Natural Health Remedies
For Your Body and Mind

Margie Garrison
"The Arthritis Lady"
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Articles For September 2009

August 28, 2009

  1. Are Yearly Check Ups Effective?  Are they Evil?
  2. What is the CURSE of Cooking?
  3. The Time Factor In Recovery

August 21, 2009

  1. Natural Alternatives to Drugs
  2. Health Benefits Of Broccoli

August 14, 2009

  1. NASIDs - NonSteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs - Beware!

Current over-the-counter NSAIDs include:
    Aspirin compounds
    Ketoprofen (such as Orudis)
    Ibuprofen (such as Motrin, Advil, Nuprin and Medipren)
    Naproxen sodium (such as Aleve)

Prescription NSAID:

August 7, 2009

  1. Fats and Cholesterol
  2. The Filthy Five - EWG:  Lists the Most Pesticide-Poisoned Fruits and Vegetables
  3. The Felicitous Five - EWG:  Best Vegetables to Buy When They're Not Organic

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Are Yearly Check Ups Effective?  Are they Evil?

We are told we should have annual checkups.  Especially when after we turn 40.   Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

It is a good thing if after the checkup and after the doctor finds anything wrong with you, you then are given a program to eradicate what is wrong with you.  And I do not mean drugs, or "medicines" which is the popular term and which each and every one has bad side effects.

I mean a program to rebuild your body and get your immune system back to what God meant it to be..
Bad health begins in childhood.  Right form the start at inception.  If your mother was healthy and well nourished she gave you an exceptional start.

Then what happens, if you are really lucky you are breast-fed.  Which is natures perfect food.

If you are unlucky you are given formula, which has additives in it, and sometimes sugar and in most cases soy products.  All bad for you.   Then you are started on strained foods in cans or jars.  All processed and most with sugar added.  Remember any food that has been heated and/or processed has very little food value left in it.

Then you are welcomed into the world of fast food, candy and soft drinks of all kinds.   Our parents then wonder why we are so hyper and then we might be put on something like Ritalin. 

Then we enter school with vaccinations which add putrid material to our bodies, (see last weeks newsletter.)  The schools give us lunches made up of cooked starches, puddings full of sugar, pizza, etc. The halls have soft drink machines.  They SHOULD BE OUTLAWED.

Most children then are addicted to sugar.  You reach puberty much sooner than people did 70 years ago. 
We leave school and continue to eat wrong and live a fast paced life. We might still be active but by the late 20's we are in a rut.

Our lives are so fast paced there never seems to be time for just sitting watching the grass grow or looking at the clouds.  My son Chuck remembers his father teaching him to lie in the grass and to imagine what pictures the clouds are making. That is a lost art.

Our 40's loom.  We are out of shape Or we are in great shape but start to fall apart and by now what ever we had in us to protect and nourish our immune system is about gone.  We start to feel tired, listless  l and little aging signs start.  An ache here and an ache there.

Our asthma is worse, our arthritis is starting to be in more places.  But we ignore this.  Our joints do not work like they did. Fifties and more parts of us are tired.  More visits to the doctor.  

Now comes the idea of yearly check ups.  Fine.  But what does the doctor do when he checks you and finds something wrong?  He gives you medicines (DRUGS WITH SIDE EFFECTS WORSE THAN THE ILLNESS).

If our medical advisors, when we were younger, had known anything about the cause of pathology and its evolution, they could have guided us in the ways of health.  Oh yes, they might have said exercise more, eat a good diet recommended by the government, which is woefully inadequate.  They left it up to us to figure out what that way was.
But they recommended drugs and surgery for what they found.  They are not entirely to blame.  You did not do your part.  You went to them wanting the "MAGIC BULLET" AND there is no such thing.

They sometimes frightened us and we were worse off then if we had been left alone.

During the cholera epidemic of the 1870's people died in the thousands.  But one doctor, Dr. Graham seemed to have the touch.  His patients, that did as he told them, survived while friends and family who ignored his advice died.
What did he do different?  He told them to take some pills he had and to take one with a full glass of water at least 6 times a day for at least 5 days and eat nothing and go to bed and rest.  They lived!

What was in the pill?  It was a sugar pill.   Worthless.  But it fasted them and they lived.  If he had told them to go home and fast for 5 days do you think they would?  NO!

So now we are getting into our 60's and are having heart disease, diabetes, ulcers, enlarged prostate, high blood pressure, arthritis, and more.

Now we ask, where is the cure for all this?  We have been reading for 50 years or more of how these miraculous drugs will soon be on the market.  They come out, they cause damage, and DEATH, and are withdrawn.  Do they cure?  No. Do they cover of the symptoms?  Yes.

Where are the cures for heart disease, for diabetes, for high blood pressure, for ulcers or potential cancers?  Oh, they are working on them so please donate more money to research.

Have you ever seen any statistics on the amount of money that has been spent on research for any one of these diseases?  Can you even imagine what it might be?

That is a shame.  The cost to get well and stay well can be less than the cost of a hamburger a day.
And so what ever the ailment it continues only now we have the illness and the side effects from the drugs.
We are operated on and sent home.  We get glowing reports of all the transplants and how marvelous and I am not saying they are not, but how long do they last?  Do they tell you that?  No.

Do they tell you if the quality of life is good?   A heart transplant patience lives about 5 more years on average.  And he/she lives in a different world.  No quality of live.  Exceptions are of course out there but on the whole life is miserable.

Our friend Dave, was 34, told have the operation or die.  He did, His wife told us of the H…he went through and in 4 years he was gone.

If he had not had the operation he of course would have died, but no one told him he had a choice of an operation or a complete life style change.

Today we know what to do to have a healthy heart with out drugs.

Chronic disease does not come into existence instantly and full-fledged, as the medical field would like us to believer.
After scores of gastric crises and cures have occurred in infancy, childhood and maturity, ulcer or the stomach is one of the common forms of organic changes that result.

Cancer is one of the outcomes of years of living with no regard to what the cells of our body need.  

If the so-called acute disease, which are just crises in toxemia, had been understood and the enervating habits corrected in the beginning, the organism would have retired its normal state and no more toxemic crises would have developed… so the so-called acute diseases, starting in childhood are the budding state of a harvest of organic "disease" that mature in middle and advanced age.

Chronic disease is not something separate and apart from acute disease.

Exams by the physician in your yearly check up can disclose pathology after it has advanced far enough to produce a physical sign, after it has made considerable advancement.  The doctor cannot prevent the development of pathology and until cause is understood, they cannot lead you the correct measures to restore you to the health that God gave you.

Right here is the basic fallacy of the check-ups.  They are searches for symptoms, for effects, endpoints: not searches for CAUSE. Your doctor is very skilled at discovering the symptoms and the physical signs, but he is a babe in the woods when cause is mentioned.

Without a cause this cannot be removed, without the removal of the CAUSE, health cannot be restored..
After a check up, millions of people with insurance, are rushed into the operation room.   Over 200,000 people die yearly in hospitals from the wrong diagnosis or the wrong drug.

Fear is a killing complication in any so-called disease.  Why does your blood pressure always rise when you are in the doctors office or the hospital?  Fear, anticipation, and apprehension.

A young man wanted to enlist.  The exam said he had a heart murmur.  He had never had pains in the region of his heart, but now that he is aware that he had some heart disease, he began to suffer "heart pains."

If the check-ups had led to constructive measures that resulted in a restoration of health, they would not complicate the troubles of the victim with fear and anxiety..

Checks ups may seem innocuous enough, but when we place their findings beside the obvious lack of effective treatments they become evils.

On the flip side, how many people have you known to die suddenly after a yearly check up?  It had nothing to do with the check up but usually the person was told he was in great shape.  Or had the heart of a 20 year old, etc…

He might, and possible had, some physical problem that was not detected and was told he is fine.   So what does he/she do?  They go on their merry way of eating and living with no regard to feeding their cells.

Again, my husband Warren, was treated from the age of about 23 for ulcers.  Given all the known pills, Tums, etc and liquids.  His ulcer grew until he had an 8 inch cancer in his stomach.   One operation, 6 days in the hospital, $12,000.00  worth of drugs in that 6 days and told he now had a year instead of the 6 months he would have had without the operation and he was dead in 6 months. His oncologist told me in confidence that the liquids and pills etc, encouraged the ulcer and actually led to his death.

He never had a good day after the operation.  He suffered, had at least 4 strokes we know of, lost his eyesight and lived on morphine till it killed him.

If he had been treated for the ulcer in a alternative way, he could still be with me, 13 years later.    An ulcer can be cured with the right foods and juicing of cabbage. He would not change his food habits.  I tried to get him to eat different and he refused.  Since it is every persons right to eat as they wish, I cannot blame myself.  I told him what he needed to do and he chose not to.  And I am alone.

What should you be doing?  Get the check up by all means.  You need to know if something is wrong.  But most importantly, change your life style.

Start taking care of your immune system.  Take the burden of your health in your hands where it belongs.  If you have been getting this newsletter for any period of time you already have the means to make your health back to the way God meant it to be.

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The information contained on this site is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only.  The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.  Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.  Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read.

Copyright 2000-2010 Your Success Inc. All rights reserved.
Your Success, Inc. - 11424 - 115th Street N - Largo, FL 33778

What is the CURSE of Cooking?

Is it true the best way to a man's heart is through his stomach or are we actually causing our loves ones illnesses?

Being a good cook is the most flattery thing we have been taught to tell our mothers and wives.

It is also why 54% of our men 52% of our women, die due to heart problems.

Cooking stands out as one of the worst practices humans have ever adopted.  

Cooking is a primary cause of disease.  Most of mankind's ills and suffering are linked to this practice.

Look around you and what do you see?  Most of our friends and family over 40 and sometimes earlier are weak, sickly and pitifully unhealthy creatures.

I have uncovered facts that there is ample evidence that completely healthy people can live beyond 115 years of age without ever suffering so much as a cold, headache or other ailment!

Is it too late for you?  NO…

It is a rare child that has been free of "childhood: diseases, that is colds, colic's, bad teeth, diarrhea, fevers, rashes, hives etc.

Yet the animal world that lives in the wild and eats what is natural to them live they're allotted years healthy.

The drug and poison habits to which we are addicted, that is, coffee, sugar, salt, alcohol, vinegars, condiments, teas, etc are largely a result of eating an otherwise sufficient diet made deficient and noxious by cooking.

Combine this with the profession know as medicine with all the drugs given for every little ache or pain or system and you have what we have today.  America is listed 29 in the world's countries as having good health.

Pure wholesome food is the answer.  I marvel when at the super market and see a mother with a child or two with her and I see what she is putting into her shopping cart.

Chip, cola, cereal, sugars, cola, pickles, ice cream, white bread, candy, canned foods, macaroni, cookies and the list goes on and on.  And then later she will complain about the high cost of food when in her cart she had maybe 20% or less of real, fresh food.   All the rest that she bought was food-less food with absolutely no nutrition.

Her children are getting plenty to eat but it is food-less food and she is unknowingly harming the very people she loves the most.

She should be buying fruits, nuts, succulent green vegetables and seeds.  All unprocessed foods and all having nutrition in them.  Not as much nutrition as they had in say 1940 but some.

Cooking destroys foods from the moment heat is applied and the more it is cooked the more they are destroyed.  They taste good I know.  But they do nothing for your health.

Cooking disorganizes and makes unusable the nutrient factors of food but makes the poisonous as well!!!

The iron in food becomes inorganic as a result of cooking.  The same is true for calcium and other minerals which our body requires.

Junky food make junky people.  So therefore make your diet at least 75% raw and 25% cooked.  Not perfect but much better and we can learn to like it this way.

I have.  I cannot eat a 100% raw diet.  I have tried because I know it is best but I simply cannot. 

Cooking at temperatures from 120 to 190 degrees destroys all enzymes, causing leukocytosis.  This means an abnormally high white corpuscle count.  It can triple the white count.

There is no way that cooking improves the nutritional value of foods.  It is a process of reducing food from its natural state with vitamins, minerals, enzymes, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, auxones and other vital food factors to worthless ashes.  Even worse it is now poisonous to our systems.

That is why when I put my two friends on an all juice diet for their cancers they both recovered.

A truly healthy person synthesizes within himself and with the aid of intestinal bacteria about 1,000 enzymes and co-enzymes, which are called vitamins.  We need these enzymes in natural foods.

Cooking coagulates proteins, deaminizes essential amino acids, destroys hormones, caramelizes sugars, breaks up natural fats and makes them completely indigestible and poisonous, renders mineral INORGANAIC, so that the body cannot use them.

Eating live foods you increase your nutrition intake on less foods.  So you save money, which you could now use on, say your children's education or a trip or whatever.

You need no drugs, doctors or hospitals and you have a larger savings. The average family can save 30% on their food bill.

Dr. Pottenger's experiments of feeding cooked foods and natural foods to a group of cats.  The control group that ate exclusively on cooked foods suffered mental derangements, decreased sexual abilities, and development of menstruation in the females along with regular ovulation, arthritis, heart troubles, general sickliness and shortened life.

The other control group fed the same foods but in their raw state enjoyed superb vigor and health.

In olden days in China men under the death sentence were given an exclusive diet of cooked meat.  They died in weeks.

Calves cannot live on their own mother's milk once the milk has been pasteurized. Calves in an experiment of taking their mother's milk and then feeding the calves this after pasteurizing it died within one or two months.

During the early part of 2000 farmers were buying cookers and feeding their animals cooked foods because they were told it had supposed benefits.  The learned a costly lesson when their hogs who were fed on cooked foods developed cholera and died in wholesale amounts in months.  The farmers stopped this method and saved the rest of the herds.

But the farmers continued with their own cooked foods that they ate themselves.  What saved them was they also had a great deal of fresh foods from the farms.

At one time the All rice diet hit American and in 85 days on this diet some were dying.

Our mother's frying pan is her most lethal weapon. Taste great but it is not worth getting sick and dying at an early age.

Bacteria a needed partner in life.  Bacteria cannot exist on living cells.  Bacteria are a scavenger form of life.  It is one of our most commendable partners in life.

Bacteria is responsible for the synthesis of Vit B-12 within our bodies.

Bacteria find soil in dead foods only.   Bacteria breakup and decompose the trash in our systems. 

Bacteria make cooked foods a fermenting and rotting mess in our systems.

To illustrate.  If you take so-called raw milk and add a culture of bacillus bulgaricus, the culture dies before it sours the milk.  But if you first pasteurize or boil the milk, rendering it dead, then cool it to about 100 degrees and add the bacterial culture, keeping it at this temperature, you have yogurt in about 6 to 8 hours.

Cooked food cause constipation.  Cooked foods impair the heart.

Cooked foods are carcinogenic.  They cause cancer.

There are other related factors but this is the big one. Cooked food is less digestible. 

So do the 75 - 25-% rule. 

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If we understand the nature of the phenomena with which we are dealing - we can both understand the urgent need to remove the causes of the suffering of the sick man and the need for time for him to evolve into a state of health.

The Time Factor In Recovery
by Dr. Herbert Shelton

One of the most trying problems of the Hygienist, in dealing with the sick, and this is particularly true of chronic sufferers, is the demand for speedy results. Everybody wants to get well in a hurry. It is not unusual for sufferers to demand recovery in a week to two weeks.

Why not? Have they not been led to believe that if there is anything wrong, the removal of an organ or part, an operation that requires but a few minutes to an hour or more, and a few days in the hospital, and they will be as good as new? Have they not been taught to be content with mere palliation of symptoms, a thing that may be achieved in many instances in a few minutes? Will not an Alka-Seltzer relieve stomach distress in a very short time; or will not an aspirin relieve a headache in a few minutes?


Quick relief, even if only temporary, is what is so generally demanded. It is generally true that these means of providing the speedy results produce an aftermath of troubles of their own that are often worse than the troubles they are given to relieve. Certainly they never, not in a single instance nor in a single trouble, remove any of the causes that are producing and maintaining, even intensifying the trouble. They constitute symptomatic treatment and doubtful palliation, and produce cumulative side-effects.


Why do we expect to get well in a hurry of a condition that requires a life-time for its development? Perhaps one is fifty years of age and has had a chronic disease since the age of thirty-five, the condition slowly becoming worse during this time, despite (or because of) the faithful employment of the commonly administered means of palliation. Before the disease became apparent at the age of thirty-five, there was a long antecedent series of developments that led up to the disease. It is literally true that the disease had its initial beginnings with the first cold, colic, diarrhea or hives of infancy.


This man has given the methods of cure a full fifteen years of time in which to restore health, but if he turns to Hygiene he wants to get well over night! Not only is he in a hurry, hut he wants to achieve his recovery with as little disturbance of his accustomed routine and as little change in his habits of living as possible. He may be willing to change his diet (temporarily, of course), but why should he give up smoking? He may be willing to fast, at least he may he willing to miss a few meals, but why should he rest? He has no insurmountable objection to a temporary abandonment of coffee, but why should he exercise? He actually enjoys sunbathing, but why should he not be permitted to overeat?

Certainly the man whose condition has required a life-time for its evolution will require the employment of all of the means of Hygiene to reorganize and re-constitute his organism. So long as even one of the causes that have contributed to the evolution of his trouble is permitted to remain a part of his daily life, and this cause may be one of omission as well as one of commission, it will contribute to the progressive development of trouble. All causes of weakness, impurity and suffering are to be removed from the life of the individual, else recovery will be retarded and full recovery prevented.


It is essential that we recognize the fact that recovery of health is an evolution in reverse and that it requires time to be completed. What we term disease is an evolution out of wrong ways of life; recovery of health is an evolution out of correct ways of living. As it takes time to evolve disease, so it requires time to erase the abnormal changes that have taken place in the tissues of the body and to evolve normal tissue to replace the abnormal tissue.


We can watch the evolution of pathology in the drinker, as he progresses from the so-called moderate drinker to the habitual and so-called excessive drinker with the progressive weakening of the functions of his body and the slow evolution of liver sclerosis, delirium tremens and insanity.

Is it to be thought that the effects of ten to twenty years of drinking can be erased in a few days or even in a few weeks, and full health, with its integrity of structure and vigor of function, restored so quickly? If this could be done, then, certainly the evils of alcoholism were not as great as we are accustomed to think.

The evolution of pathology out of any type of habitual or chronic poisoning, whether tobacco poisoning, drug poisoning, or a general and persistent toxic state of the body arising out of lowered functioning power (enervation) resulting from an enervating way of life, is not unlike the evolution of delirium tremens out of alcoholism. Likewise, the road back, when the pathology has arisen from some of these other causes, is a slow and gradual one.

In all pathologies, as they continue to evolve, a stage is reached sooner or later, from which there is no turning back. This is the stage of irreversibility. When this stage is reached there is no longer any hope of recovery of health.


The reader, versed only in the popular and classic ideas about health, disease and healing, will, perhaps, ask: what is the difference between being cured and recovering health? A cure is the application of something exotic (a drug or a treatment) which, by virtue of its own power restores the sick man or woman to health. There is no such thing.
Recovery is the restoration of health by means of the operation of forces intrinsic to the organism. This is the only force known that is capable of restoring health. Healing is a biological process, not an art.


Let us take the common cold. It is estimated that the 190 million people in the United States have an average of four colds each during the year. Some of these people have fewer than four colds, some have more than four. Now, it is acknowledged that there is no known cure for the cold. There is no drug, no serum, no vaccine, no form of treatment that will cure a cold. People treat themselves with all kinds of alleged remedies, but these do not cure the cold. Almost everybody one meets has one or more cold cures, but none of them are genuine.

Yet, it is a matter of common observation that everybody who has a cold recovers; sometimes in a very few days, in some instances in three to four weeks. Not so many months ago a prominent physician said that if one who has a cold is treated, he gets well in two weeks, and if he is not treated, he gets well in fourteen days. The important fact about these recoveries is that these sufferers get well, but they are not cured for no cure is known. Recovery is said to be spontaneous. It is the result of lawful and orderly processes that take place in the body of the sick person.


Diseases that get well in this manner are said to be self-limited. This simply means that they are brought to an end in a more or less definite time by the organism itself and not by treatment. They are all spontaneous recoveries. These spontaneous recoveries are the things on which all the alleged cures ride to glory. It will not escape the attention of the reader that the self-limited diseases are all acute; that the chronic diseases tend to run on for years and to grow progressively worse and that for these, there are no cures. Almost anything seems to cure the self-limited diseases, nothing seems to work when the disease is not self-limited.


If we understand that it is the sick person that recovers and not the disease, we will understand that there is a vast difference between treating disease (the popular delusional practice) and caring for a sick person. In the first case, the efforts are directed at controlling, suppressing, palliating and destroying symptoms and local pathologies; in the second instance, the efforts are directed at removing the causes that have impaired the body and at trying to supply the body with its physiological needs. There is no effort made to cure the disease, as it is well understood that healing is a biological process and that no man can either duplicate or imitate the process. There is no treatment of disease for the reason that there is no disease, per se, to treat.


Apart from the living organism, disease has no existence. Fever, inflammation, pain, discomfort, vertigo, nausea, vomiting, griping, purging, coughing, sneezing, etc., etc., that are considered symptoms of disease, are all actions of the sick organism. They are vital phenomena and do not require treatment.

To suppress diarrhea is to cause the retention in the bowels of the very objectionable materials the diarrhea is designed to expel; to suppress a cough leaves the obstructing and irritating materials in the respiratory passages. This is not intelligent treatment.


If we understand the nature of the phenomena with which we are dealing and its causes and if we realize that time is required for the causes that are operating to impair the organism in which to evolve their effects, we can both understand the urgent need to remove the causes of the suffering of the sick man and the need for time for him to evolve into a state of health. The average chronic sufferer cannot expect to evolve into full health in less than two years and many will require more time than this. A few will require less time.

Knowing this, we can, with patience and determination, launch ourselves into a way of life out of which good health evolves - and stick to it until we have achieved the desired results - and then stick to it to the end, that we may maintain our gains.

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Natural Alternatives for Drugs

You can improve your health, by making changes in your lifestyle and by learning what natural alternatives can be used to replace prescription or over the counter drugs.

Whether you take a drug or natural alternative for an aliment, make an educated decision of whether the benefits outweigh the risks, do your research and learn about the short term and long-term side effects.

When using a natural alternative, be sure to choose a quality product.

Manufacturers of holistic herbal remedies don't use or approve of standardization processing.

The standardization process involves the isolation and concentration of a single ingredient.  This is done with harsh chemicals, traces of which can't be fully removed from the final product.

Drug:  Statins - Lipitor, Crestor and Lovastatin are called HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors, because they reduce cholesterol by inhibiting an enzyme needed for cholesterol production. 

Natural Alternative:  Red Yeast Rice also contains a natural form of HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors, called monacolins, along with other compounds that help reduce cholesterol and improve cardiovascular health. Studies show Red Yeast Rice can significantly lower total and LDL cholesterol levels, and triglycerides.

Drug: NSAIDs like Celebrex, aspirin and ibuprofen do reduce the pain and inflammation of osteoarthritis.

Natural Alternative:  Glucosamine, an amino sugar that is an element of cartilage, is comparable to ibuprofen for symptom relief.  It appears to stimulate cartilage-building cells called chondrocytes.  Studies suggest that glucosamine may reduce the risk of osteoarthritis progression by up to 54%.

Drug: Ambien - Sleep Aide.  As with other pills in its class, this drug may create a dependency and you may not able to sleep without it.

Natural Alternative: Melatonin is a hormone, synthesized in the brain's pineal gland, which regulates the body's sleep patterns. It is one of the most studied natural remedies for insomnia.  And is not habit-forming.

Drug: Restasis is an immune-suppressing and inflammation-suppressing drug, cyclosporine, in an eye drop form. It's used for chronic dry eyes, and works by suppressing the inflammation that disrupts tear secretion.

Natural Alternative: Fish Oil - Omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil can help dry eyes.  Tears contain oil, not having enough oil in your tears; they don't lubricate well and can evaporate too fast.  Having essential omega-3s in your system helps make your tears oilier. Fish oil helps reduce inflammation that can interfere with tear production.

Drug:  Donnatal is prescribed for irritable bowel syndrome. It is an anti-spasmodic, so it relieves pain and cramping.

Natural Alternative:  Peppermint Oil is known to decreases gastrointestinal smooth muscle spasms, reduces abdominal pain, distention and flatulence, and decreases diarrhea in 70% to 80% of patients. People with irritable bowel syndrome also find relief by increasing their intake of soluble fiber, and using probiotics for bloating and abdominal pain.

Drug: Benadryl is a brand name for diphenhydramine, an over the counter antihistamine used to treat hay fever and other nasal allergies. It works by blocking receptor sites for histamine, the biochemical that causes the runny nose and scratchy eyes.

Natural Alternative:  Quercetin is a compound found in many plants. It is considered a natural antihistamine, because it can inhibit release of histamine from certain immune cells. Evidence suggests that quercetin inhibits antigen-stimulated histamine release from mast cells of patients with hay fever. It's also a powerful anti-inflammatory. Also adding bromelain and vitamin C can be helpful.

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Health Benefits Of Broccoli

Broccoli provides a high amount of vitamin C, which aids iron absorption in the body, prevents the development of cataracts, and also eases the symptoms of the common cold.

The folic acid in broccoli helps women sustain normal tissue growth and is often used as a supplement when taking birth control pills and during pregnancies.

The potassium in broccoli aids those battling high blood pressure, while a large amount of calcium helps combat osteoporosis.

The vegetable is also fiber-rich, which enhances the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, as well as aims to reduce blood cholesterol levels.

In recent years, broccoli has made the headlines regarding three components found in the vegetable. For instance, indole-3-carbinol has captured the attention of those looking to prevent hormone-related cancers, such as breast- and prostate cancer.

I3C promotes "good" hormones, while working against destructive ones. The sulforaphane in broccoli also helps to increase the level of enzymes that block cancer, while the beta-carotene in broccoli transforms into vitamin A within the body, providing an effective antioxidant that destroys free radicals (responsible for weakening the defense of cells).

Additionally, the health benefits of broccoli have been linked to preventing and controlling the following medical concerns: Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, calcium deficiencies, stomach and colon cancer, malignant tumors, lung cancer, heart disease, arthritis, and even the aging process.

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Cod Liver Oil - Number "ONE" Super Food

Thanks again to Chris Gupta for his amazing contribution to this newsletter.

This article from the Weston Price foundation is an absolute must read like many on the site. If you do one thing to improve your health than this is it....

...."Eating fish will not provide the levels of nutrients that are found in cod liver oil. Even in heavy fish-eating populations, the addition of cod liver oil improves health."...

Those concerned about "Farm-Raised Salmon-PCB Levels Higher" please note:

..."One concern about taking cod liver oil is the presence of contaminants -- heavy metals (such as mercury, cadmium and lead), PCBs and so forth. Fortunately, consumers need not worry when it comes to cod liver oil. All cod liver oils in the US must be tested according to protocols of the Association of Analytical Communities (AOAC) and approved free of detectable levels of 32 contaminants before they can be imported into this country. Furthermore, mercury is water soluble. It may be present in the flesh of fish, but it is not present in the oil."...

Here are just a few miraculous applications:


A final plum from this most fruitful book regards secondary dentine. Secondary dentine, a less well-organized form of tubular dentine, is produced throughout life as a patching material where cavities have begun, where the overlying enamel has been worn away, and within the pulp chamber as part of the aging process. Sometimes when cavities occur, production of secondary dentine can "heal" the decayed spot or rebuild portions of the tooth that have worn away. If vitamin D is adequate, secondary dentine will be well calcified. If vitamin D is lacking, dentine will be of poor quality or not present at all.

There is some evidence that the mineralization of dentine may depend on calcium derived from saliva rather than blood; in other words, it is deposited from the exterior rather than the interior of the tooth. The book describes studies by Dr. C. L. Pattison who, working with Mrs. Mellanby, determined that the calcium content of saliva doubled or even tripled when the diet contained adequate vitamin D from cod liver oil...


Cod liver oil mixed with zinc oxide is better for the skin than any of the prescription medications, and safer."...
By Krispin Sullivan, CN

Doctor Price was right, as usual. Cod liver oil is very good for you, more than you ever knew. Research studies ranging from 1918-2001 give cod liver oil an A+ rating. This marvelous golden oil contains large amounts of elongated omega-3 fatty acids, preformed vitamin A and the sunlight vitamin D, essential nutrients that are hard to obtain in sufficient amounts in the modern diet. Samples may also naturally contain small amounts of the important bone- and blood-maintainer vitamin K.

There is hardly a disease in the books that does not respond well to treatment that includes cod liver oil, and not just infectious diseases but also chronic modern diseases like heart disease and cancer. Cod liver oil provides vitamin D that helps build strong bones in children and helps prevent osteoporosis in adults. The fatty acids in cod liver oil are also very important for the development of the brain and nervous system. "If you want to prevent learning disabilities in your children," said David Horrobin, distinguished medical and biochemical researcher, "feed them cod liver oil."

Cod liver oil contains more vitamin A and more vitamin D per unit weight than any other common food. One hundred grams of regular cod liver oil provides 100,000 IU of vitamin A, almost three times more than beef liver, the next richest source; and 10,000 IU vitamin D, almost four times more than lard, the next richest source. Of course, cod liver oil is only consumed in small amounts, but even a tablespoon (about 15 grams) provides well over the recommended daily allowance for both nutrients.

In addition, cod liveroil contains 7 percent each of the elongated omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA. EPA is the precursor of important prostaglandins, localized tissue hormones that help the body deal with inflammation; and DHA is extremely important for the development and function of the brain and nervous system. So it's no surprise that in numerous studies cod liver oil has proven to be a powerhouse in fighting disease.


Cod liver oil greatly improves heart function to prevent heart disease and to treat it even in advanced stages, after a heart attack and after heart surgery. Cod liver oil alters the linings of the arteries in such a way as to improve healing after damage.

This is attributed to the omega-3 fatty acids but vitamin A, D and K all have important roles to play in facilitating mineral absorption, improving muscle function and supporting elasticity of the blood vessels. The inflammation-reducing prostaglandins made from EPA help mediate the inflammatory response in the arteries. In other studies the heart-protective effect was associated with changes in the muscle response to serotonin, increasing the heart's ability to "relax.

"1-15 In a study with rats, treatment with cod liver oil actually caused artery-blocking atheromas to become smaller and blood vessel diameter to enlarge.55 Weston Price noted that heart attack deaths increased during periods when the vitamin A content of the diet was low. Cod liver oil can provide vitamin A on a continuous basis throughout the year.

Many of the conditions addressed by cod liver oil are considered related under the title Syndrome X. These include obesity, hypertension, insulin resistance, adult onset diabetes and stroke. Evidence is accumulating that these diseases of civilization are the result of high levels of omega-6 fatty acids and low levels of omega-3 fatty acids along with deficiencies of fat-soluble vitamins. We may be paying a very high price for our rejection of parental wisdom to take our cod liver oil.

In numerous studies, the elongated omega-3 fats found in cod liver oil have been shown to improve brain function, memory, stress response, immune response, allergies, asthma, learning and behavioral disorders, including bipolar syndrome and manic-depression.

Cod liver oil is most famous for contributing to bone health, preventing and reversing rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults.16, 17 Before the discovery of cod liver oil as a source of vitamin D, many children suffered greatly with deformed bones. Osteoporosis responds to vitamin D and to cod liver oil. Sufficient elongated omega-3 oils found in cod liver oil are one of the keys to keeping and rebuilding bone.18, 19 In women, higher levels of vitamin D from cod liver oil improve bone mineral density.20

Two of the symptoms of low levels of vitamin D are bone pain and muscle pain. This may manifest as pain in the legs, muscle weakness and difficulty climbing stairs. Numerous studies have shown improvement in muscle pain, muscle strength and bone pain scores with cod liver oil.40, 41

Cod liver oil is effective in treating arthritis as well. Researchers funded by Great Britain's Arthritis Research Campaign found that the elongated omega-3 fatty acids in cod liver oil reduce both pain and damage in inflamed joints.56

Pregnant women using cod liver oil have infants with a lower risk for juvenile type 1 diabetes.21 This effect was found only in mothers taking cod liver oil, not in mothers taking multivitamin supplements. Cod liver oil taken by nursing mothers improves the fatty acid profile in breast milk to promote optimal brain development and also increases levels of vitamin A to prevent infections. Interestingly, cod liver oil does not provide increased vitamin D in breast milk.23,24

Cod liver oil given to infants after birth and during the first year had no protective effect against type 1 diabetes but it nevertheless is an important source of nutrients for optimal infant health.22 In more than forty trials, vitamin A has been shown to reduce morbidity and mortality of children.25

Cod liver oil was the supplement of choice in many of these trials. Books on feeding infants published in the 1930s and 1940s routinely recommended cod liver oil, starting with 1 teaspoon at the age of three weeks. It was Dr. Spock who threw this wisdom out the window by recommending vaccinations instead of the powerful nutritional support of cod liver oil. Few modern books on infant care mention the importance of the fat-soluble nutrients in this wonderful super food.

As for treating diabetes in adults, cod liver oil has been used in a number of trials with both insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent diabetes. In both conditions cod liver oil improved glucose response and other markers of the disease.26-31 Vitamin A in cod liver oil helps promote healing and protects the retina, both problem areas in the diabetic patient.

Cod liver oil has lowered blood pressure induced by stress-elevated levels of cortisol.32-35 Cod liver oil given to rats reduced intraocular pressure suggesting a use in prevention and treatment of glaucoma.36 Vitamin D in cod liver oil promotes absorption of calcium and magnesium, thereby lowering blood pressure.

Colitis responds more effectively to the type of omega-3 fatty acids in cod liver oil than to medication.37-38 Cod liver oil should be the first protocol for this condition as well as irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn's disease.

Topically applied, cod liver oil contributes to faster wound healing and improvement in skin quality.39 An excellent treatment for diaper rash and other skin conditions is cod liver oil mixed with zinc oxide. And cod liver oil taken orally helps maintain soft skin and minimize wrinkles.

And what about cancer? All the nutrients in cod liver oil help prevent cancer. Vitamin A has been part of every successful alternative cancer therapy so far. In a study in China, use of cod liver oil was found to be protective against childhood leukemia.57 In a study of Norwegian men and women, consumption of cod liver oil was found to protect against lung cancer.58


Eating fish will not provide the levels of nutrients that are found in cod liver oil. Even in heavy fish-eating populations, the addition of cod liver oil improves health.42-43 And taking fish oils is not the same as taking cod liver oil. One tablespoon of regular cod liver oil and one-half tablespoon of high-vitamin cod liver oil provide the amount of elongated omega-3 fatty acids found in twelve 1,000 mg fish oil capsules.

As for vitamin D, body oils of fish can be good sources as long as you are willing to eat a lot of them. One-half pound of fatty herring or sardines gives a dose of vitamin D equal to that of about one tablespoon of cod liver oil. But salmon oil has one-fifth the potency of cod liver oil.

One concern about taking cod liver oil is the presence of contaminants--heavy metals (such as mercury, cadmium and lead), PCBs and so forth. Fortunately, consumers need not worry when it comes to cod liver oil. All cod liver oils in the US must be tested according to protocols of the Association of Analytical Communities (AOAC) and approved free of detectable levels of 32 contaminants before they can be imported into this country. Furthermore, mercury is water-soluble. It may be present in the flesh of fish, but it is not present in the oil.

Another concern is rancidity. Cod liver oil can become rancid if improperly handled. In a 1988 study, peroxide values (indicating rancidity) ranged from a low of 2 to a high of 44.7.44 Nevertheless, properly handled cod liver oil is relatively stable. It contains 21 percent saturated fatty acids and 57 percent monounsaturated fatty acids, which provide stability.

The fishy smell of cod liver oil is due to the presence of small amounts of fish protein and is not a sign of rancidity. To ensure that your cod liver oil is fresh, avoid buying the large economy size or the end-of-season sale item. Buy cod liver oil in small dark bottles and keep them in a cool dark place. Cod liver oil need not be refrigerated after opening if it is used up quickly within two months.

Virtually all cod liver oil imported into the US comes from Norway, and while all of it is safe, there are different grades, depending on vitamin levels. The lighter oil from the "top of the barrel" has a lower molecular weight, goes rancid more quickly and has lower levels of vitamins, while the heavier oil, which sinks, is richer in vitamins.

The heavier oil is what Dr. Price referred to as high-vitamin cod liver oil. It contains double the amounts of vitamin A and D as regular cod liver oil. Virtually all cod liver oil imported into the US is the lighter, "top of the barrel" variety. The Norwegians keep the best for themselves!

Whenever taking cod liver oil, remember the findings of Dr. Price. He noted that he did not get good results from cod liver oil unless he gave it concurrently with high-vitamin butter. Just why this is so is a matter of speculation, but we do know that the very unsaturated fatty acids found in cod liver oil cannot be effectively assimilated and stored in the tissues without the presence of adequate saturated fatty acids, the kind that would be provided by butter.

This means that even regular butter would help support cod liver oil therapy; but Price found that the combination of cod liver oil with high-vitamin butter, from cows eating rapidly growing green grass, was nothing short of miraculous, reversing tooth decay and bringing patients back from the brink of death.

I do not find it hard to take Carlson's cod liver oil on a spoon, but for many, the big challenge is how to get this oily substance down. One technique is to add cod liver oil to a small amount of water or fresh juice, stir and then quickly send it down the hatch. If you can't bring yourself to take cod liver oil on a spoon or in water, then use the capsules. For babies and small children, use an eyedropper.


In researching this article, I had the great fortune to stumble upon a book published in the 1930sit is truly exciting to come upon material found and lost and found again. Ultraviolet Light and Vitamin D in Nutrition, by Katharine Blunt and Ruth Cowan, published by the University of Chicago, contains fascinating material, including a chapter on the research of Mrs. May Mellanby published in 1918 in The Lancet II, page 767.

The book describes the work of scientists E. M. Honeywell, A. F. Hess and C. E. Bills (after which the Bills's Scale for determining antirachitic value for vitamin D is named) who studied all aspects of fish oil potency, production and seasonal distribution. Early in their research they discovered that oil extracted from cod when the fish were fat in the summer contained much lower amounts of vitamin D. Summer oil scored 100 on the Bills scale but winter oil scored above 1,000 and some oils scored 20,000. Their conclusion: "For a fish of a given size, antirachitic potency varies inversely with the amount of fat or oil in the liver." In other words, the less oil in the fish, the more concentrated it was.

In one fascinating study, they found that fish kept in darkened aquariums and fed on trimmed raw veal muscle had the same amount of vitamin D as free-swimming fish exposed to sunlight. So how the fish obtain vitamin D remains a mystery. Perhaps they are able to extract it from microscopic plankton and algae.

It is important to note that the amount of vitamin A in cod liver oil does not have any consistent relation with the amount of vitamin D. In numerous samples, oils rich in vitamin A were poor in vitamin D, and oils rich in vitamin D were poor in vitamin A.

According to the book, in 1922 the US imported about 1.8 million gallons of cod oil and cod liver oil. By 1927 this amount grew to almost 5 million gallons based on data from the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce of the United States Department of Commerce. Cod oil is rancid oil used in the tanning industry, not for human consumption.

The figures don't distinguish the difference, but most of the increase was in the edible cod liver oil due to research showing its benefit in preventing rickets. According to the Commerce Yearbook of 1928, "Medicinal oil production has increased greatly, and the advance in its price has lessened the supply of common cod oil for tanning."

In 2000, America imported only about one tenth that amount (less than half a million gallons), indicating a huge decline in use.

In 1930, when the book was compiled, the technology was just being developed to determine vitamin D potency. The accepted value as of August 31, 1929 was " one rat unit of vitamin D," defined as "that amount of vitamin D which, when uniformly distributed into the standard vitamin D deficient diet-ration, will produce a narrow and continuous line of calcium deposits on the metaphyses of the distal end of the radii and ulnae of standard rachitic rats." "Potent cod liver oil" is defined as that containing one of these rat units per 0.75 mg. The International Units started out as rat units!

Testing of 18 oils in use at that time showed great variations in potency. Luckily today we have methods of standardization and much better methods of transportation and storage to improve the amount of vitamin D and freshness of our cod liver oil.


In 1929, researchers tested a variety of foods for vitamin D content and found the second most potent source of vitamin D was egg yolk. The book describes studies in which Hess both cured and prevented rickets in rats by giving them egg yolks.

He also gave prophylactic treatment to 12 infants to forestall development of rickets in the winter months, which his experience had taught him to expect in the great majority of bottle-fed infants. He gave them one egg yolk added to their regular formula starting in December. None of the 12 developed rickets in March as expected and, unlike prior years, blood phosphates remained stable at summer values.

About this same time, Johns Hopkins University investigators cured seven African-American children of rickets, in most cases severe, by adding one or two eggs daily to their diet of milk and cereal.

Like the vitamin D in cod liver oil, the amount of vitamin D in egg yolks also varies. Researchers in Kansas looked at four groups of hens: one group got sunlight in the yard plus 30 minutes under a quartz mercury vapor lamp producing UV-B light; another got sunlight through glass plus 30 minutes under the lamp; the third group got sunlight alone; and the fourth group got sunlight under glass alone.

Eggs from hens under glass produced rickets in rats. Those with considerable UV-B prevented rickets completely and those with less (no lamp) caused the development of slight rickets. Only the sunlight plus lamp completely prevented rickets, showing that the natural UV-B in Kansas did not provide sufficient light for optimal vitamin D. Giving cod liver oil to the chickens had the same effect as exposure to UV-B light. Cod liver oil as two percent of the ration increased levels of vitamin D in the egg yolks fivefold.

The surprising conclusion is that chickens should either be given sunlamp treatment or cod liver oil. Poultry men and consumers alike need to recognize that the axiom "an egg is an egg" is a mistaken one. Rather, "an inadequate ration may yield impoverished eggs as well as animals." The authors suggest that eggs be graded by vitamin content. What a concept! Too bad no one listened. What would they think of our so-called "organic" eggs from hens raised in barns, never exposed to light and given "all-vegetarian" feed?


The most fascinating part of this little book is the chapter describing the experiments done in England by a Mrs. May Mellanby. Her husband, Dr. E. Mellanby, was the author of over 400 studies and the first to control rickets with diet. Cod liver oil had been used for centuries as a remedy but the specific application to rickets was first demonstrated by Dr. Mellanby. (Control of rickets using UV-B light was demonstrated almost simultaneously by investigators at Columbia and Johns Hopkins University in 1921.) In his research into rickets in dogs, he discovered the mineral-blocking effect of phytic acid in grains and legumes. Dr. Mellanby demonstrated that diets containing high levels of cereals, especially oatmeal, and lacking vitamin D, are the most effective producers of rickets.

If vitamin D is inadequate there is poor tooth development, but Mrs. Mellanby then went on to prove that no matter how much cereal is fed, if vitamin D is adequate tooth formation is normal. Mrs. Mellanby believed that as cereals increase in the diet, vitamin D must also be increased to offset their anticalcifying effects think of the implications of this research on today's baby-feeding habits, where infants are given cereals as their first food but denied egg yolks until they are one year old!

Mrs. Mellanby also determined that vitamin D must be present from conception in order for proper tooth formation to occur. If vitamin D is absent during the early gestational period, the enamel cannot form properly, and it cannot be repaired by giving vitamin D later.

In her initial studies Mrs. Mellanby used dogs as the source of data but she later examined more than one thousand "baby" teeth from children. She divided these teeth into four categoriesnormal, hypoplastic (slightly underdeveloped), moderately underdeveloped and grossly underdeveloped. Only 149, or about 14 percent, of the total 1,036 were sound. About one-quarter was slightly underdeveloped, but nearly two-thirds were moderately or grossly underdeveloped.

It is more difficult to examine teeth in place, but of 266 adult teeth examined by Mrs. Mellanby, not one was sound. The teeth were extracted only for purposes of straightening the teeth, which means that they were erupting in a jaw that was underdeveloped. Thus, children with narrow faces most likely have underdeveloped teeth. Tooth structure and later decay are directly related. Prevention of cavities must start in the womb.



Now that I have told you all this good news about cod liver oil, I need to comment on the research surrounding its possible toxicity. Over-elevated serum levels of vitamin D are a possibility if you combine summer or southern sun and cod liver oil. So if you are spending a lot of time out in the sun during the summer months, it's probably best to cut back on the dose. If you are unsure, you should test your blood levels of vitamin D.

Cod liver oil is no longer recommended in Great Britain and in the US pregnant women are advised to avoid most vitamin A and vitamin A-containing foods, including cod liver oil. Both countries have adopted this policy because of the recognized teratogenicity (may cause birth defects) of retinoic acid, a synthetic form of vitamin A. But low vitamin A also causes birth defects. In the developing countries, such as Brazil, Pakistan and India, vitamin A deficiency is widespread, afflicting millions. A 1992 survey of the US population determined that 50 percent of Americans consume 19 percent or less of the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) or 400 IU.

The original study showing birth defects associated with intake of mostly synthetic vitamin A exceeding 5,000 IU daily was published November 23, 1995 in the New England Journal of Medicine.46 Other studies showing an association of birth defects with vitamin A concerned topical creams containing vitamin A derivatives such as Accutane, or extremely high doses of A used in animal studies.47-52

A later study, less well publicized, from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), found no association with birth defects in women who took up to 10,000 IU of vitamin A during pregnancy. Because few women took more than 10,000 IU, researchers could not determine whether higher doses were a problem.
Later Mills and others continued their research and determined that after serum testing and determining safe serum levels, women taking 30,000 IU of preformed vitamin A from animal foods (not beta-carotene) daily had the same blood levels of A as healthy pregnant women in the first trimester who had healthy babies. The conclusion is that a dosage over 30,000 IU vitamin A daily may be teratogenic for a certain few, but anything up to that amount is safe.53-54

Thus if you are or may become pregnant, limit cod liver oil intake to not more than a total vitamin A value of 30,000 IU. If using my favorite brand, Carlson Labs cod liver oil, that would equal the amount of vitamin A found in 12 teaspoons or 4 tablespoons, more than anyone would ever take. If using high-vitamin cod liver oil, the limit would be 2 tablespoons. Two tablespoons of regular cod liver oil provide 15,000 IU vitamin A, 2600 IU vitamin D and 6 grams of mixed omega-3 fatty acids, safe for pregnancy and good for mom and baby.

There is one situation in which high levels of vitamin A are not recommended and that is the condition of certain types of liver disease in which there is altered vitamin A metabolism. This is frequently the case with alcoholism. Alcoholics should not take high doses (not more than 1-1.5 tablespoons of regular cod liver oil) and what they do take should be accompanied by zinc supplements. The enzymes needed for vitamin A metabolism in the liver are zinc dependent.

The most likely culprits for production of birth defects in humans are topical and oral vitamin A analogs, not cod liver oil. Researchers have criticized the original 1995 study, from which governmental policy has been derived, for overstating the negative effect. Only 1.4 percent took supplements exceeding 10,000 IU a day, not a large enough sample from which to draw conclusions. However, it is important to never combine cod liver oil or vitamin A from supplements with oral or topical medications for acne or other skin disorders treated with retinoic acid derivatives.

If you sunbathe regularly and have found that your vitamin D levels are within the normal range, do not use cod liver oil unless you are willing to test and retest to determine that your blood levels of vitamin D have not gone too high. We do not know enough to say whether or not sunbathing and cod liver oil work synergistically or antagonistically. If you decide to get lots of sun and also use cod liver oil, please send me your vitamin D tests for my continued research. Cod liver oil use is safe in most of the US and all of Canada in winter but it should not be combined with other sources of vitamin D without careful testing and monitoring.


Dr. Price was right . . . we all need to take cod liver oil (and eat plenty of good butter). For growing children, and for almost every disease condition, cod liver oil is the number one super food, the supplement of choice.

1.    Aviram M, Brox J, Nordoy A. Acute effects of dietary cod liver oil and cream on plasma lipoproteins. Ann.Nutr Metab 1986;30:143-8.
2.    Brox JH, Killie JE, Gunnes S, Nordoy A. The effect of cod liver oil and corn oil on platelets and vessel wall in man. Thromb.Haemost. 1981;46:604-11.
3.    Brox JH, Killie JE, Osterud B, Holme S, Nordoy A. Effects of cod liver oil on platelets and coagulation in familial hypercholesterolemia (type IIa). Acta Med.Scand. 1983;213:137-44.
4.    Vognild E, Elvevoll EO, Brox J et al. Effects of dietary marine oils and olive oil on fatty acid composition, platelet membrane fluidity, platelet responses, and serum lipids in healthy humans. Lipids 1998;33:427-36.
5.    Aviram M, Brox J, Nordoy A. Effects of postprandial plasma and chylomicrons on endothelial cells. Differences between dietary cream and cod liver oil. Acta Med.Scand. 1986;219:341-8.
6.    Brox J, Olaussen K, Osterud B et al. A long-term seal- and cod liver oil supplementation in hypercholesterolemic subjects. Lipids 2001;36:7-13.
7.    Skuladottir GV, Gudmundsdottir E, Olafsdottir E et al. Influence of dietary cod liver oil on fatty acid composition of plasma lipids in human male subjects after myocardial infarction. J Intern.Med. 1990;228:563-8.
8.    Schmidt EB, Pedersen JO, Ekelund S, Grunnet N, Jersild C, Dyerberg J. Cod liver oil inhibits neutrophil and monocyte chemotaxis in healthy males. Atherosclerosis 1989;77:53-7.
9.    Shimokawa H, Vanhoutte PM. Dietary cod liver oil improves endothelium-dependent responses in hypercholesterolemic and atherosclerotic porcine coronary arteries. Circulation 1988;78:1421-30.
10.    Shimokawa H, Lam JY, Chesebro JH, Bowie EJ, Vanhoutte PM. Effects of dietary supplementation with cod liver oil on endothelium-dependent responses in porcine coronary arteries. Circulation 1987;76:898-905.
11.    Burchard HU, Tischendorf FW. The effects of the intake of cod liver oil on the blood lipid level, the lipoprotein profile and bleeding time. Z.Ernahrungswiss. 1989;28:84-91.
12.    Gudbjarnason S. Dynamics of n-3 and n-6 fatty acids in phospholipids of heart muscle. J Intern.Med.Suppl 1989;225:117-28.
13.    Gudbjarnason S, Benediktsdottir VE, Skuladottir G. Effects of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on coronary heart disease. Bibl.Nutr Dieta 1989;1-12.
14.    Gudbjarnason S, Oskarsdottir G. Modification of fatty acid composition of rat heart lipids by feeding cod liver oil. Biochim.Biophys.Acta 1977;487:10-5.
15.    Benediktsdottir VE, Gudbjarnason S. Modification of the fatty acid composition of rat heart sarcolemma with dietary cod liver oil, corn oil or butter. J Mol.Cell Cardiol. 1988;20:141-7.

Sidebar articles


Cod liver oil is not the only rich source of vitamins A and D. In 1926 Hess and Weinstock determined that puffer fish liver oil was 15 times more potent than cod liver oil in vitamin D, or what was then called antirachitic factor. On the rating scale with cod liver oil as 100, puffer liver oil posted 1500. (Haddock liver oil posted a lowly 10.)

The best cod liver oil replacement for Americans is the burbot or Lota lota, a fish found extensively in most of the Great Lakes. The burbot was not typically consumed as a food in the US, but burbot liver oil was found to be eight times as active as cod liver oil, scoring 800 on the antirachitic Bills scale.

Commonly called "lawyers" in the Great Lakes region, the burbot is a mottled olive-green fish weighing 1-3 pounds and measuring 15-22 inches. These elongated, cylindrical, freshwater codfish inhabit most waters of Alaska, Canada and northern United States as well as corresponding latitudes of Eurasia. Despite the burbot's homely form, its meat is palatable and nutritious and considered a delicacy in Scandinavia.

Early Great Lakes fishermen derided the burbot as trash fish. In the middle of the 20th century, the Great Lakes burbot populations declined under the onslaught of the sea lamprey. Today, however, burbot are returning to the lakes in increasing numbers. Burbot spawn under the midwinter ice, usually in one to four feet of water, though sometimes deeper. By midsummer, they move out to the cool depths of the lake, where they roam the open waters with lake trout, lake whitefish and other deepwater fish.

Many knowledgeable fishermen savor burbot. When boiled and buttered, the sweet flavor of burbot has earned it the title of "poor man's lobster." Though they continue to have an undeserved reputation as "trash fish," the commercial harvest of burbot from Green Bay and northern Lake Michigan increased nearly fivefold during the early 1980s to a total of nearly 100,000 pounds annually. Perhaps it's time to look into the burbot as a commercial source of high-vitamin oil. Of course it will be important to test the oil for the presence of heavy metals and pesticides. Development of a domestic source of high-vitamin fish liver oil provides additional incentive to clean up the Great Lakes!


If pregnant or pregnancy is possible, limit cod liver oil intake to not more than 30,000 IU A per day. Two tablespoons of regular cod liver oil, one tablespoon high-vitamin cod liver oil is a dose that is safe and adequate for pregnant women and, in fact, all adults. There is no indication that anyone needs a dose of cod liver oil exceeding two tablespoons except in certain special circumstances. More is not better.

Infants and growing children can tolerate higher-per-pound doses of vitamin D and cod liver oil. Recommended dosages are as follows: one teaspoon from birth to six months, two teaspoons from six months to three years, one tablespoon from 4-10 years and two tablespoons thereafter during winter months or when not sunning.

Never combine sources of vitamin A. Vitamin A and its derivatives are found in skin lotions and creams, oral medications and vitamin supplements. The 30,000 IU limit is from all sources.

If you sun regularly and spend winter months in the South, you need to find another way to get elongated fatty acids (such as organ meats). You really do not want too much vitamin D. High doses of cod liver oil are used to promote atherosclerosis in animal studies. Too much D is too much D.

When using a UV-B meter and sunning to raise vitamin D, you will need the Vitamin D and Sunlight protocol. Cod liver oil can be reduced or eliminated depending on your location and exposure times.

Cod liver oil mixed with zinc oxide is better for the skin than any of the prescription medications, and safer.

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NSAIDs - NonSteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs - Beware!

I have preached in the past about the dangers of using NSAIDs and why I'm so strongly against using them. 

This article points straight out the risk you take by using these types of drugs.

I've had conversations with people about the risks involved using these and other drugs.  And this statement is always brought up, "possible side effects could be 1 in 1,000 people using the drug…."  My response is simply, What if you're that 1 person?

No medicines are entirely risk free of serious health problems, not even the ones bought over the counter.

There are natural solutions to health problems.  We must find and treat the cause, not just cover up the symptoms.

NSAIDs, or NonSteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs, are available over-the-counter (OTC) or with a prescription from your doctor and are used to relieve pain, inflammation, and stiffness.  Because of this, they are widely used to help treat arthritis.

All prescription NSAIDs, have the same cardiovascular warning: they may increase the chance of heart attack or stroke, which can lead to death.

Current over-the-counter NSAIDs include:
    Aspirin compounds
    Ketoprofen (such as Orudis)
    Ibuprofen (such as Motrin, Advil, Nuprin and Medipren)
    Naproxen sodium (such as Aleve)

Prescription NSAID
    Celebrex (for an example, there are many different NSAID drugs)

What are the uses and your risks using these drugs?

- Aspirin compounds (such as Anacin, Ascriptin, Bayer, Bufferin and Excedrin)

Aspirin is in a group of drugs called salicylates. It works by reducing substances in the body that cause pain, fever, and inflammation.

Possible side effects associated with aspirin include:
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • stomach pain 
  • heartburn
  • abdominal burning
  • gastritis
  • serious gastrointestinal bleeding
  • liver toxicity
  • stomach ulcers and bleeding without abdominal pain
  • ringing in the ears (usually is dose dependent)
  • rash
  • kidney problems
  • dizziness or lightheadedness

- Ketoprofen (such as Orudis)

Ketoprofen is in a group of drugs called nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Ketoprofen works by reducing hormones that cause inflammation and pain in the body.  It is also used to treat menstrual pain.

Possible side effects include:
  • Nausea
  • Abdominal pain (stomach pain)
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Gas
  • Decreased appetite
  • Vomiting
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Depression
  • Insomnia
  • Ringing in the ears (tinnitus)
  • Unexplained rash
  • Vision problems
  • Ulcer in the stomach or intestines (peptic ulcer).

Get emergency medical help as soon as possible if you experience any of the following symptoms:
  • Chest pain
  • Shortness of breath
  • Weakness on one part of your body
  • Slurred speech

Allergic reactions, such as:
  • Swelling of the face or body
  • Blisters
  • Unexplained skin rash
  • Wheezing
  • Difficulty breathing

Stomach or intestine problems, including bleeding, ulcers, or a hole (known as a perforation).  Liver damage, which can cause:
  • Nausea
  • Fatigue
  • Yellowing of the skin or whites of the eyes (jaundice)
  • Excessive tiredness

  • Kidney problems, including kidney failure
  • Fluid retention or unexplained weight gain
  • Congestive heart failure

Because ketoprofen can increase the risks for major or life-threatening bleeding, contact your healthcare provider immediately if you notice any unusual bleeding or have any of the following symptoms:
  • Bloody nose
  • Black, tarry stools
  • Blood in the urine or stools
  • Vomiting blood
  • Red or purple spots on the skin (purpura)
  • High blood pressure (hypertension)
  • Allergic reaction
  • Anemia
  • Unexplained bleeding
  • Impotence (also known as erectile dysfunction or ED)
  • Anxiety
  • Weight changes
  • Hair loss (alopecia)
  • Migraine
  • Spinning sensation (vertigo)
  • Asthma

- Ibuprofen (such as Motrin, Advil, Nuprin and Medipren)

Ibuprofen is used for, to treat general pain, as well as pain caused by a strained muscle or inflammation in a tendon (tendonitis) or bursa (bursitis). 

Treatment of arthritis symptoms, including pain, stiffness, and swelling. While people may use ibuprofen to treat several different types of arthritis (including osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis), the medication does not cure these types of arthritis, nor does it change their progression. 

Treatment of painful menstrual periods and temporary relief of fever.

Possible side effects include:

The most common ibuprofen side effects include:
  • Nausea
  • Abdominal pain (stomach pain)
  • Heartburn
  • Dizziness
  • Unexplained rash

Other side effects, occurring in more than 1 percent of people, include but are not limited to:
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Indigestion
  • Constipation
  • Stomach cramps
  • Bloating
  • Gas
  • Headache
  • Nervousness
  • Ringing in the ears (tinnitus)
  • Decreased appetite
  • Swelling

Get emergency medical help by calling 911 as soon as possible if you experience any of the following symptoms:
  • Chest pain
  • Shortness of breath
  • Weakness on one part of your body
  • Slurred speech

Other serious side effects of ibuprofen include but are not limited to:
  • Allergic reactions, such as:
  • Swelling of the face or body
  • Blisters
  • Unexplained skin rash
  • Wheezing
  • Difficulty breathing

Stomach or intestinal problems, including bleeding, ulcers, or a hole (known as a perforation)
  • Liver damage, which can cause:
  • Nausea
  • Fatigue
  • Yellowing of the skin or whites of the eyes (jaundice)
  • Excessive tiredness
  • Kidney problems, including kidney failure
  • Fluid retention or unexplained weight gain
  • Congestive heart failure

Because ibuprofen can increase the risk of major or life-threatening bleeding, contact your doctor immediately if you notice any unusual bleeding or have any of the following symptoms:
  • Bloody nose
  • Black, tarry stools
  • Blood in the urine or stools
  • Vomiting blood
  • Red or purple spots on the skin

These rare side effects include but are not limited to:
  • Ulcer in the stomach or intestines (peptic ulcer)
  • Hepatitis
  • High liver enzymes
  • Depression
  • Insomnia
  • Hair loss
  • Hearing problems
  • Problems with vision, such as blurred vision or changes in color vision
  • High blood pressure (hypertension)
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Dry eyes and mouth
  • Meningitis

- Naproxen sodium (such as Aleve)

Naproxen is used to relieve pain and swelling (inflammation) from various conditions. It is used to treat headaches, muscle aches, backaches, tendonitis, dental pain, and menstrual cramps. It also reduces pain, swelling, and joint stiffness caused by arthritis, bursitis, and gout attacks.

Possible side effects include:

The most common side effects of naproxen:
  • Heartburn
  • Stomach pain
  • Nausea
  • Constipation
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Drowsiness
  • Itching
  • Unexplained rash
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Shortness of breath
  • Fluid retention

Get emergency medical help as soon as possible if you experience any of the following symptoms:
  • Chest pain
  • Shortness of breath
  • Weakness on one side of your body
  • Slurred speech

Other potentially serious side effects include but are not limited to:

Allergic reactions, such as:
  • Swelling of the face or body
  • Blisters
  • Unexplained skin rash
  • Wheezing 
  • Difficulty breathing

Stomach or intestine problems, such as:
  • Bleeding
  • Ulcers
  • A hole (known as a perforation)

Liver damage, which can cause:
  • Nausea
  • Fatigue
  • Yellowing of the skin or whites of the eyes (jaundice)
  • Excessive tiredness

Kidney problems, including kidney failure
  • Fluid retention or unexplained weight gain (see Naproxen and Weight Gain)
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Feeling that the pill is stuck in your throat

Because naproxen can increase your risk of major or life-threatening bleeding, contact your healthcare provider immediately if you notice any unusual bleeding or have any of the following symptoms:
  • Bloody nose
  • Black, tarry stools
  • Blood in the urine or stools
  • Vomiting blood
  • Red or purple spots on the skin.

Example of prescription NSAID:

- Celebrex

Celebrex is used for, Acute pain relief, such as for pain following a procedure or muscle strain. 

Treatment of arthritis symptoms, including pain, stiffness, and swelling. Celebrex can be used to treat several different types of arthritis, including osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and ankylosing spondylitis. However, the medication is not an arthritis cure.

Treatment of painful menstrual periods.

This warning is posted on the Celebrex website:



Cardiovascular Risk

Celebrex may cause an increased risk of serious cardiovascular thrombotic events, myocardial infarction, and stroke, which can be fatal. All nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may have a similar risk. This risk may increase with duration of use. Patients with cardiovascular disease or risk factors for cardiovascular disease may be at greater risk.
Celebrex is contraindicated for the treatment of perioperative pain in the setting of coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery.

Gastrointestinal Risk

NSAIDs, including Celebrex, cause an increased risk of serious gastrointestinal adverse events including bleeding, ulceration, and perforation of the stomach or intestines, which can be fatal. These events can occur at any time during use and without warning symptoms. Elderly patients are at greater risk for serious gastrointestinal events.

Possible side effects include:

Most common side effects of Celebrex include:
  • High blood pressure (hypertension)
  • Diarrhea
  • Fever
  • Indigestion or heartburn
  • Upper respiratory tract infection (such as the common cold)
  • Upper abdominal (stomach) pain
  • Nausea
  • Cough

Other common side effects included but were not limited to:
  • Gas
  • Accidental injury
  • Dizziness
  • Runny or irritated nose
  • Sinus infection or irritation
  • Sore throat
  • Vomiting
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)

Serious Side Effects

Some Celebrex side effects occur less frequently, but are more serious. These problems include but are not limited to:
  • Cardiovascular problems, including heart attack or stroke
  • Stomach or intestinal problems, including bleeding, ulcers, or a hole (known as a perforation)
  • Liver damage
  • Kidney problems, including kidney failure
  • Fluid retention
  • Swelling of the arms or legs
  • Rapid weight gain
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Allergic reactions (such as a rash, itching, hives, difficulty breathing, or swelling of the mouth or throat).

Rare Side Effects

Because these side effects are so uncommon, it is difficult to tell whether they were caused by the medication or something else.

These possible side effects of Celebrex include but are not limited to:
  • Constipation
  • Heartburn
  • Herpes infection
  • Middle ear infection (otitis media)
  • Migraine
  • Weight gain (see Celebrex and Weight Gain)
  • Muscle pain (myalgia)
  • Depression
  • Anemia
  • Hair loss

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Fats and Cholesterol 

What is fat?

Fat is actually an essential nutrient, and a very small amount is needed on a daily basis to maintain normal body function.  The body needs about 15 grams of fat a day, or the equivalent of 1 teaspoon of fat.  Americans generally take in about 5 tablespoons of fat a day, or about 75 grams.  Cholesterol can be thought of a measure of dietary fat intake as it is found in the blood.  Therefore, measured blood levels of cholesterol are a reflection of the dietary fat intake.  Fats can actually be broken down into different forms. 

Saturated Fats - Are fats derived primarily from animal sources such as beef and similar products.  These fats are hard at room temperature, such as the fat ring, or bark, on the outer edge of a nice T-bone or New York strip steak.  Saturated fats are the  type you generally would like to avoid.  Saturated fats should be limited to less than or equal to less than 10% of total calories per day.
Unsaturated Fats - Can be further divided into monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat.  Polyunsaturated can be further divided into omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.  Generally, unsaturated fats come from plant sources such as canola oil, olive, and similar products.  It is recommended that you replace saturated fats with monounsaturated fats whenever possible as these are thought to be generally helpful from a health standpoint.
Trans Fatty Acids - Is used in the production of many foods such as peanut butter and oils used for cooking french-fries and donuts.  Essentially, a trans fatty acid is an unsaturated fat turned into a saturated fat.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids - Are found in fish oils and are thought to be very beneficial to cardiovascular health.  Omega-3 fatty acids reduce the tendency of blood to clot, and help the heart maintain a steady rhythm.  They also reduce the bodies inflammatory response which is thought to reduce the likelihood of atherosclerotic plaque breaking off and clogging an artery.  

Omega-6 Fatty Acids - These are similar to omega-3 fatty acids, but and are essential for providing linolenic acid.  Generally, omega-3 fatty acids are preferred over omega-6 fatty acids. 

What is Cholesterol?

As previously mentioned, cholesterol is the level of fat within the blood and is a reflection of the dietary intake of fats.  There are two types of cholesterol.

LDL, Low Density Lipoprotein, is also known as the "BAD" cholesterol.  These are produced from eating saturated fats and trans fatty acids, and are the type that increase the chances of heart disease and atherosclerosis.  
HDL, High Density Lipoprotein, is also known as "GOOD" cholesterol.  These are your olive and canola oils, and essentially lower the levels of saturated fats (LDL) in the blood stream and are therefore good for cardiovascular health.  

How do I know which foods have what kind of fat?

Below are some common examples of each kind of fat.  The red are bad and the green are thought of as good or healthy.
Type of Fat  Found In Health Effects


Animal fats like read meat and chicken fat and skin.  Butter, cheese and other high-fat dairy products, palm and coconut oil

Raises LDL cholesterol levels, increases risk of heart disease, and  may increase risk of colon and prostate cancer.

Trans Fatty Acid

French fries and other deep fried food, stick margarine, shortening, packaged  cookies and crackers, processed snacks and sweets. 

Raises  LDL cholesterol levels, Lowers HDL levels, increases risk of heart disease, and may increase risk of breast cancer


Olive, canola, and safflower oils, also avocados, olives, peanut butter (without added trans fatty acids), many kinds of nuts including almonds, cashews, pecans, pistachios. 

Lowers LDL levels, may help to reduce blood pressure and lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease, stroke and some cancers. 

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Fatty fish such as salmon, white albacore tuna, mackerel, anchovies, sardines.  Small amounts in walnut, flaxseed, canola and soybean oils.  Dark green leafy vegetables. 

Reduces blood clotting and inflammation which both contribute to heart attacks and strokes.  May reduce risk of some cancers.

Omega-6 Fatty Acids

Corn, soybean and cottonseed oils. These are often found in mayonnaise, margarine and salad dressings. 

Lowers LDL levels, however, they may also lower HDL levels as well.  May reduce risk of heart disease.

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The Filthy Five
EWG:  Lists the Most Pesticide-Poisoned Fruits and Vegetables
By Consumer Health Advocate, Frank Mangano

Despite the rising Dow Jones Industrial Average on Wall Street lately – rising above 9,000 for the first time since January – the folks on Main Street aren’t bearing much fruit, with local yokels still suffering from the country’s fiscal crisis.

With this in mind, I’m well aware that many people aren’t able to afford purchasing organic fruits and vegetables over traditional produce (organic produce can cost anywhere from 10 to 40 percent more than the traditional stuff).  But if you’re preparing a dish or are craving a fruit, there are certain fruits and vegetables that you should try and buy organically because they’re so stricken with pesticides.

Every year the Environmental Working Group conducts tens of thousands of tests on various fruits and vegetables to see which ones contain the highest pesticide load when they reach supermarket shelves.  The higher the score, the more poisoned it is with pesticides.  So, without further ado, I present to you five of the worst offenders.  I like to call them “The Filthy Five.”


Unfortunately, the peach is a perpetual offender.  For at least the past two years (maybe more), the EWG has given the peach a ranking of 100 on the pesticide load list:  the highest possible ranking!  The fuzzy fruit is packed with vitamin C, beta-carotene, potassium, so they’re not something you should simply not buy.  Just buy them organically.


With a pesticide load score of 93, the old “apple a day” cliché may not have the same cachet as it once did.  It’s health properties still hold, though, when they’re certified organic (as I’ve written in the past, apples are great for heart health, thanks to their high levels of pectin and quercetin).

Sweet Bell Peppers

The pepper ain’t so sweet with a score of 83 on the pesticide load list. But you can’t do without peppers in your daily diet, particularly if you’re deficient in vitamin C.  Peppers contain more of this vital vitamin than oranges or strawberries (the yellow ones have the highest vitamin C yield).


Believe it or not, these innocent sticks of chewy goodness are often plagued with pesticides (a pesticide load score of 82).  One of the few vegetables that have a long shelf life (at least two weeks when stored in the fridge), they also prolong brain life, as they’re packed with the brain-saving flavonoid luteolin, which has been linked to Alzheimer’s prevention.


Rounding out “The Filthy Five” is the peach’s follicly-challenged sibling.  It was bested (or should I say “worsted”?) by celery by one point, coming in with a pitiful pesticide score of 81. 

The nutritional difference between nectarines and peaches are negligible; it all boils down to whether you prefer your stone fruit fuzzy and soft (peach) or bald and firm (nectarine).

Other pesticide-offending produce include strawberries, cherries, kale and lettuce.  So keep these fruits and vegetables in mind when picking produce.

Now, if the Environmental Working Group investigates pesticide-laden produce, that also leaves open those that aren’t so bad.  In part two, we’ll take a look at the fruits and vegetables you can afford to eat non-organically, or what I like to call, “The Felicitous Five.” 

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The Felicitous Five
EWG:  Best Vegetables to Buy When They’re Not Organic
By Consumer Health Advocate, Frank Mangano

In The Filthy Five, we delved into P3: Pesticide-poisoned produce, as defined by the Environmental Working Group. We’ll now talk about the produce that your health – and that of your wallet’s – can afford to buy, as these fruits and vegetables aren’t so packed with soil-destroying chemicals. They’re what I like to call “The Felicitous Five.”


Though they’re not exactly the best breath freshener, they’re exceptionally fresh and clean of pesticides, clocking in with a one on the pesticide load list (remember, the lower the score, the better it is in overall cleanliness of pesticides).   Good thing, too, as onions are comparable to apples in quercetin content (quercetin is a flavonoid known for its anti-cancer and heart health properties), and may help prevent osteoporosis.


The only fruit with a healthy dose of monounsaturated fat, avocados match onions in pesticide freedom (scoring one on the overall pesticide load list).  In fact, according to the EWG, avocados were the most likely fruit not to have even a trace of pesticide residue!  How ‘bout them apples?


Perhaps the most plentiful vegetable in America today (if you drive through the midsection of the country, you’ll understand why I say this), it’s not so plentiful in pesticide count (two on the pesticide load list).  And while corn is not the most nutritious of vegetables in my book (it scores pretty high on the glycemic index), it’s still a worthy selection for eye and heart health, whether the nibblets are frozen or off the cob (the Environmental Working Group tested frozen corn nibblets).


In a distant fourth (seven on the pesticide load list) is one of the few healthy selections you’ll find on the typical Szechuan restaurant menu list:  pineapple.  Exclusive to Hawaii in U.S. production, they’re one of a select number of foods containing the enzyme bromelain.  Bromelain’s anti-inflammatory prowess makes pineapple a wonder fruit for improving digestion and immune system function (bromelain’s often been used as a natural treatment for muscle injuries).


Rounding out The Felicitous Five is another tropical fruit – though indigenous to India – the mango.  Mangoes scored a nine on the EWG’s pesticide load list, but score a “10” in nutrient content:  High in vitamins A, B and C, and minerals like potassium, calcium, and iron.  One other thing about mangoes:  On a per day basis, they’re the most widely consumed fresh fruit in the world.  Maybe that’s why they’re called the “King of Fruits.”

Other noteworthy produce selections include asparagus, sweet peas, kiwi, and cabbage.  After that, the pesticide load starts to get pretty high (in the 20 range).

In case you’re curious, the EWG’s methodology was based on six criteria, like the percentage of samples with pesticide residue, percentage of samples with more than just pesticide residue (e.g. multiple pesticides found when examined), and the total number of pesticides found on a sample. 

So there you have it – The five best fruits to buy when you can’t afford to buy the best (i.e. organic).  In a perfect world, we’d all buy organically.  But given the state of affairs, and prices being what they are, these are your best bets when hitting the traditionally-grown produce section.

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