Task Force Report No. 139. Ames, IA. Jan 2003).

Fumonisin and aflatoxin are known for their cancer-causing effects, while zearalenone and ochratoxin cause estrogenic and kidney-related problems respectively. Just as corn is universally contaminated with mycotoxins, our food supply seems to be universally contaminated with corn -- it's everywhere! A typical chicken nugget at a fast food restaurant consists of a nugget of corn-fed chicken that is covered by a corn-based batter that is sweetened with corn syrup!

3. Wheat

Not only is wheat often contaminated with mycotoxins, but so are the products made from wheat, like breads, cereals, pasta, etc. Pasta may be the least-"offensive" form of grains since certain water-soluble mycotoxins, such as deoxynivalenol (vomitoxin), are partially removed and discarded when you toss out the boiling water that you cooked the pasta in.

Unfortunately, traces of the more harmful, heat-stable and fat-soluble mycotoxins, such as aflatoxin, remain in the grain. Regarding breads -it probably doesn't matter if it's organic, inorganic, sprouted, blessed or not - if it came from a grain that has been stored for months in a silo, it stands the chance of being contaminated with fungi and mycotoxins.

4. Barley

Similar to other grains that can be damaged by drought, floods and harvesting and storage processes, barley is equally susceptible to contamination by mycotoxin-producing fungi. Barley is used in the production of various cereals and alcoholic beverages.

5. Sugar (sugar cane and sugar beets)

Not only are sugar cane and sugar beets often contaminated with fungi and their associated fungi, but they, like the other grains, fuel the growth of fungi. Fungi need carbohydrates - sugars - to thrive.

6. Sorghum

Sorghum is used in a variety of grain-based products intended for both humans and animals. It is also used in the production of alcoholic beverages.

7. Peanuts

A 1993 study demonstrated 24 different types of fungi that colonized the inside of the peanuts used in the report (Costantini, A. Etiology and Prevention of Atherosclerosis. Fungalbionics Series.1998/99). And this was after the exterior of the peanut was sterilized!

So, when you choose to eat peanuts, not only are you potentially eating these molds, but also their mycotoxins. Incidentally, in the same study the examiners found 23 different fungi on the inside of corn kernels. That said, if you choose to plant your own garden in an attempt to avoid mycotoxin contamination of corn or peanuts, it does you no good if the seed (kernel) used to plant your garden is already riddled with mold.

8. Rye

The same goes for rye as for wheat and other grains. In addition, when we use wheat and rye to make bread, we add two other products that compound our fungal concerns: sugar and yeast!

9. Cottonseed

Cottonseed is typically found in the oil form (cottonseed oil), but is also used in the grain form for many animal foods. Many studies show that cottonseed is highly and often contaminated with mycotoxins.

10. Hard Cheeses

Here's a hint: if you see mold growing throughout your cheese, no matter what you paid for it, there's a pretty good chance that there's a mycotoxin not far from the mold. It is estimated that each fungus on Earth produces up to three different mycotoxins.

The total number of mycotoxins known to date numbers in the thousands. On the other hand, some cheeses, such as Gouda cheese, are made with yogurt-type cultures, like Lactobacillus, and not fungi (Costantini, 1998/99). These cheeses are a much healthier alternative, fungally speaking.

Naturally, with this list coming from a group that opposes eating food that is merely contaminated with fungi, we'd certainly oppose eating the fungus itself! That would include common table mushrooms and so-called myco-protein food products [quorn].

Other foods that could potentially make our list are rice, oats and beans, given that these too are sources of carbohydrates. And occasionally food inspectors will come across a batch of mold-contaminated rice or oats. However, all other things being equal, these crops are generally more resistant to fungal contamination (CAST 1989).


Grains break down into glucose in the body and fuel fungal growth. All nutritional regimens for cancer should therefore make a point of ostracizing these foods from the patient's diet. In the resources below, I give full dietary recommendations along with a comprehensive list of potent, natural anti-fungal materials that are being widely used against cancers today.

Further Resources

The ABC's of Disease by Phillip Day
Cancer: Why We're Still Dying to Know the Truth by Phillip Day

B17 Metabolic Therapy compiled by Phillip Day :
Great News on Cancer in the 21st Century by Steve Ransom

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7 Reasons Why We Die of a Heart Attack
By Emilia Klapp, R.D., B.S.

According to U.S. General Surgeon, heart attacks and strokes are highly preventable. Thus, if more people die from heart disease than from any other illness, we need to give a serious consideration to what we are doing wrong.

In this article you will find the 7 main reasons why we may end up being part of the American Heart Association’s statistics.

1. We smoke.

The risk of dying of a heart attack is about four times higher in people who smoke than in those who don’t smoke.

Many of us are under the impression that the major danger from smoking is cancer but that is not quite true; smoking is the major risk factor for heart disease, stroke, and cardiovascular disease. In fact, about 40% of deaths caused by cardiovascular disease are due to smoking.

Smoking contributes to heart disease in the following manner:

  • Increases blood pressure, a risk for heart attacks and strokes.
  • The carcinogen components in tobacco damage the walls of the arteries.
  • The carbon monoxide from the burning of the tobacco interferes with the blood capacity to carry oxygen to our heart.
  • Smoking causes the narrowing of the blood vessels that carry blood to our legs and arms.

I know that to stop smoking is not a piece of cake but you have to make an effort. If you try, I am confident you’ll succeed. Be strong! Look for professional help to assist you in this task. And don’t get discourage if you have already tried and didn’t make it. Try as many times as you can.

2. We don’t walk.

Over the past 50 years, health professionals have examined the association between physical activity and the risk for heart disease. The findings consistently reveal that people who are physically active have half the risk for heart attacks than people who are not active. Those studies show also that at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity, such as brisk walking, on most days of the week, is sufficient to reduce the risk of heart attack.

Keep in mind that the heart is a muscle, and like any other muscle in the body, it becomes stronger the more you exercise it. Without exercise, it loses muscle fibers and becomes weak until it is unable to do its job. And the last thing you need is a heart that can’t do its job.

The direct effects of physical activity on heart disease are:

  • Makes the heart stronger so it can pump more blood with fewer beats
  • Lowers blood pressure by increasing the diameter of the coronary arteries.
  • Lowers “LDL”, the bad cholesterol
  • Increases “HDL”, the “good” cholesterol
  • Decreases triglycerides
  • Decreases the risk of diabetes, which is a risk for heart attacks

3. We eat too much saturated fat.

There is a reason why health authorities advice us to limit the consumption of saturated fat:

  • Saturated fat is the most rigid of all fats and is solid at room temperature. Solid fats are hard to dissolve and can easily get stuck in your arteries.
  • Saturated fat causes the liver to overproduce cholesterol. The liver makes about 75 percent of the cholesterol your body needs from internal sources, while the remaining 25 percent comes from food. But when you eat too much saturated fat, your liver keeps producing cholesterol and you end up with much more cholesterol than you need.

Limit saturated fat consumption to less than 10 percent of the total calories ingested per day.

4. We ingest too many foods containing hydrogenated oils or trans fats Health authorities are concerned that the consumption of trans fats might have contributed to the 20th century epidemic of coronary heart disease.

Hydrogenated oils or trans fats as they are usually called, are produced artificially by inserting molecules of hydrogen in vegetable oils, a process called hydrogenation. Through this process, the oil, which is liquid at room temperature, changes its original form and becomes solid. In other words, it becomes saturated fat. In addition, the unnatural shapes of trans fats cause our cells to become malformed and to malfunction. And that includes the cells of the heart and the arteries.

Read the food label and avoid products which contain trans fats or hydrogenated fats.

Example of foods that contain these harmful fats are:

  • Industrial bakery such as cookies, donuts, croissants, cakes, and the like
  • Solid margarine
  • Fried fast food

5. We don’t eat enough fruits and vegetables We know that people who consume plant foods regularly have a lower incidence of heart disease than those who do not include them in their diet.

Fruits and vegetables contain phytochemicals, nonnutritive chemicals found in plant foods that protect their host plants from infections and microbial invasions. Recently, however, we have learned that phytochemicals are also crucial in protecting humans against many diseases, including heart disease.

Among the functions phytochemicals perform in our bodies are:

  • They act as antioxidants
  • They keep the walls of small blood vessels healthy
  • They make our small blood vessels stronger
  • They prevent platelets from becoming sticky and piling up
  • They block specific enzymes that raise blood pressure.

Include about 9 portions of fruits and vegetables a day as part of a healthy diet.

6. We have too much stress.

Have you ever felt strong headaches, muscle pain, anxiety, insomnia, and tiredness? If you identify yourself with some of these symptoms, you body may be going through an excess of tension.

Nowadays, 80 percent of the population suffers from some kind of symptoms caused by stress which many times end up in illnesses such as high blood pressure, a risk factor for heart attacks. Trying to cover on a daily basis more tasks than you physically can handle may be one of the major contributors to your stress. It is probably that one of the reasons why you succumb to disease easily is the level of stress in your life since tension reduces your capacity of adaptation to your environment.

You need to learn how to surround yourself with peace and serenity. Here are a few steps you can take to achieve your goal:

  • Walk as much as you can.
  • Add vitamin B to your diet. These vitamins have a calming and relaxing effect on the nervous system and are an excellent help to combat anxiety, irritability, tension and insomnia. Food sources of vitamin B are whole grains, green peas, fish, eggs and brewer’s yeast. Take a glass of orange juice in the morning and add the brewer’s yeast. Vitamin C is also necessary in this process. You can also add a supplement that includes vitamin B complex.
  • Make nuts part of your diet. Nuts are high in calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, and chrome, minerals that favor muscle relaxation. You may want to include a supplement that includes these minerals.
  • Have a session of osteopathy. Stress affects your body equilibrium. An osteopath can give you a massage that will help you reestablish the equilibrium you have lost.
  • Give yourself 10 minutes every day to call a friend and chat.
  • Take at least 4 free days a month where you can wake up in the morning without having planned anything to do. That way you can take the time to think what you would like to do that day. And if what appeals to you is doing nothing, then, by all means, do nothing!

7. We drink too much alcohol.

Avoid high alcohol consumption. 5 to 7 percent of the hypertension we see in people is due to high alcohol intake. The Health World Organization estimates that almost 2/3 of strokes and 50 percent of heart attacks are caused by high blood pressure.

Limit your alcohol intake to two small glasses of wine a day if you are a male and one small glass a day if you are a female.

Final thoughts

If you make an effort to implement these seven guidelines in your life, you will be well ahead with the fight against heart disease. And the beauty of it is that you won’t be part of the yearly statistics issued by the American Heart Association regarding the amount of deaths occurred by heart attacks.

1. Thompson P. Preventing coronary heart disease. The role of physical activity. The Physician and Sportsmedicine. 2001 Feb;29(2).

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